

Attached: look at megaman.png (410x336, 148.81K)

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He cute

it's going to be four years since 11 soon with nothing indicating the drought is ending

Nobody likes these games anymore. They're garbage with no replay value.

Mega Man is a mediocre series that is notable only for some of the earlier soundtracks which were literally god tier

You mean you aren't play X DiVE? The latest & greatest from the Megaman® franchise?

So you fags are the ones who derail every Mega Man X6 discussion threads, right?

Learn English before talking to me

no that's me you're thinking of

Attached: just the image of megaman standing there, there's a sadness to it.jpg (918x79, 24.66K)

Beat some Mega Man games before posting you massive faggot.

But that's this timeline, no one argues against superbass

SWOLE mega man

Attached: 1618337993409.webm (640x480, 2.95M)

damn that is sick. I had no idea you could do that.


Attached: 91912006_p0.png (2560x1440, 3.65M)

What happened to him?

too many etanks.

Have you played the fangame Rock n Roll? It's pretty damn great, definately one of my favourite Megaman games.

I wish I didn’t suck at mega man games, I’ve had mega man 3 since I was 6 years old and to this day I never got the hang of it.

You sound perfect for /mmg/ melts.


Attached: megachad stride blur.gif (135x165, 65.43K)

Megaman just like touhou will now have to rely entirely on fan content to survive like.
>Megaman maker
>Megaman 8 bit death match
>Megaman unlimited
>Those nes demake megaman games

Attached: screen1.png (512x448, 11.6K)

What happened to this stellar franchise? it used to be composed of one of the most memorable, eye catching and interesting protagonists and storylines you could expect from a game. Capcom could have mixed FPS elements with platforming like the Ratchet and Clank series but instead what do they do? nothing, how could Megaman be left in the dust pile forgotten.

He's still a popular character they make monthly comic series about.

There is a Megaman Maker?

>Capcom could have mixed FPS elements with platforming like the Ratchet and Clank series
Not gonna lie, that sounds like absolute shit. Also, how did Megaman ever have "interesting storylines"?

They should just make a continuous stream of 2D titles and I'd be fine with that. Don't care how "popular" he is as long as the games are good.

wtf is that real



Yes you can play it right now
Hell they even made roll playable

But there's so many good megaman games, he's more then just a low tier 8-bit side scroller, the character deserves more reverence then this.

Same user from last thread, Other than that they both have autisticly dedicated jap fanbase
(I swear this was one for tornado man too somewhere but I lost it)
>When characters dies in megaman and touhou they explode into fairy dust
>Both games play out as in fighting a bunch of bosses expect one is a shmup the other is a run and gun
>One is futuristic and other is mythical
>Both have a stupidly hard lore to understand
>One is easy to get into but autisticly gate keepy (megaman) and other is hard to get into but very open to anyone (touhou)
>Megaman and reimu both have this naive air headed personality
The only difference is that touhou is much more popular than megaman (might be wrong who knows but) they are strangely similar to each other and I am not going surprised if we get a crossover fighting game with the two.

Attached: ENJ94T8XUAADXtO.jpg (900x900, 127.86K)

>Both have a stupidly hard lore to understand
Blue boy wants to stop bad man who also plunges the world into numerous wars
There.There's your "stupidly hard" lore.

Attached: Eeq_zsxWAAE9D_N.jpg (1200x1200, 251.67K)

user, covering your ears and pretending the stupid story doesn't exist doesn't actually stop it from existing. Just say it's stupid, you can do that and still like the games.

I never said it wasn't stupid, just that it isn't complicated. The games tell you all you need to know.

You wouldn't be able to comprehend how complex megaman storylines are, Desu.

I always love neat hidden tricks with the weapons.

Attached: block_man_stage_section_1032018_TV_KARTER_Time_Attack_Run.webm (1280x720, 1.96M)

"zamzibart-man pls forgive me"

>He doesn't know

Wait what's so complex about Megaman lore

Nothing. A couple of retards hype up a paragraph or two in some artbooks but that shit has no real bearing on the plot (which is why no games deal with it). It's basically like pretending Castlevania has super indepth lore because of a short paragraph discussing the 1999 battle.

it goes from saturday morning cartoon to orwellian police state to apocalyptic war to other orwellian police state but the guy who was making it work is long dead, all the way to post-post apocalypse where 90% of the world is covered in water and (actual spoilers btw) The human race is, for all intents and purposes, practically extinct.

Of course because Mega Man games have terrible writing the game doesn't go into detail about this stuff.

None of that seems very complex honestly

It would be more complex if capcom could write worth a damn. Anyways who cares about plot just jump & shoot.

>for all intents and purposes, practically
You don't get to criticize writing with that kind of redundancy.

Fine, asshole, allow me to correct myself. Aside from one person on a space station, the Human Race is extinct.

Why couldn't either the humans or the reploids decisively win the race war?

there's too many megaman iterations to keep track of but they do all manage to have complex storylines

The whiplash from the extremes the series goes to
>Videogame Astroboy
>Dystopian future ruled by robot overlords with an iron fist
>Fast forward some years and handsome astroboy is dead, replaced by a girl with a sword
>Fast forward some more years and the girl with the sword is replaced with a perfect replica of the girl with the sword and also the villain from the astroboy era turns himself into a robot so they can shoehorn him in as the main antagonist (much like the first 8 games)
>Fast forward some more years and reploids rebuilt society and everything is peaceful, except for when it isn't
>At some indeterminable time between, the remains of humanity scavenge ancient ruins filled with murderbots, but it turns out that some of the robots from the dystopian future timeline made a satellite and recreated the entire human race after it was wiped out by accident. Also, nu-astroboy is stuck on the moon. Everything is generally peaceful again.

>Dystopian future ruled by robot overlords with an iron fist
What Megaman game are you playing? You can't be talking about Zero since you bring it up later.

Once again, this isn't very complex
Tonal whiplash, sure, but that's not the same thing as being complex

nigga have you actually watched astroboy? MM did nothing new.

Megaman V Gameboy I guess?

Yea Forums help me I can't defeat airman!

save your Etanks for the very end

i think he was talking about X1, Sigma had a huge palace and shit. Later games had the mavericks menace a bit more controlled.

Sigma's rebellion is just that: a rebellion. Just because he has a fortress doesn't mean he rules over the planet.

Yeah, but Sigma never rules over anything. He's just an effective terrorist leader. If anything, the creeping dystopia is due to the humans becoming increasingly paranoid and widening the definition of "Maverick" from active threat to humanity to basically anyone who doesn't do what they are told.

What's so Mega about him?

Tundra storm making that fire section in Torch's stage much more easier was pretty cool I always loved stuff like that

it do be like that huh

He's the best

And it only gets worse from there.