Why did so many people leave at the end of Phase 1?

Why did so many people leave at the end of Phase 1?

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Because they've been incredibly lazy about the whole project since day 1

tbc sucks after kara

no fresh servers everyone ruining the game with best gear/max gold

Druidtanking fucking sucks since Blizz couldn't be assed to add def-rating to the fucking tanking gear. Fuck grinding PVP with resilience shit on it just to get the crit-immunity.

aren't prot palys buffed out the ass in 2.4.3 anyway almost to their OP wotlk status

anyone with brain cells left classic before the honor update even released and never looked back. I don't know how stupid you have to be to actually think BC Classic was going to be good.

Because blizzard rapidly threw themselves onto retail twitter tannies to give them everything they wanted and then went silent for two and a half months when all the rape shit came out. During those 10 weeks half the servers died and then when we did finally get phase 2 it was bugged up the ass

I made it to level 64, outland leveling is aids

It's this combined with Blizzard being retarded and not having SSC and TK available at launch like retail TBC. Clearing all content in an hour every week isn't going to make people stick around.

in case it wasn't obvious from the past decade, Blizzard has no clue how to run or maintain an mmo. once nostalgia fades you're left with the objective reality of Blizzard game design.

Raid-loging indeed became unbearable. There's very little to do other than that.

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I left because of the spit removal, long bg queues, boost, bots, and it was a pain in the ass to find dungeon groups, but want to come back now, can't for a few months because of money reasons.

but Kara sucked

TBC was a total downgrade from Classic and WotLK cannot come fast enough to save this mess

I think even hyjal was at tbc launch. Did blizzard not even know that?

Because imagine paying for a company that shit on WoW

Just play in a private server

classic sucked cause the world was dead. thats pretty much all it has over the xpacs, no flying and world pvp

tbc sucks
25 man raids are gay

>paying to pay an private with retarded timegating by blizzard
may aswell play ascension or whatever other shit server exists with random shit

wow should’ve ended with naxx.

oh boy I just fucking LOVE braindead 10m raids and braindead heroics EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY

they thought they wanted it, but they didn't

I think they just wanted to milk players for monthly subs longer, knowing full well that they'd all come crawling back for WotLK. Definitely seems like it backfired though, the drop around the end of p1 and start of p2 was very noticeable.


wrath is for comfy fast paced pvp

>ret nigger expac

May as well have the entire expansion ready from the start
Making players wait for later raids was a mistake

>one shot or get one shot

Karazhan was nice, c'mon user
It's no black temple but it was fun

>I think even hyjal was at tbc launch
Technically, but you couldn't access it until you beat Kael and Vashj, and Kael was a bugged out mess that wasn't killed until 3 days after BT launched. The working theory is that they just didn't have anything done for Hyjal so they left Kael broken on purpose.

>comfy fast paced pvp

being able to punish enemies instantly is fun, fuck tbc's rng horseshit and newer xpacs giving all classes panic buttons

Its literally not fun, its a boring slog of dull bosses and too much trash
After 2 weeks of Kara I did everything I could to dodge it and only go to gruul/mags because its just mindnumbingly dull

I left because I couldn't /spit on people anymore
Fuck Blizzard for pandering to virtue signal crybabies who don't even play the game over the actual subscribers

wr*th still has unkillable healers and too many resets/heals for all classes tho

It's not a good expansion.

Vanilla, without any expansions, is best. Everything else is downhill for WoW

>unkillable healers
they all die in a cs->ks

*world buffs and shitstomps everything in 20 minutes*
wow very cool game with a ton to do

for me it was the group i ran with having its top brass become full with more and more retail sort of mindset players. the guild leader was a pushover and catered to them hard. near the beginning of p2 they drastically changed their loot distribution and made too many people upset. it's always something man

TBC dug WoW's grave
Wrath is when they nailed the coffin shut
Cata is when they buried it

i remember playing a druid and paladin on 3.3.5 arena server and being unkillable

