Ffxiv retards pay 15 bucks monthly for this shit

>ffxiv retards pay 15 bucks monthly for this shit

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Yes. Makes it easier to stand out when hunting for ERP partners

I won't wear that dogshit, except maybe the hat, so you're wrong.

I pay 15 bucks monthly for this

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i swear most people would still pay for this game even if it was only dressing up and RP. they don't even care about the content

I do for this.

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Dress up and RP is content, WoWnigger. This is a ROLEPLAYING GAME.

>not wanting to roleplay a grandma

>Runescape vennies pay 15 dollars for this

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I pay $47 every 6 months.

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Not my problem.Post Meteion cunny

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Maybe not, but what you're missing is that this game has one of the better online character customizers around. There's not a ton of options in terms of faces, but there's a lot of hairstyles, you can make your character any skin color you like, and there's a lot of clothing options, even without modding. Most of it is earnable ingame too.
And unlike Second Life or VRC, you don't need to pay $200+ for a good looking avatar. The game just provides you with one.

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Is this the part where we pretend wowfags don't pay 15 a month to run decade old content for a mount multiple times a week?

It sounds like they got some "consultant" to suggest these kinds of changes and most people never even noticed this kind of thing.

What's your opinion of episode 1? I thought it was good.

The Feud's start was literally "go find my nephew Ali in Pollniveach" but the joke/problem is literally everyone's name in Pollniveach is Ali. Was hilarious at the time and I was mad to see it go

most likely they got contacted by said consultant with a message like "nice game you have there, shame if something happened to it", linking to certain "game journalist" hitpieces.

"hire me and we can tackle this problem"

>only does it for RS3 because they know OSRS playerbase will flay them alive

Just started watching it. I'm an anime only, but I'm enjoying it so far.

Hourly seethe thread.

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jokes on you nigger i only pay 10 bux a month for that shit

and the troons who still play it are super angry their coomer race isn't getting special treatment
they're literally calling for harassment of the devs because they're so fucking subhuman and degenerate
I hate my country so much

It's shit though.

BDO completely blows it out of the water.
Ffxiv doesn't even look good until you mod it out the ass. The default graphics look like plastic.

>2 Seal Rock wins so far today
Only 96 more to go...hahaha...

they have been casually the game more and more for years now, and of course they pander to faggots as well

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>modern real life clothing in a fantasy game

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>non slutty cute glam
why do we hate this again?

Rava saved ff14

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It's funny, WoWfags have famously been ERPing in the same spot for 10 years. The difference is the models look like shit, the armor looks like shit, and the modding scene is fucking pathetic compared to FFXIV.
The difference is very clear, while people use the ingame screenshot tool and modded poses and clothes/shaders to make their characters look good, WoW pornographers have to resort to Blender because the game is incapable of looking good on its own.

Hello Pot. Have you met Kettle yet?

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>what is garlemald

i pay 15 a month to sit by myself and stare at this lighthouse while wondering why i have no friends

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Literally the best race.

what body mods?

I left my sub on for years without playing the game just to make people seeth on a 4chin


bruh i've died and gone to sweaty sphincter heaven

Garlemald is obviously in the 50's
not modern

Unironically how can you tell. Even if true, it's not that far off.

It's free for me though, I'm never gonna pay a dime.

>Game + expansion purchases
>monthly fee
>cash shop cosmetics out the ass
>level boosts
>ADDITIONAL monthly fees for no fucking reason (retainers)
The monetization in this game is fucking ridiculous

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Garlemald is mostly based on soviet era Russia

is there something like this but with elezen
who am i kidding of course theres not

>cash shop cosmetics out the ass
>level boosts
>ADDITIONAL monthly fees for no fucking reason (retainers)
Why would i ever buy this?

There's this.

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Like said before. It's not our problem.

And post FFXIV lulz.

You could just make your own. It's not a difficult endeavor

tfw no elezen wife

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seen it and genocided many children to it but i want a nice line up of fat elf butts

i dont have friends for this kind of thing or even know how

i hate it

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why is it near impossible to make a good looking tank glam that doesn't look bulky as shit? this is the best i've gotten so far, since i've found that there's just something about the radiant sets that doesn't sit right with me. maybe they need dye or something, and i can't afford to spend twine on them when i've still got reaper to gear up

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>They even got RS
The last bastion is h games. Webwill never falter.

why are ffxiv players like this?

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You can just create your own models with Anamnesis. None of those multi-character screenshots are made with actual players posing, it's one guy importing their models through the tool and posing them in gpose. It probably took like 20 minutes or less to set this up.

god imaging slipping your cock into that stirrup and fucking it... as a joke haha

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Clothes like this existed in soviet russia.

I like this song ffxiv.tylian.net/ex4/BGM_EX4_Dan_D03.mp3


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oh is it easy to use for someone who has never used it before? i remember hearing something about poses you can use but you probably have to adjust them for anyone who isn't a cat or au ra

What jacket is the bunny boy wearing is it cash shop?

Not really


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it's crafted should be in the next patch

I pay 15 bucks monthly to wear this.

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Yeah it's pretty simple to figure out.
You can import pre-made poses extremely easily, which all of those Viera models are using.

Custom poses are a giant pain in the ass, but pre-made poses are just a small pain in the ass.
It takes some getting used to, either way.

thanks i guess i'll look into it more after work,wheres the best places to find poses also?

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There's a metric fuckton of them on xivmodarchive

Ask your grandpa


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cool,thanks again user

Why did you just crop your picture?

>Pay $15 monthly fee to play with trans, dykes, fags, shut in losers, coomers, and japs
>pay $15 to be told if you play as the games short race you're a pedophile
>pay $15 a month to get buried in whores if you play as the games furry race
>pay $15 to be forced into being a part of their numerous discord communities with retarded chat splits and ERP dedicated sections with rules like "No posting this long list of characters because they're 18-25 but might look younger but dog cocks are fine all day"
>pay $15 a month to join an RP community only to learn they're a bunch of drag fags RPing running a fucking restaurant where every food and drink item is given a horny name
>pay $15 to join their discord specifically just to see 300+ pound balding men in skirts with heart eyes emojis posted daily
Nobody should touch this game. It attracts the worst people.

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Who's the artist? I love the thiccness.

no clue

I just like dressing my potato in cute/cool outfits.

Yes they were, western clothes were really popular. The only problem is that it was difficult to obtain them, but if you were a party good boy then you could get clothes like this for your family.

>installing coomer mods

There exists normal untrannified people. But my god they're rare in this game. I've found a handful to get along with

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When the fug did warframe become a lgbt game

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>>FFtrannies are offended by this

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I want to RAVAge those BUNs

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Way too out yourselves manlets. Femra are the best, especially Xaela

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I pay 15 a month to creampie lala assholes

>the actual, not memeing, tranny race