Literally impossible.
Literally impossible
6 arms
roll to the side/forward or strafe around him with your shield up. he doesn't turn very quickly
just use a shield lmao
I hate these dudes but they aren't that bad if you just don't freak out.
They have some dangerous moves but you can knock them down pretty easily. I use Moonlight's weapon art projectile and two back to back R2s usually have him posture broken before he can react. Only time I have trouble is when they start teleporting.
>he doesn't turn very quickly
This is pretty much universal for most enemues that do thrust attack or overhead slams.
A bunch of them don't even need rolling, you can just strafe .
quickstep trivializes them. they get locked into a ten hit combo swinging at nothing while you wail on them
It could be even harder
I just wish it was easier to interrupt them. At least Sulyvahn beasts staggered if you tickled their heads.
That'd be nice if that were true, but it's not. Enemies in Elden Ring have Dark Souls II tier tracking and it's sickening. Those Fatty Omen dudes in Subterranean Shunning Grounds are the only ones that immediately come to mind, but I find a lot of enemies do it. There are exceptions to the specific attack, I just want to point out that you're not entirely correct with your post.
Are there any hints that this would work? Feels like this is just bound to happen to someone due to how fast and aggressive the enemy is.
Switched to +faith items and godrick's rune to use heal for those cunts in the haligtree
I think it's in one of the merchant notes but I don't quite remember
Not at all, not Souls enemies have tracking when the attack triggers, only during the wind ups.
You can see it very clearly with the mace guy spinning as he lifts them hammer, then getting instantly superglued to the floor as the hammer starts dropping.
Are you serious?
I wish there were more girl enemies that would beat me up. The best I could find is the shaman bitch slapping me.
Ah yes. Posting a fair webm of the attack that can be dodged. Too bad that motherfucker is also known as Mr. Infinite Stamina because he can just keep swinging.
Dark Souls II was so bad, I'm having flashbacks.
>breaks ur guard
heh nothing personnel kid
Easiest enemy in the game.
Remember to buy and read notes from merchants.
>he doesn’t know about greatsheild with ashe
He only spams the 3 hit combo if you block alot.
And DS2 was mechanically a far better game than DS1 and DeS even if it was visually unpolished, it's not a wonder why DS3 and ER copied most of it's systems.
Yes, sold by the merchant in Raya Lucaria
>"The crawling royal revenants and their followers are all cursed. Healing powers will harm rather than mend."
The 100 slap attack does minor stamina drain on guarding even with a med shield, only the big single jumping slams drain a bunch.
>Not being a strength chad wit barricade shield
Requires: Intelligence 0
>being faithless
put on a tailsman and cast any heal, those fuckers become a joke
there's literally a merchant note that tells you how to deal with them
is it bad design that one can't tell what enemies are weak to?
Urgent heal has an AOE?
>Note sold by a nomadic merchant imparting knowledge in brief.
"The crawling royal revenants and their followers are all cursed.
Healing powers will harm rather than mend."
no not bad design, just bad players
The range on urgent heal is actually way higher than it seems to be from the animation and heals are guaranteed to stance break Revenants, you can spam any heal incantation and stun lock them.
Always gets me that DS2 somehow looks more jank and inhuman than DS1 or DeS.
NOOOO, hes supposed to attack 8 times in 1 second, jump into the air and hold there for 3.534 seconds, lunge forward and stop for 0.5s then smash into the ground with a MASSIVE AOE, all while tracking you, and if you heal he'll cancel all that and do a quick punish
There's a health bar above every enemy's head, user, did you not notice that? It's been in every Souls game.
>Go to sainted heros grave
>See revenant, kill it
>Go back
>New one spawns there out of nowhere
Plus the enemies are totally doable with regular combat if you're not trash.
One day you will realize that you just suck.
Honestly even though at this point I'm tired of hearing about Elden Ring, these threads are an endless source of entertainment. I don't even have to post, it's just free paragraph after free paragraph of these shitters doing mental gymnastics to justify why actually this thing I had absolutely no trouble with is the hardest shit of all time.