TBC was great, what're you talking about

TBC was a massive improvement on the class department to vanilla but it was shite on so many things
>Raids still shitty like vanilla, figured it out during their last raids at best
>Maybe THE most themeparkiest shithole in the entire existence of WoW, every zone is just ''look at this biome wow''
>Very generic and shitty questlines, basically an expansion of Barrens quests when eastern kingdoms in vanilla had better shit already
>None of the questlines are linked with any other region, at all
>Every single fucking zone is empty, probably the empties in all of WoW again (Shadowmoon is extremely offensive on this regard)
>At a phase where most professions are at a limbo still but then again they either never figured out how to make them fun and useful or make them horrible after figuring them out in the next excap anyways, fucking blizz
>Dranei not looking anything like WC3 even though goatpussy is nice
>Dranei and blood elf aesthetics sucked, who the fuck decided that people didn't want to look like spellbreakers or kael'thas when they sign up to play belves
>Shamans and paladins losing a lot of flavor by no longer being faction specific but then again every expac fucks stuff over this way
>Gear still looks horrible till later added content, mostly vanilla level
>Maiev is just there
>Akama is just there
>Illidan is just there, although at least he wasn't a saturday morning cartoon villain like LK in WotLK?
>Flight and zone design fucking wPvP, especially while lvling

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it was cool the first time i guess, but way too long. and frankly i hated a lot of the mechanics because they just limited your ability to have fun.

shade of aran is such an awful boss fight where one retard can wipe you. nightbane takes forever if you wipe. maiden of virtue stuns if you aren't sitting in her aura which never was reliable for me, so i always had to wear a pvp trinket. plus you could never skip shit cause "bro i need the attunement quest"

and fucks sake that awful trash in the library with those giants robots and mana worms that are immune to magic. outside of smashing sneed of corruption on the ghost trash/moroes, and then sitting in the beam on netherspite, the raid felt like it didn't want you to have a good time which is not what i'm looking for in a 10man.

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they listened to the wrong feedback and removed all the "annoying" quest and dungeon design giving it way less soul than vanilla

are there any private servers for good oldschool or unique mmos that thrive & arent run by powerhungry faggots out there?
i tried the Warhammer Online one recently, but dumped it once i saw that early tier pvp was dead and everybody funnels into the endgame pvp
didnt know quite what i expected, of course everyone would be at the endgame ones

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>Very generic and shitty questlines, basically an expansion of Barrens quests when eastern kingdoms in vanilla had better shit already
This is the worst part for me, everything about TBC questing feels like they took what they had to do for horde quests in vanilla and doubled down on that design decision, probably because it was faster and more efficient, but horde quest in vanilla feel so rushed when you compare it to most of the alliance stuff, so it's confusing why they decided to follow that idea instead of sticking to their original vision. On a side note, I still wonder what horde questing would have been like had vanilla not been rushed.

I would play Warhammer Online if you could be a skaven

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more like gayven

Ironically we thought we did, but we didn't.


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You should get a reality check and fix your expectations, no offence. You obviously dont realise what an private server entails. Might as well stick with official servers of whatever game you choose.

ESL shitskin making a few fair points and then going into spergmode.

Because TBC sucks.

Because they realized BC was the expansion were all the original cancer seeds were introduced.

Also BC was never removed from retail like vanilla was after cata, way less nostalgia

Trying too hard newfag

The community was just bad
Old wow you would log in to do nothing in particular and just hang out in guild chat, the game was shit then but it felt alive at least.
Classic TBC was just packed with trannies, metafags, twitch fags, aging burnouts, intolerable dad games taking care of their wife's son, or some unholy combination of those things. Everyone left was completely dead inside.

>The community was just bad
It's this. If I didn't have friends to play this game with I would never have bothered. We have a chill raid 2 nights a week and then log off. It's a little sad realizing new friends in online games are not worth the digging you'll have to do to find them.

TBC is just not a very good expansion

>Illidan is literally ''Fine I'll do it myself: the character''
>His bossfight has him asking for reinforcements and summoning some stupid elementals
I don't have a problem with the naga having tiher own raid too, but Vashj should've been the boss before Illidan.

I'm enjoying it! I play a Blood Elf!

>An aging tranny twitch fag dad gamer taking care of his wife's son.
You KNOW theres gotta be at least one of those.

No tier 5 at launch
Nerfed raid content
Cash shop garbage

Those are the three reasons why TBC classic was shit.

if you take away the "tranny" there are HUNDREDS so the odds are in our favor

People unironically got filtered by kt and vashj

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It's the cycle of the classic WOW addict

It's like a drug addict trying to chase his first high

I left long before it ended. I got bored a week after hitting 70.

No one cares about TBC or Wrath
9 days until we go home bros...

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