Is the EU scene dead or what? I took a break after Jack-o came out and now im back to try out Testament, like 0-2 people in each lobby.
Is the EU scene dead or what? I took a break after Jack-o came out and now im back to try out Testament...
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might be better when crossplay comes, better hope anime players don't jump ship to dnf though
strive is boring bro. Come back to +R
FGC is dead globally and arc sys killed it.
The only reason why fighting games live while arena shooters died is the amount of sex appeal characters that are dumped in fighting games compared to arena shooters. Sure there are a few coom characters in arena shooters but they pale in comparison.
All the devs censoring their own games is probably a big reason the scene fell off everywhere.
I knew it was over when they started having palette swap outfits as dlc.
nothing to do with censoring. All devs casualizing their shit is what killed fighting games. There's no player expression whatsoever since you're FORCED to do the one and only y gatling that goes into route x and nothing else
What floor are you? Lower floors are pretty empty all the time but F10-Celestial should be fine.
Alternatively, you might just have been fucked by random lobby selection and need to rejoin the floor in order to find other people.
EU definitely isn't dead yet, at least on PC.
Strive is the most popular guilty game ever, hardly killed.
It's here
Crossplay soon so there is that at least. ALL fighting games ought to be crossplay these days just to keep them alive. Also can't you just select other regions if you want?
Pretty sure most EU players hang out in US East lobbies
You play neither if you believe this. Demon Slayer is massive at the moment and everyone i know all says the same thing "why can't it just be a proper 2D fighter, this arena fighter doesn't even have LOBBIES YOU CAN INVITE FRIENDS TO"
it has nothing to do with more or less coom.
Yeah f10 had like 20 players i noticed. Rest dead, im f8 currently
maybe if the lobby wasn't so SHIT and buggy and they had an actual ranked mode and not the sorry excuse that is the tower, the game would be more alive. that said, i still find matches easily when the lobby isn't giving me errors
More players and rollback makes the connection tolerable. Especially if you live in Western Europe
>the amount of sex appeal characters that are dumped in fighting games
You mean "some" fighting games , right?
Nowadays, you don't see coomer sh#t character in some of 'em.
I am EU and I dropped the game the second they showed low-Testament. Can not keep defending this dogshit.
F10 might have had more than 20 total too, it's just shoving you into one of the 25 player rooms (which are sadly invisible)
Lower floors have basically been dying out over time because of the way the rating system works
>win 5/6 of a rotating game buffer to rank up
>lose 5/6 three times to rank down (unless you just ranked up)
>can't rank down more than 2 beneath your highest floor (so if you've been to F10 you can't ever go lower than F8)
>if you get into celestial you can't ever go lower than F10
Shit sucks
They've talked about online improvements for S2 but I'll believe it when I see it, everyone said that the lobbies were shit throughout the entire beta but they didn't do anything to change it.
because arcsys are fucking retards and everyone hates how they implement their online user experience and want ONE place they can all fight everyone. If most players are there in the first place then the rest of the world wants to be there too. No one wants region split fighting games, no one wants avatars just to fight other people, no one wants their retarded floor system, no one wants to have to press a fucking button to return to the main menu just fucking do it already.
you don't have to censor swear words on Yea Forums.
>Fighting games are 1v1
>Arena shooters are not
Is your mind blown?
Even NRS games are still pretty horny by western standards, they're just very ugly as well
>(so if you've been to F10 you can't ever go lower than F8
Yeah okay makes sense, since i lost like a gazillion games in a row and still at f8
this is actually more optimistic than the current situation since this is all time games, and more people have slid up
In the past hour, 9007 games were played
2462 Celestial
3167 F10
1295 F9
1128 F8
484 F7
396 F6
85 F5
42 F4
0 F3
0 F2
0 F1
Keeping in mind that many people who are assigned to lower floors are going to have to play their games on higher floors anyway just to find a match.
It killed the entire fighting game community lad.
If you had bet me in 2000 that arc system works would be the devs to ruin fightan games I would have lost that bet soundly.
>It killed the entire fighting game community lad.
care to explain?
