>Ah, sweet child of Kos returned to the ocean... A bottomless curse, a bottomless sea... Accepting of all that there is... And can be...
Ah, sweet child of Kos returned to the ocean... A bottomless curse, a bottomless sea... Accepting of all that there is...
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can you fuck that?
it would be extremely painful
could =/= should
>Kos… or as some say, Kosm…
what the fuck is that thing and what's it do to you if touched?
you're a big guy
that's what that female jellyfish thinks when she sees your cock
>man o' war
>isn't a man nor part of a war
Just don't fuck the tentacles. You will be fine.
that's a jellyfish that has the most intensely painful sting of any jellyfish on earth. the pain is so great you have to be monitored in a hospital until it wears off (which takes hours) and there is no treatment available to lessen the pain
why do I hear boss music?
Isn't it the jellyfish with long-ass tentacles that digest you alive?
Better than the tiny box jellyfish with a neurotoxin that kills you instantly.
That's all jellyfish though
You're not wrong.
>he doesn’t know about tactile jelly launchers
Why does the ocean have to be so spooky?
I got stung by one in Florida a few years ago. You're just being a big faggot if you actually need to go to the hospital over this. Yeah it hurts but it's not unbearable after the first few minutes.
I’m more scared of stingrays than I am of jellyfish
ah you're right; i was mistaking that for a different jelly. the australian box jelly is the one i was thinking about
I once got stung by a jellyfish in the hand and was so butt fucking mad I grabbed it back by the head, carried it to the beach, smashed it's stupid head against a rock and let it dry under the blazing sun. I know these fucking cunts don't feel pain and only react but I sure hope it suffered
I kinda want to poke it with a stick just to see what happens.
The Man O' War is not a jellyfish. It's not even one animal. It's a siphonophore, a colony of tiny individual bits, each with different biological functions, that operate together. Most live under the water - the Man O' War is special because part of it juts up out of the water, a gas-filled bladder that probably acts as a sail.
a manowar is a warship, user.
It would deflate.
Its not a jellyfish. Its a bunch if seperate organisms working together to stay alive and I beleive its stingers are more deadly than most jellyfish.
Isn't even fucking portuguese
based caveman, I got stung by one in the hand too and it hurt more while in contact with water
I once got cut by a sea shell in the hand and was so butt fucking mad I brabbed it by the top of the head, carried it to the beach, peed and pooped on it against a rock and let it dry under the blazing sun. I Kia these fucking cunts don’t feel pain and only react by I sure hope it suffered
Does pee not work?
Not sure if i got it right but that jellyfish is named like that cuz it looks like a portuguese warship from the 18th century
>looks like lips with purple lipstick blowing a bubblegum
blows up and inflicts 10+ POISON
>he doesn't know about the giant sentient ocean snowflakes
My favourite part is that the orphan of kos was very clearly based on washed up jellyfish and molluscs and this is somehow the first time user has seen one
No, but it kind of looks like one of these.
>ywn evolve to have a membrane sail and spend your days sailing the sea
If i take the tentacles off would you die?
That's how monstergirls get you to dick them.
My mom has been stung by a jellyfish in the eye once
That same summer my grandpa got stung by a wasp on his balls (it was inside his swimming trunks when he put them on)
I wonder if the people who named it even knew it was a colonial organism and that the "ship" had a "crew"
Pretty cool
the fucking what now? elaborate!
Just grant me eyes already.
You're thinking of the box jellyfish.
im tolerable of most things but jellyfish should all be lit on fire tbqh
t. stepped on one of the CUNTS as a kid
For Kos.
yep i was
named after a ship
so called because it floats on the surface of the sea and that ridge along the body acts as a sail to guide it
Portuguesebros, we're winning the Americas again.
a lot of people think these animals like belugas and dolphins are so cute but they're terrifying in reality
My grandfather got a stingray barb through his knee one year. After 70 plus years of going to the beach and always telling us there was nothing to worry about with stingrays.
pretty much every 2nd australian has been stung by one of these, they are called bluebottles here
pretty mild by jellyfish standards tbqh
box jellyfish are the ones you need to worry about
sea is overrated. Countrychads ww@
>tfw you will never be dragged to the watery depths to be gangraped and drowned by a pack of rogue rape dolphins
feels real fucking bad mang
thats fucked, delete it
bro jellyfish's element is water
god i wish i was a sea jelly
Just use blue fire to freeze and then shatter it. You fucking dingus.
You're not as smart as you think you are.
I-is that A TENTACLE?
Not really like that at all, no. Separate scientific concept.
>hey user! the ocean's dangerous, just come up north where there are no jellyfish
epic fail
>climate change isn't real!!!!
go back
>Mycons are finally attacking
Prease the Juffo-Wup
We need to unironically be focusing our energy into genociding all jellyfish and mosquitos
The world will be no different without them and would probably be better
It is, just not man made
you will never be a colonial organism, commie
I think our massive influx of cow shit isn't helping, though.
Thank you, dog of wisdom
>"Things are slightly different the world is ending!!!"
I love modern day doom cultists!
>eat the bugs
Is that Nessie?
'straya plant's leaf can literally kill you from the shock of the pain alone, and the pain can linger for YEARS,
Huh? I'm just saying there's an unprecedented amount of cows farting and shitting creating a ton of carbon emissions that we've historically never seen. It's all new shit (no pun intended) we're still attempting to understand. Preliminary data suggests it's accelerating climate change. It's not as dramatic as headlines like to make it sound but it's happening.
>he believes the cow lies
90% of your body is estrogenic microplastics
perfect for putting my dick in
i fucking love seals and sea lions so much bros
i wish they had them in the wild near where i lived
i think jellyfish should be ugly so no one would touch them
why are they beautiful it's bullshit
user they're just blobs
100% of your body is Faggot!
Each part of it can live separately, it just can't survive separately.
beautiful blobs
thats a lot of smokes
I love being poisoned for corporate profits
where there is a will, there is a way
Old, sick people and children probably need it. You won't be a healthy 16yo forever user.
Tfw have these near where I live. Only seen one when I was a kid though.
Good for you!
no idea m8