Why does every one of their games sell like shit?

Why does every one of their games sell like shit?
>Demon Souls remake
>destruction allstars
>ratchet and clank
and now
>Horizon forbidden west
What went wrong?

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Because nobody can get their hands on a PS5

Nobody has it plus the majority buy the PS4 version of the game

Correct. I still can't find one at retail. It's over...

PS5 owners are actual fucking morons and do nothing but exist on GTAV, Call of Duty, and Sports titles.

Look at how far down you have to go to get to a non multi-plat.

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So would I. Nothing worth playing.

Sony havnt figured out that buying games is for the over 30s and they naturally dying out.

Everyone else just plays free games or wait for them to drop down in price

because they're impossible to get

>Sell your soul to corporate America
>Abandon all the studios that made you what you are
>Close the last Japanese studio you had that made Bloodborne and SotC
>Only offer westoid games like New Tranny Horizon
>Make your product overtly political
Get your neck kneeled on snoynigger.

Can't find anything at retail. My GPU just fried itself today. I remembered hearing how GPU prices were coming down, but it's still $600 for a GTX 1080 (the 6 year old card that died and I bought originally for $500).
I said, fuck it, I'll just buy a console, but SeX and PS5 are both over $1000.

GamerBros...we truly suffer...

So there niggers then?

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I think it might honestly be a sign. All my hobbies; cycling, disc golf, hiking, rock climbing, camping, have been overrun by normalfags in the past couple years, and now the last thing I could enjoy in peace, video games, has been taken away from me too.
My old shitbox just kicked the bucket last month.
My dog of 14 years died 3 months ago.
The world's going to shit.

PC and Xbox are the same, its just Nintendo that has first parry titles do well. Which to be fair, they end up missing some of those bigger third party titles so who knows how well GTA V on the Switch could do.

The only marginally interesting games in that list are demons souls (which was on ps3), kena (which is niche), and ratchet and clank (no

All those other hobbies you listed has had shitlibs since their inception. I've never met a based rock climber or a cyclist who hates gays

>All those other hobbies you listed has had shitlibs since their inception
The point is, is I didn't have to deal with them before. I liked those hobbies because I could be completely alone in nature as I did them, or with maybe a close friend or two. Now everywhere's so crowded I can't get a moment of peace.
I don't know what God wants me to do, but its clear he's fed up with me enjoying any little bit of life.

how far down do you have to go down an XBox list to find a game that isn't also on PC?

What is stopping you from enjoying those things exactly?

Too many people. Can't go to any course, climbing spot, trail, or even a national forest without thousands of other people being there. Before 2020, I could do these things and not see another person. Now I can't even do the shit normalfags used to do (not that I was into that stuff before) because everywhere wants a fucking vaxpass. I hate how the scamdemic brought normalfags into the /out/ scene.

This Gen is cursed and gonna suck. Why would playstation make anymore next-gen games when they could take advantage of the 100 million users on PS4. Xbox will come on strong the latter half of this gen with big releases but can Playstation afford to do the same. Scalpers have really disrupted this gen, we need to fight back next gen. They're making it so it's not econimically viable to produce good next gen games

Seriously it's been 2 years. Why is it still always sold out? It's fuckin bullshit.

What the fuck is causing the chip shortage anyway? Is it that there's no more silicon or whatrver material that needed to build a chip?

Why would you want a PS5 anyway? It has like 5 games which are exclusive

Not a argument

I feel the gen gonna be longer too since there isn't anything real games pushing the hardware.

Because they dont exist? Okay

Couldn't tell you. People say the thing can't be bought easy so the games suffer, but we're nearing 20 million units sold with games doing broadly little. Maybe enough are being closeted by scalpers that it's affecting the bottom line. Maybe the 70 dollar price tag and the fact that there are only 4 exclusives besides the pack in that does it.


>everywhere's so crowded

i don't understand where all these normalfags came from, how are there so many of them all of a sudden. it wasn't like this 5 years ago
i skate at 2 am so it doesn't affect me too much but now ever summer there are rvniggers at all my spots

PS4/Xbox One generation should have lasted longer desu.

because industry cannot be turned off and on like a faucet but that's exactly what we tried to do and now there's a massive bottleneck because everything is competing for chips.

