What age do you give your character in vidya?

what age do you give your character in vidya?

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its sad that this pic is now like 10 years old

I wish I wasn't a virgin.

I wish my mom did something like that to me. I just want supportive parents goddamit

The youngest age possible, obviously

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Middle aged usually, but it's annoying as hell when NPC's still address you as a kid in dialogue

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>play video game
>protagonist is canonically younger than me
>they're going on all these cool exciting adventures while I'm still a boring loser

I know this is a very autistic thing to get upset over but it honestly bothers me a bit

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That woman looks like she cares about that guy, that's good.

Remind me of a reddit tier story of a grandma texting the wrong number but the two became friends anyway and she basically became an unofficial grandmother to him. Very wholesome but still kinda very sad it reach that point all of the same.

Go do something about it then, nigger. I've had some adventures and I'm mostly satisfied. What's stopping you? I don't even intend this as motivation, I genuinely am asking, what is stopping you?

>I just want supportive parents goddamit
The grass is always greener on the other side, user. To this day I hate birthdays because I don't like being the center of attention but my parents still obsess over the idea of making a big deal out of them. I wish I could have just not had birthday celebrations ever.

I'm 23 and I still get a birthday cake

lmao at virgin losers
t. married chad

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I spent my 21st birthday watching totally spies and neon genesis with my parents while eating chinese food

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Thank you for saving the world user.

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For me, it's not enjoying being in large groups of people. Turns out you can't win a game you don't play, but if you hate the game you're losing no matter what.

I can't really make characters anymore because at some point I entered some weird RPG identity crisis that makes me 100% unable to decide on a class. I just look at character creation and close the game


I know but even as an adult my mother is still nagging me almost constantly, never got anything positive to say, it fucking sucks. And I got my shit together too which makes it even more confusing

then go hiking somewhere
bring a gun though

Why does he look so depressed? That cake looks delicious as fuck.

That cake looks good.

Like 35. A few years older than prime age, but not yet with a faltering body.

middle age
young as possible

user i felt the same. i was playing Kingdom Hearts a year ago and i realised i'm no longer the young good guys but instead the evil old guys.

whatever's the default, this almost never has any impact on gameplay anyway

I live in a pretty flat environment.

Movies or books can't catch my interest
Games feel like a chore
Music can't touch my hearth
Food can't satisfy me
Sleep doesn't take away my tiredness
Can't stand other people
It's time to give up.

You’re an absolute Chad.

Get in the car. Drive without direction and stop if a place seems interesting. Go walk around in the woods a little. Maybe you’ll find something interesting.
Alternatively: Learn the history of a place and then visit it.

fucking adorable
when she gets to her deafheaven phase shell start unironically being based

i went to kobe and got drunk on sake while my grandpa told me how upset he was that i was engaged to a spic
i miss that tough old bastard like you wouldnt believe


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lmao do people still listen to that?

>single mother
>mother looks 60 while her son is 20
>son is a NEET sperg

sunbather is eternal
new bermuda is for casuals and the radio

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17, the perfect age to start an adventure.


You'll miss that when it's gone.

Vague 30s.

>while my grandpa told me how upset he was that i was engaged to a spic
was your grandpa picrel?

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that but a ww2 sailor that built hotrods

>remember like it was yesterday, seeing this pic at 13 and feeling bad for that guy
>now Im a 22 year old balding manlet hikkikomori permavirgin

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This. I used to be a loser virgin NEET then I did something about it and now I'm cool

True story too. Just extremely condensed

There are no more based goth girls left.
She'll probably become a pozzed ethot with pronouns on her instagram, and a collection of PSA's about having autism or supporting blm, constantly complaining about how she is getting her posts banned for nudity and violence, and begging people to follow her nsfw twitter and subscribe to her onlyfans

man thats not black metal at all

acting like 22 is the end is why you're such a faggot. you're a man. you pass the point of no return when you die, not a moment before

I have the best parents I could ask for but I’m still a loser. I wish I could give them to someone who really needs them because they’re wasted on me.

>you pass the point of no return when you die
Missing all those developmental milestones and having absolutely no connections is definitely a point of no return. You're going to be walking a hard path and you can't ever have the mundane life.

you'd get laughed out of /metal/

I actually post piano compositions there to mild applause.
I laugh the pedestrians out.

Getting so tried of seeing underage faggots admit to shitting up this website for the past 10 years and expecting sympathy

incredibly based

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Let's be realistic user, the majority of the internet for the first 10-20 years was underage, it still is in all the normalfag social media spaces.

Pick one and only one.

In very rare instances, a Chad like Meeks can marry way up and get billionaire pussy who bankrolls NEETdom, thus maintaining his status.

>mundane life
Means nothing. Anyone that isn't penniless/jobless can pay some shitty bills and talk to people to some extent.
>but muh merraje
Marriage isn't some end goal of happiness anybody should be striving for. That shit only exists in fiction and social media (which is full of fake shit).

>shitty bills and talk to people to some extent
Why bother?

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>nearly 28
>old friend gets in touch
>he has a job, lives in a different country, has a child, travels all over etc..
>meanwhile nothing has changed for me since our school days, still can't even drive, no job, no relationships, no skills, talents, or education
nobody to blame but myself, still demoralising as fuck though

I unironically don't want to live past like 26. I think I'll stick around for a few years and then just end it. Been living with this mindset since I was 15

what do you do all day?

You are assuming your life will stay the same, which is impossible.

lots of vidya, bit of anime, youtube, Yea Forums, some stuff around the house, sleep a lot

Dont think of it as having to catch up. Focus on living well and doing good for those who help you.

Already has stayed the same since I was 15, so it's a pretty safe guess. I'm 20 now

Living in a different country isn't exactly an positive achievement.

Is it really your fault? Obviously something bad happened for you to end up this way.

fuck I wish I was you
grass is always greener I guess

Same. My life is the exact same since i was 13. Alone on a Friday night playing vidya while everyone else is drinking and partying. Fuck

I give my characters middle age roughly, since I'm 33. That way I can justify being the hero of stories while getting uglier due to age.

I like that positive outlook, I'll try a little harder. thanks user
well yeah I meant more like it's a sign of maturity being able to move to a whole new life
maybe I wasn't as lucky as other people for whatever reason, be it social skills or intelligence or whatever, but it's still my fault
yeah I'm still happy most of the time, I just get a little disappointed when I compare myself to successful people my age