What was the moment you stopped trusting video game reviews?
What was the moment you stopped trusting video game reviews?
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Skyward Sword getting 10s across the board
proved that they jumped the shark and give any big Nintendo IP a 10 out of habit and fear of Nintendo fan retaliation
when i was a kid i read a magazine talking shit about a tom & jerry game i really liked, i was puzzled for a week but eventually decided that i shouldn't trust the person i don't know who wrote that
God hand
8.8 was fresh in their minds
>give any big Nintendo IP a 10
Pokémon says hi
It was better than Origins.
I have not once, at any point in my life, ever cared about video game reviews
How so?
Same, I read magazines for the exclusive previews and free demo discs. Couldn't give a shit about what some boomer thought.
When they give goty to overwatch
I had stopped trusting them for years now, I don't exactly remember the breaking point but it was around the downfall of IGN and the watch_dogs fiasco. It seems like a slippery slope though since paid reviews and awards are so utterly blatant that they are comparable to the oscars (see TLOU2 winning everything under the sun and being a shit game and BF2042 getting 9's and 10's).
when I learned video game "journalism" had been thoroughly infiltrated by insane marxists and globohomo agents who would rather start a culture war than investigate ethic violations of journalists sleeping with female indie game devs in exchange for reviews
The moment they called themselves journalists.
mystery dungeon games are 100% trash
It played like an actual aRPG.
sudeki 2
bought it day 1 for full price for the original xbox
what a shit game
>Dragon Age 2 reviews
>Not showing this one
>can't use the d-pad to move
>go shop at the Wonder Mall
Metacritic should never ever be used by anyone
Uncharted getting 10s across the board
proved that they jumped the shark and give any big Sony IP a 10 out of habit and fear of Snoy fan retaliation
MGS V getting 10/10s across the board.
>fan retaliation
And Nintendo retaliation. They could cut them off from review copies and based how vicious they are as a company they certainly would.
this reviews not wrong. i really enjoyed the combat, a lot more than 1s self play, and varric was a fantastic narrator. everything stated this is right but an 85 would be a more reasonable number since the story stalls a lot
that too. no 10/10? no early copy for IGN, IGN gets no traffic which they need to survive
also leads to them shitting on smaller games since they're not beholden to them, and it makes them seem more balanced
working at gamestop while these games were out was hell
the same bioshock commercials over and over and over again "it's like skyrim with guns!"
"aaaaint no rest for the wickeedddd"
*jay-z run this town plays*
I hate every game from that generation.
GTA IV. They gave it 10s because it was open-world in 2008/2009. That's really all it had going for it.
The PSX game where you can set traps all throughout the house? I loved that game.
Elden Ring. They act like the world is big and populated but it's not. A bunch of copy-paste dungeons with recycled bosses for items/ashes/etc. that are useless.
I'd rather have more linear impactful content than this. Worst Souls by far.
seriously as soon as I think about any game from that generation that song plays in my head
i hate it
Sounds like the worst generation to be a cashier in. At least nowadays a lot more games are bought digitally and the "dudebro" thing faded a bit
What ads used it? I don't recognize it.
>free demo discs
got The Dig this way, blew my fucking mind at the time
It plays in Borderlands 2's intro so it was probably used in one of its trailers?
nin10dies might be anoying little shits, but snoys are downright vindictive if their newest movie doesn't get praise by all.
I left right after the ps4/xbox one got slim versions, so just before the digital shift. E3 telling every one they couldn't buy used games anymore made working there even more of a shit show.
it's the borderlands theme song, probably one of those commercials. i think bioshock used something worse, imagine dragons. and the jayz one was a mlb the show commercial
2007 with the Gamespot Kane and Lynch review that got Gerstmann fired.
