125 or 150?

125 or 150?

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I'm 211 right now and haven't beat the game yet, I just finished Ranni quest




RL 10 at stormveil

There's definitely more people at 150, especially since a lot of people who beat the game casually end up around there.

I'd say 150 is best, then maybe a much lower bracket around 75 (for invading redmane castle), I dunno what the point of 125 is.

It really doesn't make a difference if weapons are maxed out. Those 25 levels just open up a few more options.
Actual fun invasions happen at lower levels anyways

Doesn't matter
Whichever bracket you pick you'll be fighting someone with a bleed build, or abusing exploits
Due to physick flasks letting you ignore equipment burden for 3 minutes you can't even escape havel monsters at RL 1

I just noticed that he's got a mouth near his stomach, ears for a beard and eyes for the thorn crown.

love making flask abusers kneel.

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I think you might have spent a bit too much time at Mohgwyn's.

150, I will not compromise and if that means I can't PvP then so be it.

i love how two frenzy bursts just instantly kill him, its funny every single time


I busted out laughing because he reminded me of that black Guy cosplaying as Yosuke from P4

Is summoning in NG+ dictated sorely by level or are you limited to people who are also in NG+? Does the pool of players tank the higher in the NG+ cycle you get?

fpbp, fuck metaniggers

200. 150 doesnt even let you cap more than 2 stats. But really deulist redditors sl meta never mattered



150 is the sweet spot everyone's moving onto, 125 is too little for anything that isn't a slightly different flavour of R1 rollcatching.
Maybe we'll move onto 160-175 once all the DLCs are out, we'll see, it's still too early.

150 are already crying they can't find people to play with.
It's over for redditfags

125 dueling is incredibly boring

I finished at 155, is there a threshold or i need to reset e go to 150?

The game fucking vomits runes at you. You have to make a conscious decision to stop at 150; you can easily go much further with what's casually thrown your way.

It doesn't really matter. 125 players can sign summon and invade 150 players and 150 players can sign summon and be invaded by 125 players.

What is the threshold?

I beat the game around 125 and stopped evenly at 130. Feels about right, but I couldn't imagine 20 more levels. People just can't make do without everything high af.

Hardcore dueling pvp should be 125. Invasions reach their peak around 70-90.

The matchmaking levels are exactly the same as DS3.

Tryin' for 200 bro.

Im 201 and I only got into khornes realm on my second playthrough

I beat the game at 178. Did I beat the game?

I am getting one-shot at 40 vig at 125 from metafags, shit should be 80 or 90


Who cares though, the multiplayer is so barebones there's no motivation to bother. It's not like you're missing invasions or being able to blue-bro.

>Hardcore dueling pvp should be 125.
It's going to be 150 because the brackets are so wide. You can't be 125 without playing against 150 players. If people want it lower it's going to have to be 120.

150, cause I want enough points to use all of the spells on both sides.

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60 with unupgraded weapons
fuck retarded niggers desperate to just lol1hit everyone and end shit in one shot

Why cuck yourself? Never stop leveling

>If people want it lower it's going to have to be 120.
Good, those 5 levels were origainally from power creep in brackets anyway.

>Faced Malenia as 165
I definitely did.

Sorry RoBfag, but low level pvp will never catch on because one-shot bleedouts are simply too powerful and too accessible. You don't even have to actually hit the person to kill them. I'd rather have enough stats to damage to even out and have fun using different weapons for a change.

>game about leveling up makes playerbase dont want to reach max level
Bad design.

It looks more like an eye on his stomach rather than a mouth. His insignia is an eye after all

I'm going to level to 387 and there's nothing you can do to stop me

probably 150, I've hit 124 without farming and still not finished

It looks like lips though.

You can't make the PvP level lower than the level people organically beat the game at, this has never been a thing. People are naturally going to navigate towards 150 more because that's closer to the level their characters ended up after killing the Elden Beast.
If anything for this reason alone you could argue that it should be higher, like 175 or 200. In DaS3 you would beat the game at like level 80, but the PvP meta was 120. However I think that that would create too many "do everything" builds, so 150 is closest to being the best.

I don't know, I see more of an eye.
Wish I had the high res icon for the armor

Attached: all-knowing_armor_elden_ring_wiki_guide_200px.png (200x200, 20.57K)

Ah you're right. It looks more like a half open eye lid.

Attached: sus.jpg (1280x720, 406.1K)

i never played any fromsoftware games tho so i don't know what you are talking about

brain damage

Whichever one the pvpers aren't doing.

His staff also has an eye on it (that he is incidentally covering when you first meet him). Eyes and ears are his thing.

>Queen Marika has high hopes for us, we must live through this mess
>Queen Marika also ordered you to take the throne and fix the world
"""""""""""ALL KNOWING""""""""""""""

I like invading Stormveil at level 25.

you had to grind to reach level 120 in previous games, the level you finish the game at is completely irrelevant

i'm at around 80-ish mark, the game is a lot easier than i thought it was. i only had to use the comet azur exploit like once when i ran out of bewitching branches with Commander Niall.

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120 for both NG and PVP, 50 Vigor is more than enough to survive endgame.

125 is for actual autists