There are people in Yea Forums who actually regularly play sports games and see nothing wrong with it

>there are people in Yea Forums who actually regularly play sports games and see nothing wrong with it

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Other urls found in this thread:

>there are people in Yea Forums who actually regularly play games with little girls in them and see nothing wrong with it

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>there are people on Yea Forums who have barely played anything not casual and still think their opinion matters
>there are people on Yea Forums who paid real money for the chance of rolling digital anime girls
>there are people on Yea Forums who buy the trashiest, most obvious AAA scams and get mad that they are shit, only to fall for more later on
>there are people on Yea Forums who only played Need for Speed and Forza Horizon in the racing game genre and call themselves racing game fans
>there are people on Yea Forums who cheer on for corporate takeovers because of console war faggotry
>there are people on Yea Forums who are fanatic over their favorite e-celebs/vtubers and get very mad if you insult them, including SsethTzeentach and PewDiePie
>there are people on Yea Forums who spent most of their formative years playing Minecraft
>there are people on Yea Forums who have nostalgia for FNAF and Call of Duty games
>there are people on Yea Forums who only come here to make dumb shitposts and spam memes and then go to Discord to have serious, honest conversations about videogames
>there are people on Yea Forums with Twitter accounts
>there are people on Yea Forums with Twitter accounts who haven't even heard of if they're so desperate for porn
>there are people on Yea Forums who use TikTok
At least you don't see many sports game brazilians on Yea Forums. And Yea Forums in its current state, constantly bogged down by tourists, teenagers and genuine casuals who shouldn't be here, is one of the best places to talk about videogames.

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>there are people on Yea Forums who diodn't lurk and still think they aren't faggots

>there are people on Yea Forums who have barely played anything not casual
What makes a game "non casual"?

holy autism batman

You'd be amazed at how many anons don't know how to sage, and how many anons will rage at a bait thread and bump it in the process. And of those that do how many think an image nullifies your sage, which is not that many but it's odd that I have heard it several times.

What if you only played burnout paradise and midtown madness 3

I only post on shit threads or threads about shit I hate (even with sage) when they're on page 1 or page 2. If they're past page 5 I just let them die on their own.

The only sports game I've ever had fun with was UFC, which ironically is also the fighting game I've had the most fun with.

All good points, accept what's wrong with growing up with Minecraft, other than being younger than 25?

uuuooohh child metallic

haha fucking fifafags can't stop playing the same garbage every year
*proceeds to play elden soulskiro field tower*




I play Wrestling games and have never used the official rosters for any of them since Smackdown 1 on the PS1.
I have entire leagues in Football and Hockey games that are just made up teams with generated names. I'm built different.

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Playing them is fine, but there's a certain autism/retardation in continuously buying the same game over and over.
Honestly, they all suck, even the "fun" ones like NFL Blitz and NBA Jam and shit. If you want fire randomly materializing on your character, play an action game/RPG.


Generally anything that is too easy like triple A shooters and Skyrim, but it may vary from user to user. It's fine to play casual games if you like them, but it's not fine to mostly play casual games and think your opinion's worth shit on Yea Forums. If you don't challenge yourself at least once in a while you're probably not playing videogames for fun at that point, but only to pass the time just like how someone would watch a movie. We could spend all day arguing on the semantics but both you and I have a feeling of what game feels casual.
You're doing it right user.
That time spent playing Minecraft is time not spent playing a variety of games, sucking up the playtime like a vortex. There's nothing wrong with kids playing Minecraft, but the kids that grow up playing Minecraft end up as adults who get very angry if you say Minecraft is not a good game and say things that you normally do not see on Yea Forums like "let people enjoy the game". Try to imagine what a kid in 2000-2009 would play, and now imagine that every kid today latches on a handful of games like Fortnite and Apex Legends. That does not bode well for developing a taste.

Is Elden Ring a casual game?

I wanted a simple tennis game to plan when bored, but everything is full price and probably filled with microtransactions.

I did not play it, so I can't tell you my thoughts about it, and the mechanics are not simple enough to deduce from a glance.

What was amazing to watch was in the last 6-7 years even rabid sports game fans seemed to be sick of it, hence why they moved away from yearly releases and added gacha. I wonder how the newest Madden sold compared to a decade ago, I'd guess measurably less. Sports games I think are more niche than they used to be, the super normies are playing FOTM streamer games or stuff like Horizon (or even Elden Ring at this point), not Madden.

it's satan you tard
why would satan not misspell


I agree but it is also a natural evolution in language.
Happens all the time and it has happened in the past.

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Jokes on you that includes stuff like Mario Strikers, so I still win.

I play Mutant Football League (Or Football Mutant League).

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> Eternity of Tiger Woods and Tony Hawk.
Could be worse.

>there are people on Yea Forums who have barely played anything not casual and still think their opinion matters
Tf2, look at their threads, they just cry about competitive 24/7 and wonder why their shit game is dead

Sports games are perfectly fine to play as long as they're Speedball (1988) or Speedball2: Brutal Deluxe (1990)
but if they're anything else you're in trouble son

>Shit talking Hyper Blade
You're dead to me.

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Anons somehow got worse at TF2 over time, I only see the most entry-level pubshitter opinions possible. It would be an improvement if they were obnoxious tourneyfags.

To be fair TF2 wasn't designed to be competitive, some classes are noticeably better than others depending on map context.

