Mass Effect

Mass Effect

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Andromeda is Mass Effect 1 but good. Can't believe I shunned it for so many years because of some dumb youtube glitch montages.

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>Andromeda is Mass Effect 1 but good
Get cancer and die.

Always thought the tech powers were cooler than biotics desu

yea it's pretty good.

Shit taste

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>Andromeda is Mass Effect 1 but good.
It is if you don't mind the tone of the story and the general marvelishness of the characters. But if you like to play a ruthless cop above the law spitting cruel one-liners you will never like the game, i'm speaking from experience.

I'm uninterested in playing it because I'm invested in the original setting. Don't really care to start that over again
it's an entirely different cast of characters (not a problem in itself) but completely divorced from anything that happens in 3

Based Andromedachad.
It's pretty much what Mass Effect 1 tried to be and failed at.
It's got better characters than ME1, a better written story, a better world, better level design, even a better ship.

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>there are people on Yea Forums RIGHT NOW who chose Wrex over Mordin, cured the genophage or liked the Citadel DLC

I seriously hope you didn't do any of those.

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These threads made me glad I never liked WRPGs.
They're the videogame equivalent of romcoms / harems: a genre that doesn't make its fanbase happy and only inflicts misery on it.

Not to mention the Initiative even existing in the kind of world ME1/2 shows us is pretty nonsensical

t. Shepard clone

the tonal whiplash from citadel dlc made me puke. it was like a cartoon for the tumblr audience

Ass Effect

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>They're the videogame equivalent of romcoms / harems
You mixed up the first letter, user

I'm mad Kai Leng was relatively close to being a great addition to ME3 but the writers and animation team both agreed in fucking every one of his appearances up

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Top fucking kek. I played through Andromeda twice and it's inarguably the worst Mass Effect games. Only brainlets who listen to "A Trail of Hope" on repeat succeed in fantasizing about the game being good.

>These threads made me glad I never liked WRPGs.

Not even Planescape or BG2?

well it's not like they're ever going to finish the andromeda story. it's decent game though. probably has the best gameplay in the series

No I didn't. I meant Western Role Playing Games and I'm not talking about anime or romance shenanigans.
I'm talking about how both romcoms / harems and WRPGs actively loathe their audience and always do everything on its power to make said audience unhappy.

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They are, throw fire balls, lightning ice, summoning robots, making enemies guns explode

Meanwhile biotics are all variations on throw blue shit at enemy

Biotics peaked in ME1 anyway

Never played them. I tried The Witcher 1, Mass Effect 1, Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas and realized that the genre wasn't for me even when I finished one playthrough of those Fallout games.


good bait. anyway, get testicular cancer and die


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>throw myself at the enemy

She has camel toe in originals

shit franchise
>no chakwas romance
>no anderson romance


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vaginas are disgusting though

Made me reply

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Saren was the best nemesis Shepard ever got and it's a shame they squandered this gook's possibilities by making him a little bitch

i am extremely disappointed that there is no mod that turns this image into a photo of miranda's ass


its actually more like mass effect 3 but with a upbeat attitude rather than a down beat attitude

My gay coworker keeps insisting these are great games. Played ME1 and couldn't fucking stand the endless grey copypaste hallways and enemies.
Is it worth it to try and start a ME2 run? Heard they improved things for that game.

Need this without the watermark.

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So was this game abandoned? No new updates in almost a year.

It's all corridors from start to finish. There's a fun side quest where you can pilot a hovercraft / helicopter in 2 if I remember correctly. But that's about it.

I finally got around and played the trilogy. I'm not really into sci-fi that much, but damn the ride was amazing. Here are a few thoughts and questions about the series:

It was alright, I would say the weakest in the series regarding gameplay, story was ok. Overall I can understand, they just started the series so a lot of experimentation was involved. Wrex best character.

Gameplay got a lot better, but half of the cast is uninteresting shit. Zaeed, Jack, Kasumi... what is this deviantart level of OC garbage? To make matters worse, they give me a bootleg Wrex as insult to injury, what a shit load of fuck. The Illusive Man and Shepards reconstruction was a great plot device and executed really well in my opinion. Also the Collectors were Overall a lot better than than ME2 gameplay wise, but it felt like the story and RPG elements in that regards were a bit toned down.

Where do I even begin? I will post more in regard to the ending and some other stuff shorty. Need to check a few things to make sure I don't post false info.

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ooooo i'm feeling a renegade playthrough coming on. Obviously gonna sex kaiden, then jacob and then get them killed

If I want to play these in current year, is there any reason to not just get the remastered trilogy?

>The Illusive Man and Shepards reconstruction was a great plot device and executed really well in my opinion
Opinion disregarded, holy shit

2 plays better than 1, but it's mostly story type of game. you either like the setting/story enough to play or don't i think. it's mostly fairly mediocre cover shooting with some unlockable skills from what i remember

>Shepards reconstruction was a great plot device and executed really well

Looks like ass

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>ME2 Gameplay got a lot better
>The Illusive Man and Shepards reconstruction was a great plot device and executed really well
Don't bother posting about ME3, you're already not making much sense.


it was the only way to get Shepard work for the Cerberus smoothly

Sounds terrible, thank you. Probably gonna check the cutscenes on YouTube and be done with it, I like my delicious goth milf Shepard but I can't handle the 300th copypaste corridor with instakill enemies.


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I'm glad you had fun, user.

If you have to kill your MC to get them to work for a retarded group, maybe you shouldn't have thought they have to work for a retarded group to begin with

>If you have to kill your MC
Three times.

1 shot down
2 clone
3 ending

Maybe George Lucas can buy the IP and make a prequel.

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ME3 MP was absolute kino and made me appreciate a lot of stuff, general gameplay, batarians, weapons, all the cool powers.
Lootboxes and disconnects were cancer but it was a solid experience.
>Andromeda couldn't even get multiplayer right

it's been over 10 years since played mass effect 2 so don't take my word for granted. can't remember shit. but i imagine there's reason why people rarely talk about the gameplay parts. it's usually the story or characters and so on.

>Zaeed, Jack, Kasumi... what is this deviantart level of OC garbage?
The idea is that you visit the civilized side of the galaxy in 1, while 2 is played mostly in the Terminus Systems which is full of Riddick rejects. But the rest of your opinions don't fill me with a lot of confidence either so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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