Seethe more. Dragon Age 2 is great
kill yourself
kinda started with MHFU getting an average score when it turned out to be great. I know there's that joke screencap about it that illustrates it well. In real recent memory it's the overwhelming praise Cyberpunk and Battlefield 2042 got yet are clearly utter garbage.
also this in regards to the newer gens
he was intentionally harsh on the game because of the sponsorship
fuck that guy
ironically he also gave the highest score to the sequel out of all the reviewers
He's right though. Dragon Age Origins had that bitter aftertaste of Neverwinter Night's uniquely janky combat which was only good for character builds.
Infinite is still Overwhelmingly Positive on Steam, only game I can think of where the reviews are so out of touch with the actual game
Unironically gamergate
He really liked one of the multiplayer modes in the sequel from what I recall
Yeah nah Infinite was great
Touch grass
What makes you say that? The first one was dog shit, I haven’t heard him talk about it in years but I don’t remember him saying anything like that.
I like how the story hinges on a grandfather paradox. That's an issue when your game supposedly revolutionizes interactive storytelling.
Is it this one?
only good thing about that game was the new hot bitch drop
everytime there is a new hot bitch drop all the ladies start trying to emulate the new hot bitch. so we had a lot of women breaking out of their shells to emulate (whatever the fuck her name was I don't remember) biobitch
I don't remember if it was cut like this, but that's the song.
now remembering people would play this while cleaning up just to be annoying lol
kinda miss working with people
I got you OP
biobitch will do nicely
Reviews are just another form of entertainment. That being said, a long time ago.
Mass Effect 3
>Near perfect review scores across the board
>Marketing and advertisements coating nearly every website related to said reviews
>Complaints from fans regarding the terrible writing and even worse ending were met with a consistent narrative that people were "entitled",
>Entire articles, official videos, and whole aspects of communities related to vidya journalists dedicated to calling fans entitled if they complained
>Literal journalist or whatever from IGN (Chobot) fucking put into the game with a custom (if terrible) model, a goddamn romance sideplot, and dialogue, all while Tali, a main character since the first game, got a Google images photoshop model for the big race reveal
Not only was it just a really embarrassing moment in terms of the game being such a mess, but the way the media and reviewers reacted was actually comical in its insanity. I think all the conspiracy theories people come up with regarding a lot of the industry are bullshit, but it genuinely felt like a narrative regarding calling fans entitled was put out by EA/Bioware for review sites to all follow.
Same kind of deal with DmC, but Mass Effect 3 was the first game that was so blatant about review sites coming together to dump on fans that I experienced fully.
i never trusted them from the beginning, we had demo discs back then
Unironically DA2 and then ME3, though that was more a betrayal from Bioware than the journos who continued to be biodrones when the company stopped deserving their reputation. The entire ME3 news cycle was just embarrassing to witness.
mainstream, around 2010 or so
indie reviewers tend to be a bit more trustworthy
christ centered gamer is unironically in a league of its own and actually fairly trustworthy for the most part
*christ centered gamer also mostly reviews shovelware but when they do review bigger titles its good stuff and they dont downrate or uprate for political bullshit
for me too.
These plus us need for speed most wanted 2012 and mass effect 3. garbage all around, neither game deserved even a 3/10
Infinite is an extremely shitty and unplayable game with high production values that gets treated like it's 40 points higher than it deserves.
Dead to Rights 2 and vita games reviews
The year after Half life 2 came out and was like on 11 best games of all times lists.
there was moment during gamergate where someone found a bunch of journo's accounts and verified they had only played an hour or two of what they reviewed. just 100% exposed.
the real question is who still follows these people for opinions, and why do companies interact with them at all.
You might have a learning disability if it took gamergate for you to realize how shitty games journalism is
the moment i could just watch unedited raw gameplay footage online
Da2 he he he.
Good times.
it really must be something in the journo playbook because the same thing happened to starwars fans and more recently with lotr on amazon. doubt it works since you're shit talking those who would actually be interested in buying your product.
Biobitch and DLC Biobitch Who Fucks Dogs was a good time for gaming.