Nintendo would say yes, but then again, i dont know if
>enemy has a giant fucking glowing eye ball in a part of its body, where to hit? hmmmm
Is good design either
No enemies can cancel animation in these games unless they get poise broken or fall off a platform mid attack and have to perform the falling animation.
They also don't use a stamina stat, both their attack and recovery are just 1 animation with the opening built in.
I hit him with fire breath and the guy died like a bitch
>You get the hint after you've already encountered like three
Very cool bravo miyazaki
I'm really annoyed that I missed that merchant in my first playthrough because I didn't realize that those seals on Raya Lucaria's entrance were not walls. I was specifically doing a FTH build so I would have never have to think about those faggot enemies otherwise.
user I didn't need to find some obscure merchant to realize giant magical seals are fucking seals.
After he teleports, he always does the poison spit.
So you can just eat the poison and go stab his face with a charge attack then riposte.
Depends on how you progress in Liurnia, if you go straight to Raya Lucaria you won't find any. However, you also won't know what the note is talking about if you didn't find any prior to reading it.
Yeah weird that you'd get a note about something you've actually fucking seen.
whats the lore on these fellers? why do they puke green? they seem to have the same type of teleportation with the circle like the grave chariot spawning.
They are not, only to enter the academy. From inside the academy, you can walk through the seals from each entrance, that's how you get to the merchant that sells you the note in the first place. I thought they were walls so I didn't even think to try to walk through them.
I really wanted their crown, the silver circlet and gold headband just don't look that great.
its the wind up that confuses people because they expect it to be ds1 where they think the wind up is where the attack will land when it starts.
not the case.
saw someone fight baleful shadow and started with dsp excuses of reality and physics when the dude was turning while winding up and you have to dodge the actual swing happening, the wind up wasn't part of the swing.
Wait that's even dumber, you're telling me you walked through the seal to get there and just assumed the other ones were walls. Are you fucked?
you panic roll too early
I thought their only purpose was to be interacted with to get teleported back to each entrance
I didn't write any, feel free to make some :)
But you initially said you thought they were walls.
Bell bearers are the most cancerous enemies in the game. Every single one is the exact same fight with higher stats, all of their attacks have tracking and insane reach, they react way too fast to your actions, most of their attacks come out lighting fast, you're not allowed to summon, and you have to reset the spawn every single attempt. Why did they have to hold expanded shop items hostage behind abysmal copy pasted padding?
Using a heal trivializes them. The heal aoe range is huge and you get a free riposte.
nice try vaati
Interesting. I would buy the notes but rarely read them.
I played without a shield and he wouldn't stop fucking swinging and I know I'm not the only person this happened to.
This has been happening since DS2 started implementing delayed attacks.
DS3 and ER went even harder with combos specifically timed to kill you if you get hit and stunned, then panic roll mash hoping to get away only for the follow up delayed attack to perfectly poke your face.
I've occasionally had this happen and I realize at the last nanosecond "O shit, I should've delayed that roll" as I get roll caught.
It was pretty much the first thing that happened after I left the tutorial and met Tree Sentinel.
Dogshit enemy in a dogshit game, yawn.
I never had any troubles with these fuckers. I farmed them for runes in Elphael, all of their shit is easily dodged, alternatively use a great shield with barricade or the guard talisman
There are people here who will get bodied by a delay smash, cognitively recognize that's a thing they didn't see before, and then come back to complain about how it's the game's fault after LITERALLY DEMONSTRATING THE ABILITY TO LEARN.
you can pretty much get a guaranteed stagger / critical hit at the start of the fight, as they are spawning. that's 50% of their health for free. After that, use a shield with barricade and stay close.
You can't walk through the entrances to the academy, you have to interact with them with the glintstone key to get teleported.
I just assumed that the exits from the inside worked the same way, their only purpose was to teleport with the key, I didn't think to lmao just walk.