why did you stop playing dota 2?
Why did you stop playing dota 2?
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I never started
This. I'm no assfaggots man.
My blood pressure.
TI sesson ended
third time we had an 8month meta
icefrog should have never handed off the name
his suxxxessor is dogshit
Outposts are dogshit and they make the map so small.
The new heroes are very formulaic. Literally almost all of them are some brawler with skills that apply attack modifiers or use attack damage to scale.
I realized I didn't have the game sense and mechanical skills to actually get good at the game. Just a bad time investment.
I haven't though
Because playing dota without friends is soulcrushing.
after ranked mode came out
>bah bah just play unranked goy
nah. People became obsessed with meta with the addition e-peen points and became toxic. I also loved being thrown into a match with people of all skill levels together
>*Throws heat-seeking, homing Hurricane Pike missiles across half the fucking map at you*
While i agree that there have been a LOT of new heroes that have all been strength with an attack boosting passive (Undelord, Dawnbreaker, Marci, PrimalBeast, Mars), you cant really put Void spirit, Willow, Pangolier and Grimstroke under the same term as Brawler. A Brawler is someone who grabs all the attention of the team and just slugs it out with raw stats and cc, not caring about how much damage they take.
VS weaves in and out of fights, Willow is a disruptor with capability of solokilling 1 target in the midgame, Grimstroke is a backline nuke support all around his combo potential with his ult. Pango is ethier a slippery distraction space creator, or an ultbot who chainstuns one key target as many times as humanly possible.
the sniper + troll update, 6.84 I think. 7.0 was the final nail in the coffin
It was a time investment that would have been better spent elsewhere. Realized that I started playing it out of habit and chasing old highs instead of actually getting anything out of the game.
I couldn't get past 5k mmr, after that mmr the game expects you to play carry all the time and pick meta heroes all the time too, and I found that boring
this was the real reason for me
This guy went full retard it was so sad to see.
Miss Nate Higgers jungle invoker.
I could try to tell you a comprehensive list of what changed/reverted from 7.0 if you want
*in the patches after 7.0
Nah I'm fine, but thanks. I don't even talk to my dota frens anymore
Yeah it sucks that there isn't a single non-carry player above 5K MMR. Really dumb on Valve's part
user... pro tournament =/= pubs, just as an example this is Yapzor ( a support) dotabuff dotabuff.com
As you can see in his games he plays more carry heroes than support in pubs, and you can also he see he picks completely different heroes in tournaments, do you get it now.
They made the game so fucking dogshit even I couldn't put up with it anymore. The only way I'll ever come back is if they revert the game to a patch before memeback and glimmer cape even existed.
Because a filipino su humanidad scammed me out of $60 in chest keys.
I don't like the direction the game went and how every time you point out the shit the dota third worlders will sperg out and defend it.
Shit like wards was infuriating. Having to constantly go around warding and dewarding sucked dick and dying because someone put an invisible ward somewhere wasn't fun at all. The carry and support dynamic sucked, how people would rage because you ''took their farm'' and how some heroes become unstoppable because they hit creeps for 50 minutes but the same hero is completely useless if he doesn't get farm. The scaling is all fucked up, one hero will get an ability that does 100 damage which becomes less as the game goes on while another hero gets a crit chance that instakills people if he has a damage item. I don't like how Phantom Assassin has a dagger she can throw across the map that will crit and kill supports. I don't like how every hero has to get a blink dagger for positioning and if you don't have one you'll just get a bunch of blink niggers spawning on top of you. I don't like BKB that makes a carry completely immune to most spells for 8 seconds while they can kill you in one crit. Some mechanics aren't fun at all like invisibility and how you need to carry dust with you at all times.
It's stupid, I don't like it. But the Russians love it.
The game should be more focused on skill and skill shots instead of minmaxing some item build so you can one tap people while you blink on top of them. Instead of skill the game becomes about buying the right items and trying to weasel out more farm than your enemy so you can have the perfect minmax item combo that makes you unstoppable unless the enemy carry has a better item combo that works better on that hero.
funny thing is, i played this from december 2011 to sometime in 2017. after ranked came out, the games were basically 10 players of the same rank (say, legend 2). this only stopped happening when you reached at least ancient 2 (~4500 mmr, on south american servers at least)
now i'm playing again, i'm archon 3 (~2700 mmr), and the mmr is all over the place. you're playing with cruzader 1 sometimes (that's like 1300 mmr?) and ancient 2, i've played with immortal 2 even (like 5500 mmr or something?). so if you enjoyed the game because of skill disparity, now that there's a lot less people playing, it's more like that. i don't like the games this way though back then you'd still have smurfs and hero spammers while other people were playing just for fun, so it's not like the games were totally balanced either
Had about 10k hours in it and 3 grand invested in skins I dropped it after I realized it wasn’t dota anymore
>Complains about carries having busted items and scaling
>Wants a ricing meta where carry with the most busted scaling wins because they get the most busted items faster
>It wasnt dota anymore
In what way?
