Other urls found in this thread:
>says the nigger
I hate fortnite and overwatch so much.
He plays Valorant.
Side note, nothing surprised me more than to find out Valorant is actually popular.
add to the list along with bunch of other f2p games.
Is that nose photoshopped? Jesus fuckin christ
no lol
check the clip on youtube, his nostrils never stop making eye contact
What's his shtick besides screaming in front of the camera?
It's not, this guy has the nasal cavaties of a full walrus.
what's xqc's, mizwhatever, hassan, etc shtick besides talking in front of a camera
niggers are not human
reminder this chimpout started because a white woman mogged him in game and it was brought up
estronaut chimps are only good for self sabotage and comedy
you guys think he's a smellposter?
Imagine all the air that he's sucking up every second. Truly niggers are ahead of the air sucking game. Whitoids can't even competr
this video was hilarious holy fuck
Based. This little nigger just keeps winning me over. Honorary aryan.
wh*Te dogs aren't human either
His nose literally expands the more angry he gets
yet whites decided to bring them here to America
Yeah slavery was wrong. They should've stayed kings in Africa.
this guy has bigger nostrils than the brap wojak
Honorary Aryan
What clip ? Where
they made everything you know and need
muddies are a failure
they lose in literally everything and their tardrage is evident of their deepseated inferiority
youre on a site made by a white guy
on a network made by a white guy
on a board made by a white guy
using an interface made by a white guy
on an os made by a white guy
using a machine made by a white guy
from your backwards little welfare hovel
in a state made modern by a white guy
you dirtfags are a joke
cope harder, it gets me off
thats really it
hes like every zoomer eceleb stereotype condensed into a single person. i think people watch him because its like a car crash
being a retard who can't speak intelligible english
being an absolute fucking retard, a petty bitch and a grifter who uses his leftoid paypiggies money to finance his villa and cars
you mean jews?
check the slave ship manifests, tardgoy
Is it really that hard to man up and admit you just flat missed the shot? Not gonna hype up some bitchmade kid throwing a tantrum when he was the one that fucked up.
Get me a rant that's actually justified and not just scrub whining and I might laugh.
>they STOLE everything
ftfy cumskin
speed is based
it is hard to discern parody from actual nigger "logic"
60iq is a hell of a drug
Like the girl kills her bro, and her panic reaction is to an hero herself immediately.
I mean zero survival instinct.
This entire website is based off a Japanese image board called 2chan.
ow the edge
>a single instance of nerdrage destroys the entire twitch and twitter gaming community
2022 zoomers are in shambles
>unironically called someone else monkey
it's true though
wh*Tes never invented anything, they just stole everything and claimed they made it
Impressive, now show us your inventions monkey
The only time he was ever funny was the clip of the sleep stream where someone donated to make the sound the live feed and the feedback gets progressively louder and he wakes up screaming making it even worse.
whites created everything you use you subhuman shitskin. they even were so nice and slightly improved your gene pool by fucking female nig slaves back in the day
Kill your self fucking faggot.
civilization and everything in it.
Meanwhile wh*Tes invented homosexuality, trannies and jews
Hahahaha where do you come from monkey?
I love that niggers spend all day clumsily emulating me while seething about it.
Heres food for thought, picts, naked hill cannibals invented steel back in the iron age, while in 2020, no nigger has invented a wheel.
The worst whites dab eternally on the "best" niggers.
Africa is the jewel of earth and those recursive apes never managed to leave the stoneage.
I report every toxic person in every game I play, not because they're toxic, but because every time their toxicity correlates with how shit they are at the game
weren't Europeans starving in masse before they discovered the new world?
Pretty sure 98% of your people were considered plebs and died often, while civilizations across the world had higher life expectancy and quality.
>le unfunny nig
He brought reason and logic into a sick society. Of course they're shaken
It's like I'm staring down the barrels of a super-shotgun.
How does he even sniff coke?
classic chimpout
We wuz
that isnt true, however the truth is that distracted people tend to perform worse because they're busy trying to be funny
the fuck is wrong with this dude's nose
what's hilarious about a 12 year old shooting themselves in the head
>Meanwhile wh*Tes invented homosexuality, trannies and jews
based whites
whitey mad
>weren't Europeans starving in masse before they discovered the new world?
Yes. America is the sole reason western civilization EVER prospered. They got mogged by chinks and sandniggers before that.
Your leaders were dicks and assholes, and it shows today.
Our leaders ruled fairly. The only reason you won was because of guns. Had it been a 1v1 like men we would have destroyed all of you.
>Still doesn't say where he came from because he knows it's an irrelevant third world shit hole
What a literal nigger
LMFAO first thing I thought of
This gave me black ops nostalgia
*vacuuming noises*
I do the same thing, but only in hopes of seeing a new thread bitching about multiplayer bans popping up here.
Apes cannot compete.
Blame the smaller hearts high estrogen and smaller brains, niggers are the women of race.
>Our leaders ruled fairly
Nigger your grandparents were sold for rifles and horses
Im more shocked about people playing that trash
i hate colonialism as much as the next person but lol
(You)s are retarded. He's clearly baiting.
lmao your leaders literally sold you to europeans for gun powder because even other africans considered you subhumans
I miss no opportunity to speak the truth.
Cry me a river bitchtits.
Says the nigger
Sure bud. You're the retard whose been arguing with an obvious troll for like 20 minutes
Fem Niglet shoots lil niglet cousin by accident and theb she decides to blow her brains out live.
>all the angry niggers in this thread
Imagine letting a femoid get under your skin this bad.
Nigger made a complete chimp of himself over some dumbass slut.
imagine the impact this same video would have on Yea Forums if that guy was white
>our leaders sold us to you as slaves
>were only free because whitey said so
Go back to pol you stupid bitch
Niggers are worthless and always will be you Asian rat
Got the video?
What is with all the fucking simps in this thread? Faggots, the lot of you. Even if he is a nigger, as the age old adage goes "Bros before hoes". Goddamn. Never side with a woman on anything.
>just let groid dead air be the loudest
>its a joke!
>mocking someone is evenhanded arguing!
>youre both doing the same thing but since reality backs you up, youre not trolling and being had!
just rope!
Does having such big nose holes help with cardio?
how can one man be so based?
Don't tell anti white shills to go to pol wtf, get them out of Yea Forums entirely, back to plebbit where they belong
niggers arent human
short answer
>just hate on the white girl that bodied this precious nigger
lmao no
skincheck, he's wrong
situation check, he's wrong but harder
Why the fuck does he have his screen so fucking high
>anti white shills
Now this is sad. Go outside
you generally open your mouth to breathe during anaerobic exercise, fatfag
Zoomers literally worship and scurry under the feets of the femoids
But he isn't. He is a nigger.
But leftist told me normies hated sexism and only incels here hate women...
Jews, Aaron Lopez, the Mordecai Brothers, and many other Jews brought them here.
go back
>His nostrils continually get bigger the angrier he gets
Holy shit
Natives had higher life quality. The European leadership never cared about the people. France had to undergo an entire bloodbath just to get some fairness going.
The wrong team won, and they took everything.
And what have whites done? Had 100 million people killed in ww2, pushed the idea that some meme god exists, stole everything from other civilizations to build up their own and then claim that "lol we did it all by our selves"
I don't subscribe to the idea that whites are superior. I reject it completely. Whites are not superior, they have the advantage of a good society and start that maximizes their growth potential from birth.
I can't wait for China and India to take over. Once your children can't find a single job because a chinese man can study 16 hours a day I will masturbate to the thought of your kids hanging themselves.
I can't believe white supremacists got this strong king banned for the crime of defending himself