Why don't women enjoy vidya as much as men do?

Why don't women enjoy vidya as much as men do?

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i do tho

Because most men are losers.

dunno, probably low test and low IQ
they don't have the exploring/adventuring instinct and lack problem solving skills on the average

When I was a little girl I played old /vr/ shit constantly. Now that I'm 20 I don't care anymore. Any amusement I previously had has died out.

Nunquam sis mulier

One of my cousins is really into bishojo games, does that count?

>conveniently ignores all the women who play video games

Why are cunts so bad at reading?

>It is only the man whose intellect is clouded by his sexual instinct that could give that stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped, and short-legged race the name of the fair sex; for the entire beauty of the sex is based on this instinct. One would be more justified in calling them the unaesthetic sex than the beautiful. Neither for music, nor for poetry, nor for fine art have they any real or true sense and susceptibility, and it is mere mockery on their part, in their desire to please, if they affect any such thing.

>This makes them incapable of taking a purely objective interest in anything, and the reason for it is, I fancy, as follows. A man strives to get direct mastery over things either by understanding them or by compulsion. But a woman is always and everywhere driven to indirect mastery, namely through a man; all her direct mastery being limited to him alone. Therefore it lies in woman’s nature to look upon everything only as a means for winning man, and her interest in anything else is always a simulated one, a mere roundabout way to gain her ends, consisting of coquetry and pretence. Hence Rousseau said, Les femmes, en général, n’aiment aucun art, ne se connoissent à aucun et n’ont aucun génie (Lettre à d’Alembert, note xx.). Every one who can see through a sham must have found this to be the case. One need only watch the way they behave at a concert, the opera, or the play; the childish simplicity, for instance, with which they keep on chattering during the finest passages in the greatest masterpieces. If it is true that the Greeks forbade women to go to the play, they acted in a right way; for they would at any rate be able to hear something. In our day it would be more appropriate to substitute taceat mulier in theatro for taceat mulier in ecclesia; and this might perhaps be put up in big letters on the curtain.

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competing with other males is your brains way of securing the best mate
the female has no such drive, because she has no need to compete to successfully reproduce
attractiveness and manipulation are the sole methods she has of securing a sponsor for her offspring

>words words words

Why are cunts so bad at reading?

Notice how he didn't say 'all women'.

Words of wisdom.

Is it me or has there been a notable increase in LiS posting here lately?

I have no sides and I can't breathe

based schopenhauer

why is the bully character hotter than the other girls?


Video games are an exercise in abstract problem solving and women aren't really interested in that sort of thing
They will play puzzle games and maybe platformers where the objective is plain to see but when it gets beyond that they usually get bored.

Writer cope

women do not have souls. this is why i believe trans women are real women, they are defective men born with defective souls, severing their link to the male spirit. they have far more in common with femoids than men

>You are not an evil human; you are not without intellect and education; you have everything that could make you a credit to human society. Moreover, I am acquainted with your heart and know that few are better, but you are nevertheless irritating and unbearable, and I consider it most difficult to live with you. All of your good qualities become obscured by your super-cleverness and are made useless to the world merely because of your rage at wanting to know everything better than others; of wanting to improve and master what you cannot command.

>With this you embitter the people around you, since no one wants to be improved or enlightened in such a forceful way, least of all by such an insignificant individual as you still are; no one can tolerate being reproved by you, who also still show so many weaknesses yourself, least of all in your adverse manner, which in oracular tones, proclaims this is so and so, without ever supposing an objection. If you were less like you, you would only be ridiculous, but thus as you are, you are highly annoying.

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No one is ready for the real solution to the tranny problem

>severing their link to the male spirit. they have far more in common with femoids than men
Then why there are lots of tranny programmers and speedrunners while females are almost non existent? They are mental ill men, nothing else.

tl;dr Saturdays are for the BOYS

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Note how the femoid is unable to come up with an actual critique of his arguments and all she says is "You're right all the time and you're being mean about it".


Thanks bro.


post it

My sister used to play Pokemon when we were little, then she "grew out" of games
She used to like video games and softball but she's just another vapid whore now, very sad

>stop that you are sooo annoying!
>really like just stop talking, no one cares about that Arthur
women never change

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Environment can shape mental health easily


post feet

btt: women don’t enjoy anything. they are pathetic and jealous of us men that we can enjoy simple things like vidya

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>response is an appeal to popularity and not an argument of the point presented
You know what, I actually believe this is something a woman would say.

>used to play video games
>was a sprinter
>played softball
>in accelerated learning
>dug in the dirt for worms and collected bugs
>by all means a tomboy
>now just sit in mom's basement shitposting on Yea Forums and getting jealous of vapid whores
Where did it go so wrong?

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because autism is very rare in women

Go away!

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erping in mmos doesn't count

Becaise they couldn't play video games without crashing it like a parasites to its host. They shouldn't play to begin with.

it's incredible that even as a rebutal to this she cannot make an argument beyond ad-hominem

they do, it's just that they raided this hobby on it's decline. By the time most of them got in, it was a whole normie fest and western fags started to ruin vidya with their open world and D&D garbage.
But really, who even enjoys vidya these days? One japanese guy made a fun and engaging open world game and suddenly the whole west is going up in flames. It's just a sad display

what games you playing?

>it's just that they raided this hobby on it's decline.
Why didn't they enjoy it as much as men before the decline?

Before the decline it was arcade games. Do you really expect them to be playing them instead? Standing for a long hours in front of big screen and controller just to see numbers and stuffs go up?

why do I enjoy Rachel so much

video games are about challenging yourself and having the mental capacity to accept a virtual world, women hate risk and prolonged thought so naturally they are repelled by vidya

She actually said that. She was an evil bitch that only got famous because Goethe endorsed her, also drove her husband to suicide and burned his fortune, one of the reasons Arthur didn't get along with her very well.

Why won't any of the modelers give her higher poly hair to match the fucking high quality bodies they put these LIS chars on? They'll go through great lengths to add more details to the faces but won't touch the damn hairs at all. It looks like they're wearing clay on their head.

games were a niche and most people didn't care for it or stigmatized it heavily. Women are extremely social-focused creatures. They exclusively agree with the hivemind to not get ostracized from their social groups

How many people played GTA SA?

Women are fundamentally different. They live different lives from day one. I don't quite understand it, but I know that they simply do not have the same interests as men. There is not a woman alive who shares my sincere enthusiasm for games, there is always some secondary motivation. I think it's attention. Sure, you have women streamers and you hear about women in social games like WoW. But that's just it, it's because it's mainstream now. It was a joke only like 10 years ago or whatever. Hell even women on the computer at all was a joke before facebook.

all the normalfag fifa retards did. And it's clear as day how that's their entire extent of vidya knowledge.
I watched a video about why games suck these days few days ago. That retard was hyping up shit like Nascar 06. No fucking wonder vidya today is utter garbage

reminder that this crazy bitch puched her son down the stairs because she was jelous of her sons success and intelect, and when based schopenhauer stood up, he prophesied that in the future, she would only be known for being the mother of Schopenhauer, and judging how the only reason she ever gets quoted is for her relationship with her son and not her works, it proved Schopenhauer right

Are you saying they are fucking animals?

no, that would make a furry

Whatever you assume to be true with 100% conviction , becomes your reality,you have all the power.
"according to your faith be it unto you"

rise above your autopilot mind and,
"be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind"

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