ITT: THAT one level

ITT: THAT one level

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The music is great.

wut game


Project Dream

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Not really a level but whenever I replay BOF3 I dread this part.
And the desert part

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Rusty Bucket Bay is my favorite level.


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This area was a cake walk

Super Mario 64

holy fucking shit dude spoiler that

Is this the part at some port and you have to train him to take on some buffer dude? I can't remember why this part was worth some dread, same for the desert. It's been about 12 years since I last played it though, I might just replay it

I replayed Banjo and I have to say, most of the world's are completely shitty with the exception of the Woods one

>actually famously hard thing was easy!!!
Do people expect this to impress or something? And no, we don't need to heard "Just (do walkthrough thing I read before playing)".

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R6 stealth was fucking horrible

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really you could have just fucking googled like I did

I don’t get the hate for this area. Is it just because of the reused enemies/fall deaths?

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got my answer like an hour ago, tought guy :)
guess i didnt need to use good ol google hahahahha

whitney and her milkers are easy though

>Consecrated Snowfield
>Wolcott Projects
>The entirety of GTFO
>Scourge of Armagon
>Two Betrayals
>RC Planes
>Loose Ends
>Eggman/Tails levels in SA2

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But they are easy. Just hold B and run up the buttress. Their arrows will miss you.

Wow, this post magically has echoed back through time and made no one ever have any trouble with that section in the last 12 years. Thank you for your incredible advice here in 2022.

Click Clock Wood is worse.
The Engine Room jiggy isn't that hard, and it's easy enough to get those notes first when going for 100% (which itself is only an issue in the N64 version)

It should have been obvious. Trying to block the arrows would knock you off, so unless you're actually braindead, you would have next assumed running through is the next best thing to try.

...was never good.

based and mandate pilled.

Amy in SA1. She's so slow and controls worse than anybody else.

See this again

Most of Dark Souls 2 and the DLC areas

Two Betrayals was good

So you're admititng you were (and apparently still are) retarded?

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I just finished MM6 again recently and I don't even remember Darkmoor, what was so bad about it? Like I literally don't even remember what it was populated with.


No it's not, just do X

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Not him but I care, in fact I wasn't even paying attention to this conversation until just now when you basically opened up the gates and said "who here thinks I'm retarded?"

>Not him but

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>old games are better b-because they have a level so shitty everyone hates it

It is the nature of the profoundly stupid to think other people are the problem, yes.

>those parts where one set of moving/disappearing crystal platforms leads right into another out of sync most of the time
Like damn, dude. Not impossible or anything, but that shit can catch you if you don't stop and look.

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Have you tried not being retarded?

He's actually decided to double down.

Ride chaser levels are cancer in general, but THIS one is just cheap

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Both are just massive timesinks that can adds 2 to 3 hour bloat to the game.
The desert is much less of a problem because you can just look up the optimal paths now

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ride chaser levels rule, i'm genuinely glad people didn't make video games with you in mind.

How the fuck are you supposed to get strong enough to beat the game? My characters always felt weak as fuck

You know you don't level up unless you pay money to the trainer, right? Apart from that I have no idea how you'd be having trouble. MM6-8 is basically OP fantasy hero simulator.

this is the only level I don't have the round achievement on in CS:S because no one ever fucking plays it and it gets immediately RTV'd when it comes up


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>Thread about sections that famously gave people trouble
>DUDE JUST ______
Every time, like they think they're giving hints to someone playing the games posted right now.

Its to make up for how short the level is.

This fucking boss

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*approaches rapidly*

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Nuh uh

Was this considered hard? I remember killing it before I noticed it was a boss.

>not using cold

Yes, because it comes out of nowhere with no buildup, people get rushed by him.