>2.5k h fag
Russians and long queues
pokemon unite gives me the same fix without needing to devote an hour of my life
games were too long, talent tree was gay and wasnt keeping up with the new shit in general.
for MOBA, as much as i shit talked it on the past, i prefer LoL, simple game(no bkb, invi, etc), small map so i can get everywhere quickly and fast matches with surrender buttom.
none of my friends play anymore and I don't wanna solo
but I just started a few weeks ago
peruvian monkeys
>1 hour long matches
Don't have time for this shit
had to take a break, work mostly
but im getting everything ready once the next battlepass hits to come back
Because HotS is actually fun
Only people who disagree are tryhards
Pic related plus mobas have a particular combination that makes them suck:
>long games
>too snowbally (99% of the time is feast of famine)
>low barrier of entry (e.g. most can run in toasters)
>non-individual performance mmr
When I realized no matter how much I advance in mmr I will always be placed with absolute rotters in the same team.
most people are fucking garbage
and you need to deal with a lot of people while playing dota
still love the game and honestly think icefrog is a fucking genius
also shoutout to /d2g/ for having some of the funniest threads this website has ever had
I won't ever forget nor forgive
Look up old gameplay around 7.00 and compare it to todays gameplay. The nuances dota had at the time were much more interesting and didn't constantly devolve into "pick the win" hero and teamfight.
>nuances dota had
list them
>launch dota 2
>wait the necessary ten minutes for all the ads, dota subscription and latest 'pro tournament' content to load that sits right in front of the actual game
>queue up
>spend five minutes waiting to play with bots cleverly named after random players (IT'S LIKE YOU'RE REALLY PLAYING WITH PEOPLE)
>play cat and mouse with retarded bots wondering where all the people are
>game makes vague mention of completing it's dozens upon dozens of tutorials
What was the appeal of these games again? HOTS does it better. Sadly.
Fucking hate alpacas in my online multiplayer games
If HOTS does it better, why was it still the worst MOBA to play, even at its peak?
I hate russians so much its unreal.
Map changes weren't constantly centered around making juke paths. Rosh pit location gave dire the advantage when considering that radiant has the better neutral camp placements and ward spots. Outpost serve to be nothing more than a side objective that could be ignored until you're trying to contest jungle farming. Pathfinding is super fucked up because of the various tree removal/inclusions. That horrible period where talents were nothing more than passive gold bonuses. I could spoon feed you more but it's clear you didn't care to begin with.
It's currently at its peak, that's the saddest thing. Dota got too congested and League knew its game could never keep it entirely afloat. Riot is branching out to make gay netflix shit (and Valve is following right alongside them) at least I know Blizzard is fucking broke and HOTS is the only game Blizzard has left that still has a shred of soul within it.
looks like you just don't like change
I reached immortal already. No more percent to see at the main menu.
>long games
I'd say this is a valid complaint when it's forced by devs. As a player, I should be able to actually force a game of attrition because that's a genuine skill.
Yeah. This might be from the whole RPG grind aspect though. Take away the need for gold, items, and XP and it might fix the problem a bit.
>f2p and low hardware req
Non-complaint. They need to force region locking though.
>non-individual performance mmr
There is individual performance mmr. That's why all those elo-hell and trench-dwellers exist remember. Individual MMR shouldn't exist though given it's a team genre.
Because solo play is nothing like the cool, coordinated team game that it promises to be. Additionally, it revolved too much around the success of your carry getting swole.
If you're attempting to bait you could at least be a bit more subtle.
players are toxic, game balance/updates turning it into league, heroes i enjoy getting changed
>Because solo play is nothing like the cool, coordinated team game that it promises to be
ding ding ding
>Riot is branching out to make gay netflix shit
Arcane was kino and the final nail in coffin for Dota and its dogshit show with barely any effort put into it fuck Valve.
I quit after they added those mini fountains near the lanes and the xp outposts. I came back a few months ago and have fun again, game is still pretty good
So, how would you improve the game then?
Can't be fixed. Launch the game. All the negative changes are set in stone. You think Valve is going to step back from their well-oiled money maker? They've turned fantasy-football betting into an in-menu card game now where you can see the actual faces of the dorks that play dota for a fucking living.
I just wanted to play games.
>peruvian monkeys
Yes. Fucking peruvians. Peruvians are truly the dogshit dumbest fucking pieces of filth that are tangentially related to humans.
Imagine being held hostage in this shitty game for almost 2 hours lmao
One day a big patch released. I opened the patch notes page, watched the scrollbar grow smaller and smaller as the page loaded, and then I thought to myself: "All of this is completely worthless."
we waited more than half a year for them to release on of the worst patches
>Riot knew League couldn't keep it afloat for ever
They know it will, why do you think they randomly throw money at projects?
>Dota got too congested
I don't think it's congested but I don't know what you mean by that. It is worse to play, I will agree there.
On HOTS though, I like HOTS. The characters are so fucking good in terms of gameplay, even if they're smooth-brain easy to play. The team XP is that kind of mechanic where it makes the good cases better and the bad cases worse. The maps could be better sometimes, but I appreciate the 'I need to play these characters more than those' aspect they bring when it comes to competitive play.
bring my best friend of 15+ years back to life so game and existence can be fun again
still the best moba by far, which isnt saying much because league is streamlined for esports and stale as shit, and hots is just boring as hell and too casual
Riot is doing the smart thing, branching out and putting their fingers into every available pie
This isn't necessarily because league as a game is faltering, this is only the case for NA I think, but because further expanding league would require exponentionally growing investments into shit like marketing and servers for smaller returns on the playerbase
It's easier to go after the completely untapped demographics, the card game nerds, the fgc neckbeards, the battered mmo housewives and the tv/film consoomers
I didn't stop thought I'm taking a small break as playing the game over long periods of time makes my sanity fray apart
Remember back in DotA 1 you could play the game with -em? Dota 2 now is far beyond easy mode, stat, money, HP/MP regen and every kind of powercreep is insane. But the worst part is the mobility creep and how everyone flashes around the map in seconds now.
Ticket League:
$5 Dollars for 5 matches; I want non-tryhards out of the game.