Oh no THAT area : the game
Oh no THAT area : the game
oops wrong image
I love ds3 but the farron keep makes me wanna die every time I play it probably the worst area in any of the games
This game has the most boring areas. My god Smouldering Lake is fucking torture. So much of this game is just large flat empty space. What were they thinking?
That would be DS2, every area is a pain in the ass in one way or another
>cemetery of ash
>high wall of lothric
>undead settlement
>road of sacrifices/crucifixion woods
>farron keep
>catacombs of carthus
>smouldering lake
>cathedral of the deep
>irithyll of the boreal valley
Holy kino
>irithyll dungeon
>profaned capital
Unfinished kino
>anor londo
Recycled kino
>lothric castle
>consumed king's garden
>grand archives
Best archives
>untended graves
Absolute kino
>archdragon peak
Absolute $20 1 hour kino
>dreg heap
>ringed city
Gigakino until that big empty swamp area
You lost ds2tranny. 3 is based and almost all killer and your tranny spams won't change that. It's been 6 years give it up already.
That's not DS1
there's no "that area" because the horse let's you skip past anything that might offer a challenge. It's why they take it away during invasions
idk most ds3 areas are good except ringed city all my homies hate ringed city
Here's the real image OP meant to post. Literally a gaki or archer around every corner waiting to ambush you
Smouldering Lake would be top tier kino if they actually gave it a unique enemy and didn't just fill it with crabs. finding how to get up to the ballista reminded me of DS1 exploration.
Of all the areas in the soulsborne universe, Smouldering Lake is the one that is torture to you?
Torturously boring that is. It takes ages to run across the swamp, and it's connected to a chalice dungeon.
this entire game is "that one area" lmao
>Finding out how
Whats to find out? You see a baliista. Theres one tunnel path in the entire area. It leads to the batista. It doesn't even count as a search. You can't get lost.
Move over, small fry
I guess it can be. I liked the ruins underneath the lake and scaling to kill the crossbow guy as well as the demon king. The actual swamp part is pretty bad though I agree
I haven't played in years and I saw a guy speedrunning it recently. It occurred to me while watching that every area is fucking abhorrent. I doubt that I'll ever play it again.
Nioh 2 gives you insane movement and combat options
Shit I still remember the 3+ or however many shitty swamp areas this had. There were also more in the DLC if I remember right.
after playing DS3 for like 300 hours almost every area was "ugh not this area" although playing any game for 300 hours will illicit that probably
Epic shitpost.
Valley of Defilement
Some parts of Stonefang Tunnel/Shrine of Storms
The Great Hollow
The Depths
New Londo Ruins
Demon Ruins
Lost Izalith
Tomb of the Giants
Crystal Caves
The Gutter/Black Gulch
Harvest Valley/Earthen Peak
Iron Keep
Giant Memories
Darklurker abyss
Shrine of Amana
Shaded Woods
Brightstone Cove Tseldora
Cave of the Dead
Iron Passage
Frigid Outskirts
Forbidden Woods
Nightmare Frontier
Nightmare of Mensis
Upper Cathedral Ward
Cainhurst (no amount of 'muh cool gothic castle' will make up for the boring, tedious enemies and logarius runbacks)
Chalice Dungeons in general
Farron Keep
Smouldering Lake/Demon Ruins
Dreg Heap
The open area of Ariandel
Lake of Rot
Frozen Lake
Liturgical Town
Moghwyn Palace
The Dragonbarrow
Shitty side dungeons
what the fuck? a Yea Forums user with an actually well thought out, non-extremist opinion?
What is this black magic
>So much of this game is just large flat empty space.
There is one area like that.
>The Great Hollow
>The Depths
These are all well designed, get gud.
>Demon Ruins
>Lost Izalith
>Tomb of the Giants
Best atmosphere in any of the games. The fact you can see Tomb of the Giants from Izalith and vice-verca is absolute kino.
>Crystal Caves
Barely an area, just a run up to Seath.
For me it's basically just Farron Keep that I don't like.
The whole first half is so fucking railroaded, but no single area stands out as bad to me. I always try to kill dancer early just to get a little bit of a sequence break. The offshoots, optional areas, and DLCs in the second half are a godsend. I like how the worst fucking boss in the game, vape lord wolnir, is the capstone for the shitty first half. Feels like a poetic rite of passage
Wolnir is just easy, conceptually he's kind of cool and does cool things if you let him live long enough.
wolnir is piss easy honestly, he sucks but i find him the same as ancient wyvern- sucks dick but isn't really a boss fight.
Ancient Wyvern is literally just using a boss door mechanic to create a gauntlet scenario without resorting to muh closing gates.