Why would anyone want to turn off chip production.

They're not all in the hands of scalpers but the kind of people who would buy from scalpers mostly just want one to have one rather than paying $1000 for one or two weak launch exclusives so it's more like a better PS4 Pro.

>let's forget GT7 exists

Literally just demon souls.

I want to play this too but I would rather wait a few years then

Not that user but I play mostly multiplatform games on my because it’s comfy playing in my bed.

Price won't go down too much more.
I sped run it at my dad's place because he owns a ps5. But I want to take my time and fuck with world tendencies again and I lost my ps3.

Kinda sucks. Also it's just convenient to have in the living room so I can impress babes with my tekken combos.

I don't care about the price but im not gonna go out of my way to get a PS5.

Because people buy Sony consoles for third party games and have been since the PS1

Thread should have ended here. OP is just a baiting retard.

But also, I would like to add that places like gamestop, greedy cunts that they are, are only selling ps5s in bundles. So you are getting the ps5 at the correct price, but being forced to buy shitty games and accessories you may not want, so the price is still like 800-1000 dollars to get a ps5.

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Ah yeah same.
I periodically do a search on gamestop and a few other tech places. But after 2 years it's just like why the fuck isn't it in stock yet? Not even the 360 or wii were this bad and I remember the wii shortage.

I want to really get into console gaming again and buy physical games and all the accessories... But all they sell is like one giant budget AAA third person story game.

As soulless as playing on a PC feels, it does have hundreds of shmups, platformers and puzzle games just like the old consoles had.

Sure they all eventually get ported to the consoles, but as digital-only games. At that point, it doesn't feel like console gaming anyway, just playing laptop games on a different laptop... :(

Artificial shortage so the shareholders think it sells like crazy I guess

You can casually get one by following this, I got mines like a week or so after following it

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Just properly linking. Not sure how it got green texted.

Maybe if the PS5 had more than just cinema games and remakes, brought back ACTUAL physical games with unique box design, had custom themes and no paid online, maybe then the PS5 would be more exciting to players like us.

The 70 dollar price tag isn't helping matters.

Triple A games should cost like $40.

This is why Game Pass is so good. For $10/15 a month you can play AAA games that have no replayability, among other things. If there are no games you want to play that month, then just cancel your sub. Microsoft is on track to becoming the Netflix of games, and it's making Sony sweat.

>PS5 preorders were a disaster
>PS5 releases and is sold out
>"Fuck. Guess I'll wait"
>2 years later
>it's still fucking sold out
This is bullshit At this rate I'll just have to wait until the PS5 Pro comes out.

they went overclocked california tranny mind control retard
something which of course you should not do ever.
Normal people don't really like that stuff they are just uncomfortably forced into ignoring it or giving fake praise in fear of social media repercussions.

Gamepass means nothing to physical only fags like me. I just want the price to go down.

I bet these two were just scams by Bethesda to get more money from Sony after the shitshow of Fallout 76 and before the acquisition deal with Microsoft.

Saw some games sold for 80-90€, 70 dollars is about 60€.
Its the most ridiculous shit ive seen ngl

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Shut up and take your meds,stupid

Normal people dont give a flying fuck and just play videogames to have fun

>Why does every one of their games sell like shit?
[citation needed]

Theres your answer

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Yeah it's better to wait these days. Physical copies on non Nintendo consoles go on sale quickly. Returnal was $50 like 2 months in and titles like Lost Judgment, RE8, and Deathloop were $30 in about as much time. It's actually based as fuck if you're a buyfag and Xbox games can go even cheaper thanks to Gamepass and the Series S making even less people buy physical than on PS5.

Europe almost always get fucked on exchange rates. If something is $70 you will hardly ever see it for less than €70 or something on release. They just charge as much as they can

Yes, but this time its not just fucking up exchange rates. Its literally more expensive

I think that price might actually go down soon. Sales for actual next gen games have been abysmal.

There's like a 10-20 minute slot every two weeks where you can get manage to buy a PS5 at retail price if you're autistic enough to care about knowing. I'm sure plenty of these still get scalped. The people willing to put this much effort in to get PS5 at retail probably won't buy full price games a lot.