Having fun with the skin grind?
Granblue Fantasy
>Japanese shädman
You know you love it.
>You know you love it.
Who said I didn't?
His best works are his most "vanilla" ones somehow, like Girls in the Frame or Kuso Namaiki
ah shit, RotB is on ain't it
Yep, and shenxian raids are non stop full with the shitty connection back in force.
god fucking dammit, how long do I have to put off this awful event
I like Shädman & asanagi and think it be cool if they collaborated on a art pic.
It's running till the 14th, and the drops share a rate with the last skins if you already have that one.
When's the 3D ARPG game coming out
I want to enjoy these characters with at least some pretence of gameplay
They said news would be some time after the anniversary so hopefully not much longer for some sold news if they still plan on getting it out this year, unless the news is just it is still in development hell in which case RIP.
Drop rate for cores is fucking ass and the weapon uncaps you have to do to get the skin are fucking wastes. The skins aren't even that good looking, just slackchad and buy the cores that get restocked into the pendie shop every rerun and you'll get them eventually.
I want to lick there pits~
Oh I'm grinding something alright
Finished the skin grind.
I should get back to grinding the qilin anima I need but god I fucking hate H&Q.
Why the hell do I need 30 fucking omega anima for EACH eternal transcendence?
As if all the other shit weren't bad enough.
And that's not even counting the other 18 omega anima I'll need to get for the other two skins.
Fuck, at least make the raid less shit.
Yeah my fucking leg! Stop it you faggot!
I like his art and some of his work, but I am not really super into it when he does the heavy ryona or freaky amputation stuff.
His last Azur Lane stuff was good.
I am just grinding for the points to clear the nuggets stock, seems like a better thing to focus on and any mats is just a extra.
Anons, I have 80k crystals. Should I draw now or wait until there is a banner going on?
I'd say banner but do a few draws just to see.
>Starting a thread with japanese shadman as the OP
Do you really want S. Monkey/Shalem?
>the > is replaced with asanagi instead of shädman
>Gran gets to fuck them all every day
Wait and get another 10k crystals then ask that question again
After not playing the game for 3 years I've been catching up with symbols and gold nuggets. I need like 3m pendants to catch up.
Also I'm debating buying weapon exp cuz i need a lot of it for ulb opus and baha weapons...
I don't understand this meme, shadman is both shit and edgy, asanagi is only edgy. I still don't like his stuff but I can't deny he draws decently.
>Blob faced and bodied characters
the single most retarded opinion in this board's history
>granbore fantasy
Asanagi is shit, he can only draw one character.
Carried by shading.
Both are bad artists
Granblue Fantasy is one of many cases when game/franchise itself is worthless and yet spawned good quality of porn, same as Overwatch
Sure, but enough about you. That's not what the thread is about.
Fuck no
>muh porn
fuck your porn niqqa
the music is where it's at
>asanagi [...] draws decently
Shame there was no new vocal song for the anniversary.
I want to fuck a potato
I mean this is pretty good and cute He can do it if he wants to
Based. I want to sour cream a potato so badly bro
This is exactly why I don't understand it. I also don't care, though, except that my hate for shadman's crap is great.
>bunch of characters on an invisible disconnected plane
>perspective is all fucked, can't tell if he's just trying to imply depth or all the characters are of vastly different sizes
>even when he's drawing established characters they still all have the same body and face
>guys still look like creepy rape-bots from a NTR doujin even when the intent was probably to make them look charming and fun
>all feet are offscreen along with the surface they're standing on, because drawing is hard
Yeah, he's not japanese Shadman, he's japanese Rob Liefeld.
Enyo was the best new character cygames made in years, I love her seasonal lines too
wtf that dog is driving !!!???
Not them, but
>perspective is all fucked, can't tell if he's just trying to imply depth or all the characters are of vastly different sizes
The only one that feels off to me is Katapillar up in front, but she's literally an imaginary joke unit so I guess artistic license was taken with that. After that it's Lowain, followed by Elsam and Tomoi, and Ygg in the back. Ygg can be a fucking giant, so it's reasonable for her to massive relative to everyone else.
>guys still look like creepy rape-bots from a NTR doujin
That's just how they look man.
>just read her birthday message yesterday
>those strong implication that she literally fucks you
>(You) and cow canonically fuck
>Yaia canonically sleeps in (You)r bed half the time
Wonder how much overlap there is? Cow trying to quietly ride you as Yaia snores quietly on the other side of the bed.
>Calling the guys who canonically haven't managed to get laid once "creepy rape-bots from a NTR doujin"
>Also I'm debating buying weapon exp cuz i need a lot of it for ulb opus and baha weapons...
I wouldn't bother, weapon exp is easy to get if you do your PRO angel halo every day and some days there will be events that let you do PRO multiple times a day. Basically you just have to be on at the right time when certain events come around that help boost a lot of stuff like exp, drop rates, etc. That's the only REAL way to grind for stuff.