Making good games

>making good games

What's their secret?

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Being japanese

ass shots?

do they still make good games? I know they make better solid games than the west, but I thought game making had taken a massive hit since the new tens started.

Different mentality

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like what?

Not being a mutt

Working to the point of death everyday in order to make the best product they can possible produce.

Japan isn't perfect we could criticize them from a /pol/ angle easily but when it comes to creating video games there are no restraints, they have complete freedom. The Western industry has made it clear that triple A games need to adhere to the idealogy and the pantomime society they're apart of. Any deviation results in twitter and various other places screeching, this affects the majority of studies because corporations care more about current thing TM and appeasing the status quo than they do their fanbase. Why? It's called Blackrock.

game mechanics first, then all other stuff

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no niggers and jews

Feels good living in Japan and not having to deal with westernoid problems

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>parroting common myths from wacky Japan! internet bullshit
People in Japan work less than people in America actually. It's just some old myth that people keep reposting since the 90s (back when it was true).
The reality is that worker's rights and life balance went up like crazy in the last decade or so in Japan while it plummeted like crazy in the US so now the roles are pretty much reversed, but you'll still hear this kind of stereotyped bullshit which is pretty sad.

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Video games can't even tell stories anymore with out hiring consultants on political correctness, or even worse "ethnic studies" because people can't discern fiction from reality. Look at companies like Blizzard they've made a clear choice to discriminate qualified individuals based on skin colour, they actively hire based on leftoid quotas and put people in to positions that are completely incapable or unqualified because of their gender. Then you faggots turn around and wonder why they produce abject shit.

>muh West vs Japan
this is the absolute bottom of the barrel of vidya discussion and opinions
you need to play and research more games and actually be invested in the hobby for more than a year, this shit is not worth discussing

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Different cultural values, even when you're aware of them, which leads to the games feeling foreign enough that you can feel like you're in another world. Also they haven't gotten bitten as hard by the "this video game needs to be a movie, more than a video game" bug yet.

fuck off doreen

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>all of the West is Blizzard/Ubisoft/EA
that didn't take long. exactly why these threads are worthless, they're made by people who know next to nothing about games outside of the largest AAA dogshit

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Hitler called them Honorary Aryans, so it must be genetics.


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Having a deluded fanbase

>When japan is so good it needs to compete against all the west instead of against a single country

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>smash bros

Do we have any examples of Western games trying to cater to the Japanese audience and managing to please them?

Ghost of Tsushima


>Ghost of kekshima
>pandering to japanese
Lol no, that was a game pandering to weebs, just because japan liked it doesn't mean it was made for them.

This ain't the ps3 era anymore

Japanese developers usually hate to take any risks so they are incapable of making bad or dogshit games but their games are never better than just "good".

Why not both?

Keeping real world politics out of their games and having qualified and passionate employees that are there to work, not create drama.

>Retard thinking this is somehow not true
Japanese people still do shit like wake up at 6am, leave at 7am, and don't get home until after 9pm and this doesn't include after work socializing.
They don't work to death, but they do work hard and are way better organized than nearly every other country.

Existence in general has kind of sucked since 2007.

They've not fallen for the triple A meme yet (except for like, Nintendo) and make actually soulful AA games
I actually had an image from an interview with a Japanese dev being asked why he thinks that Japanese games manage to do so well overseas, and his answer was basically "filling the AA game market that western devs ignore", because everything in the west is either triple A or indie.

Based. Qrd on Blackrock?

It's their racial character. I mean, look at how quickly they adapted to and reverse engineered Western tech hundreds of years ahead of them, or the Meiji restoration, which resulted in a total overhaul and rapid industrialization of their society.

Strict. Disciplined. Hate foreigners. Hate drugs. Hate degenerates. Honor is the only thing necessary.

suffering fuels creativity

That’s a based way to look at it user. It’s true. Motivation.

Wrong, they're competing against Finland
>most kino indie games, like Noita, Rain World, and BABA IS YOU, come from Finland
>Even some more kino AAA games like Max Payne, CONTROL, and a few others are from Finnish companies
>Given Finland and Japan have been interacting with each other for nearly a fucking century we could either see the most kino team up between these two companies or the most kino friendly rivalry crop up for vidya countries.
Are you ready for more Finnish kino?

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Don't forget Legend of Grimrock and Fear & Hunger

>fiction over realism
>fun over immersion
>colorful over gritty
>gameplay over story and cinematography
>authors vision over politics

Not at all, Ghost of tsushima has all the ingredients to be appealing to western demography.

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What other Finnish games exist?

Wow, one company and a couple indie games
Finland I kneel!

FlatOut 1 and 2 were really fun Destruction Derby-like racers

The third world is not a place, its a people. When you import the third world, you become it. Japan has not, so they are still capable of civilization.

They're weak to blue innate

why are Finns so fucking based? discovered this yesterday, by Finnish devs

By being not Western, despite the occasional mutt influence.

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also wait, Rain World is made by a Swedish dev

They have less *ews ruining every creative field. At least, for now.

By being based as fuck, hopefully they don't start importing people from third world

>Dark Ages Capcom
>Sonic series for how long now?
>Balan Wonderworld
>Yakuza shovelware
>Babylon's Fall
>Square crap like the new Valkyrie Profile
>Musou shit
>RE3 Remake
>No More Heroes 3
why pretend like Japan doesn't have shit games too? both the West and Japan have their good and bad games

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They've been top tier since the 80s and only faltered when HD gaming started.

all shitgames
even UBIshit and EAnus makes better games than that trash

This is the most damning indictment. When the entirety of the industrialized world can't hold a candle to a country of 120,000,000, you know them to be based as fuck.

nice, ESA 2 fucking WHEN
Hempuli streams game development like 2-3 times a week but it's never ESA 2 even though he said he would, it's just Baba all the time

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