Brutally MOGS Elden Ring
Brutally MOGS Elden Ring
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Bizarro world thread?
This game doesn't even mog Elex 2.
oh yeah go girl
lmao it's not even the best game on that engine
Such a funny face
>*wiggles ears*
>first game bombed thanks to BotW
>second game bombed thanks to Elden Ring
Japs BTFOing woke westacuck devs left and right will never stop being funny
Ever since i saw her tits i don't hate her. It's like a switch was flipped in my brain. Males are crazy bros...
*blows elden ring out of the swamp water*
Wins GOTY.
It would've bombed no matter what time of year it was released desu
>stabs a beaten white man in the back
the guerilla devs publically crying about it on twitter made it so much better though
>white man kneels while moniority sneaks up behind and stabs him
god who actually buys this trite
Why is every bad guy in these games white? Like, I usually don't even complain much about woke games but it's so blatant
i've never seen gameplay of this stupid game
Forgotten faster than remember me
It does?
I'm serious. I'm playing Elden Ring and I'm in the mood for another amazing open world game.
Um, that's not the sales numbers say, sweaty.
It's even better than that.
His boss battle starts at 4:23 and as you can see he just stays still while the player character shoots arrows at his head.
The best part? He's the game's equivalent of Frank Horrigan or Malphas, the sadistic, brute enforcer and right hand man for the main antagonist.
in a bizzaro world we wuld have this
that has to be a bug or some shit what the fuck
I noticed that Sony has made more tweets about Elden Ring than they have for ugly ginger game.
Did they purposefully make that "Boss fight" shit just so they could give the honor to a black women?
See chuds, this is why western white developers deserve to be CELEBRATED! BRAVE! BRAVO! BRAVE! BRAVO!
>Barely any fan art, only 3D bullshit and like a handful of SFM
it's dead, I've seen games with no sexually explicit content with MORE pornographic fan art. People simply are not interested. It's a middling game like every product Guerilla Games has ever made. Solid 7/10 just like the Killzone games.
Horizon is better fuck niggers
>racist /pol/chud has shit opinion
not surprised
It's a bug.
>already forgotten
I'll consider torrenting when an attractive MC mod comes out.
It was forgotten before it even came out since everyone just wanted to play/ talk about Elden ring this even real?
the animations are so bad
Nice try. Game was so boring I put the difficulty on lowest and rushed the main story, then sold the fucking game
so hideous, her hair looks greasy as hell
ugly white trash of america
Even snoy knows Horizon forbidden fun is a shit game.
Horizon is an example of a franchise that doesn't have "organic" growth; it's heavily promoted and kind of forced down people's throats, even when people don't react to it.
Meanwhile TLOU is the very opposite: they got heavily promoted by Sony but only after it became popular because it resonated with people due to a mix of being released around the zombie media craze and people sympathizing with a man protecting his daughter from a hostile world.
>Gamea no one played:
>Horizon Forbidden West
>Tiny Tinas Wonderlands
>Far Cry 6
>Call of Duty Vanguard
Remember when they paid money to put her as a character in genshin? No one even uses her.
All these hillbillies crying because the entitled white villain gets his from an indigenous person of color. Native Americans should have done this on a daily basis to the Army.
Man, how did someone not called it out on a meeting board? Unless they wanted you to question the killer, this is just wrong. Stabbing on the back on a defeated opponent is not the hero approach. Politics aside, this is just plain wrong.
he's a white male so it's ok
I honestly feel bad for anyone who saw this and thought it was an impactful story moment.
>the game that doesnt know how to shut the fuck up beating out anyone
You almost had me.
why do people continue to post this? everyone knows Julius Caesar never conquered the British, he didn't even really make it past the beach
>Super powerful god-like future tech
>Dies to a sharpened stick
Lol then why didn't they?
Oh yeah, I remember the "cute Alloy!" shitposting.
In my humble opinion as someone who mostly plays Japanese games but still like some western games, the problem is that Horizon has too many bad design decisions behind it:
- Games super popular with normies like TLOU Uncharted, Gears of War back then or the 3D modern Fallout games have either a gritty, realistic art-style and atmosphere that wouldn't be out of place on a Hollywood movie, or a gritty, industrial atmosphere and artstyle that wouldn't be out of place on a science fiction Hollywood movie. Meanwhile Horizon has a bizarre world design and artsytle that looks both ugly and unrealistic at the same time. The characters' clothes, the building, the maps, everything looks like Marvel movie CG on alpha estate, or like a stage play where the prop department "simulates" a science fiction setting and costumes.
- Alloy is just an unlikable protagonist. Marcus Fenix, Joel or 2017 Kratos may be gruff mc badass characters but still they had some amount of depth to them, they had internal demons or were tormented to some degree. Alloy is just a gruff serious no fun allowed Mary Sue no one finds interesting or feel compelled to empathize with.
- Writing and characterization: take the time to watch cutscenes from both Horizon games: the dialog, the characters' body languages and reactions, the animations, everything looks robotic, made of cardboard. It's not even quip quirky pretentious shit like what you see on the Marvel movies but literal The Room acting.
At least that's how I see it.
It really is an accomplishment to turn me off this much from gaming. I'm not even being an elitist, these games are just not interesting. It's like giving a fan of opera tickets to see a trap/rap show. Like, what are you even doing nigga?
bong cope
I think there's a more glaring issue.
They had the opportunity to make a game about robot dinosaurs, and then they didn't make a game about robot dinosaurs, just one that kind had them in the background.
It's really strange that they gave her a 10/10 body to go with her 3/10 face. At that point why not just make her hot?
>needs to be off model to look good
>Hair is still disgusting