>arcsys killed fighting games because... THEY JUST DID, OKAY!?!
The casualized the medium down to the point that it isn't something that pulls in crowds anymore. I really didn't think Arcsys would be the ones to do it.
Simplified inputs as a rule but went too far into the simple direction. Its not interesting enough to hold my attention as a result and it isn't interesting for my brother (who was new to fighting games).
The complexity holocaust harms both casuals and hardcore fans. With the scene being arcsys and capcom, one side casualizing the shit out of all the games they pump out has already had lesser devs follow suit.
The bar only goes down, never up.
So why aren't people playing the older games then? +R and BBCF just got rollback so why are they trailing behind in numbers?
Why would someone think that arcsys making a updated version of missing link that was actually successful would kill anything? It'd be like saying sfv having a shit launch is the reason dbfz and bbtag are so simple, no they started making shit simpler with xrd and since that flopped they decided fuck it let's try simpler and it worked out for them.
>it isn't something that pulls in crowds anymore
strive is the most popular guilty gear by far. just because YOU don't like how the games play now doesn't mean they're dead.
They never pulled in crowds you retard
Fighting games have remained the nichest of niche genres since arcades died and they completely failed to adapt to play well on consoles and PC
Because the fightan game community is a community. You playing GG on PS2 isn't a community.
Because as arc system works re-rose to prominence the overall market share of the fighting game community has shrank. They're success is to the detriment of the body.
>isn't something that pulls in crowds anymore
>he actually unironically implies that guilty gear pulled in anyone before strive
Only one with a brain in the thread. They will be hostile toward you.
You never played competitive quake
>Because the fightan game community is a community.
GG wasn't even popular in the FGC and was shit like 3rd Strike and Mahvel
I just played for over 2 hours in both park and tower and all matches were with different players so i dont know what you are talking about lol.
Why are you lying OP? You should just make a thread with "what went wrong" and other shit you always spam.
Notice how arc system works wasn't a prominent dev when the fgc was a thing?
That wasn't a coincidence.
>market share
That don't feed the troll image needs to be a fucking sticky
are you trying to imply that ASW becoming prominent killed the FGC or saying that the FGC dying is correlated with games like marvel and SF not getting good and popular sequels?
He's right though.
not that user by the way before you start up.
he said arena shooter you illiterate nigger
Is this game worth getting?
>not even 4k players
SF Jive is a dead 6 year old game and even it is going over 4k on weekends. Strive is dead and somehow getting deader
No, it's a pozzed SJW game for trannies. Don't play it.
Do you think pic related looks fun? then yes
I like it but normal fighting caveats of poor matchmaking, online (game works fine but the lobbies are a fucking catastrophe), poor features, etc all apply
It's definitely made to be more approachable than previous titles with balance being more around minus frames and buttons having clearer roles.
why does every character feel like shit to play in this game? didn't feel that bad to control your char in xrd
Restricted and limited gatlings, less combo variations
I guess I'll rephrase, I really enjoy fighting games, and I've been playing kof15 but the community is shrinking fast to the point it's not accessible to newer players
The only fighting games that anyone gives a shit about are SF, Tekken and MK, the last one purely as a casual game. That hasn't changed.
>>can't rank down more than 2 beneath your highest floor (so if you've been to F10 you can't ever go lower than F8)
Oh that's why I couldn't sadplay my way below 8 by continuing to play omega tilted and on bad alts for hours.
What? This is the only (anime) fighting game where not only is EU/ME extremely alive but we're also the strongest scene in the world by far.
>No one wants region split fighting games
Are you fucking Brazilian
The tower is a complete failure. I don't know why ArcSys insists on trying to reinvent the wheel instead of making a standard ranked ladder.
It wouldn't be necessary if we had ping and wifi indicators
too bad it's literally impossible to tell what your connection is before a match, the technology just doesn't exist
ladders are kinda shit too desu, should copy western devs and use MMR
Remember when YRC killed fighting games
Remember when autocombos killed fighting games
Remember when Blazblue was for no skill babies?
Meanwhile the genre is selling better than ever and bleeding a playerbase post launch. Just like literally every fighting game ever made.