This one is Ah yes that area, home. Except for both snow areas
He's easy, but that doesn't make it not an awful fight. If you don't happen to know the proper order of attacking his arms, you're stuck just standing around waiting for his animations to end. And then there's the slight chance that he just crawls forward three times in a row and corners you.
what a beautiful game
>>farron keep
pfft, HAHAHA
>Farron Keep
>Poison everywhere
>giant fucking Bloodbourne beast men with smashing trees on every safe island.
>Basilisk sworms out the ass.
>tik tik tik die from poison :^)
These areas are just unfun and stressful
Poison does literally nothing, and curse has no consequence either. Marching through such an oppressive area before climbing up to the top where you can look down over everywhere you've been, and fight an ancient asylum demon, is one of the better moments in the game. Also searching for the three flames to open the gate is more unique than unlocking doors and elevators like in the rest of the game
>>Lost Izalith
>best anything
The only thing Izalith is good for is making me put the game down to go do housework.
>One of the high poinst of the game is slowly trudging through a poison swamp full of jump-spamming retards
>So you can climb on top of an arbitrary bridge and fight a re-used asset from a game over half a decade ago
Worst areas in From games:
>Dark Souls 1
>Dark Souls 2
Entire game barring Elum Loyce
>Dark Souls 3
Road of Sacrifices + Carthus
Nowhere, its all perfect.
Every time I think about replaying DaS3 I remember all those shit areas and I give up. Shame, the bosses are really fun.
>>cemetery of ash
>>high wall of lothric
hallway, but with a shortcut near the end
>>undead settlement
two converging hallways
>>road of sacrifices
>>crucifixion woods
>>farron keep
poison swamp
>>catacombs of carthus
>>smouldering lake
>>irithyll of the boreal valley
>>irithyll dungeon
>>profaned capital
>>anor londo
>>lothric castle
>>consumed king's garden
not even a zone
>>grand archives
hallway (but with verticality)
>>untended graves
hallway, copy pasted edition
>>archdragon peak
>>ringed city
hallway, ft. call of duty cover sections
3sisters... not like this...
Blighttown is the best area in DaS.
>Brightstone Cove Tseldora
unironically my favourite area in the game
yes I have brain damage
Excellent post, look at the seething 2fags
>eldentranny finds out what souls and linear games are
You can poison him using the storyteller's staff or cast pestilent mist and twiddle your thumbs while waiting for his health to tick down thought this has to be done before picking up the pyromancy tome
Blighttown is great
>Entire game barring Elum Loyce
>Road of Sacrifices + Carthus
Not nearly as bad farron, the dungeon or the DLC areas
Shit dude you got 0 insight
>Nowhere, its all perfect.
Fountainhead palace is cancer
>Farron Keep
There's literally nothing wrong with this
It simply feels too oppressive for snowflakes to handle it
>crucifixion woods
>>farron keep
stopped reading right here, fuck off Shrek.
>You lost ds2tranny
I dislike DkS2 far more than you ever will and I still think the vast majority of maps in 3 is absolute trash
Name one area
>Filtered by knee deep water
>most of these cool buildings are 1 room or background
what the fuck bamco why cant we even go inside
especially hagia sophia
I will now buy your focused and well thought out game
>>cemetery of ash
>>high wall of lothric
>>undead settlement
>>road of sacrifices/crucifixion woods
>>farron keep
>>catacombs of carthus
>Shitter version of DS1 catacombs
>>smouldering lake
>>cathedral of the deep
>>irithyll of the boreal valley
>Holy kino
>>irithyll dungeon
>>profaned capital
>Unfinished kino
>>anor londo
>Recycled kino
>>lothric castle
>>consumed king's garden
>>grand archives
>Best archives
>>untended graves
>Absolute kino
>>archdragon peak
>Absolute $20 1 hour kino
>>dreg heap
>>ringed city
it could be cool with actual water like a flooded village/castle maybe but the same old poisonous swamps with slugs, trees and shit are getting boring.
Neither fromdrones or shazamtranny won. It's diseasedpoopflingingrhinoass with good moments.
>Get invaded while riding across the swamp of aeornia
>get instantly fucked by scarlet rot.
Has there ever been a good area with poison inflicting floors in any Soulsborneiroring game?
Try your best to keep the flies out of your axe wound, lilith.
>run through movement-slowing poison to get to land with ogres throwing rocks at you, flies chasing you, bug monsters attacking you
>cemetery of ash
>high wall of lothric
>undead settlement
>road of sacrifices/crucifixion woods
>farron keep
>catacombs of carthus
>smouldering lake
>cathedral of the deep
>irithyll of the boreal valley
>irithyll dungeon
>profaned capital
>anor londo
>lothric castle
>consumed king's garden
>grand archives
>untended graves