>that you normally do not see on Yea Forums like "let people enjoy the game"
There's nothing wrong with this phrase

>think an image nullifies your sage
That used to be the case, so it's not that odd that some still think so. I don't even remember when that changed.

A major design decision of the game is being able to change your class midgame to deal with changing situations.
Compfags never liked that and enforced their small pool of strategies straight away with class "maining" being the norm.

>Playing them is fine, but there's a certain autism/retardation in continuously buying the same game over and over.
This. It's fine to buy one copy of a sports game per console generation but if you're the kind of person who buys the yearly Madden or FIFA you're officially dumber than the people who buy every CoD.

It is on Yea Forums, because with that line every shitty videogame can be defended by pointing out that it's a matter of subjectivity. Consider Call of Duty. It hasn't innovated in decades, it has been mercilessly re-released every 1-2 years with very few gameplay changes with the idea that most people will just play it for the multiplayer anyway, it's one of the most generic popular videogames that are being released and the gameplay gets boring and repetitive, but try to point that out and someone says "Why are you so hateful? Let people enjoy things.". The phrase is poisonous; it doesn't suit Yea Forums and it tries to undermine what few standards still remain. That's what I think is wrong with it. There is nothing wrong with anons who have a guilty pleasure or two even if it disheartens me to actually see Call of Duty in the Vidya Gaem Awards as being one of the top results in the Guilty Pleasure category, I like some videogames people consider to be shit too, but it doesn't cross their minds that they can accept it's a shit game and still like it, typically because they don't play many games in the first place.

SSX was based tho

>There are people on Yea Forums
Absolutely disgusting. I'm going to reddit where everyone is a brainwashed leftist NPC. That's better.

That's fair, but I'm wondering if these anons ever tried saging with an image, or if they only saged the fast-moving threads where it's not even noticeable.

>There are people

>panel 5:
>ask devil to play some sports games with me

>panel 6:
>couch fun in hell

Make the best of a bad situation.

>Devil is so good at videogames that no matter the game you always get curbstomped, killing any enjoyment you can get from couch gaming

Now what?

>panel 7:
>lose every game to devil

>panel 8:
>"at least that's better than burning in hellfire"

There must be at least SOME good sports games

I heard demoman/soldier players tend to be the ones that dominate competitive anyway because splash damage is still king.

Fifa is perfectly fine to play given the circumstances.

Glad I don't fall for any of those.
Except for having a Twitter account because I use it to upload porn I made.

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Upload to a different site like Newgrounds, not just Twitter.

Bet that faggot hasn't played brian lara94 and even if he has all of eternerty he'll never best me at nhl96.

>The frustration at not being able to do anything but play shitty sport games and getting bodied at them tortures you on a way even worse than hellfire physical torment
Now what?

He does both because it''s his job to punish souls.

>there are people on Yea Forums

>sports games bad
Vroom vroom vroom.

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NFL Blitz, NBA Jam, NHL Hitz etc

>You'd be amazed at how many anons don't know how to sage
It's really quite baffling.
You'd also be amazed to know you get banned for telling them how to as well as reporting. That's why I always peddle the meme that it goes in all files in hopes they fall for it and out themselves. I sage any and all threads I post in unless it's genuine anons that get their threads slide by Yea Forums garbage.

Hell what's the issue with NCAA football 2014?

Does Tony Hawk count as a sports game?
What about Mario Baseball/Strikers/Golf/Tennis/Kart?
Or ATV Offroad Fury?
I don't play any of these regularly but I wouldn't lose respect for someone if they did.

Sage doesn't work anymore, all you need is one dedicated schizo to out bump you

>Does Tony Hawk count as a sports game?
>What about Mario Baseball/Strikers/Golf/Tennis/Kart?
>Or ATV Offroad Fury?
Yes, yes/yes/yes/yes/yes, and yes.

Fact: japanese mahjong is the only sport both heaven and hell are going to play until only one of the places remains.

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>there are people on Yea Forums who have barely played anything not casual and still think their opinion matters
Probably not guilty.
>there are people on Yea Forums who paid real money for the chance of rolling digital anime girls
Guilty but it wasn't a lot
>there are people on Yea Forums who buy the trashiest, most obvious AAA scams and get mad that they are shit, only to fall for more later on
Not guilty.
>there are people on Yea Forums who only played Need for Speed and Forza Horizon in the racing game genre and call themselves racing game fans
I don't play racing games because I am not a tool
>there are people on Yea Forums who cheer on for corporate takeovers because of console war faggotry
Not guilty.
>there are people on Yea Forums who are fanatic over their favorite e-celebs/vtubers and get very mad if you insult them, including SsethTzeentach and PewDiePie
Not guilty. Parasocial retards need to rethink their life
>there are people on Yea Forums who spent most of their formative years playing Minecraft
Not guilty. I have never played Minecraft
>there are people on Yea Forums who have nostalgia for FNAF and Call of Duty games
Not guilty.
>there are people on Yea Forums who only come here to make dumb shitposts and spam memes and then go to Discord to have serious, honest conversations about videogames
Not guilty
>there are people on Yea Forums with Twitter accounts
>there are people on Yea Forums with Twitter accounts who haven't even heard of if they're so desperate for porn
Guilty? I have never heard of that
>there are people on Yea Forums who use TikTok
Not guilty.
Just in case ANYONE ASKED. Now I am going to stop browsing Yea Forums and go play Endless Legend

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