Now that the dust has cleared, what went wrong?

Now that the dust has cleared, what went wrong?

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Especially Nomura and his fanfiction 7

it's not the entire game

My casual response to "fans" who try to tell me I'm not allowed to enjoy Final Fantasy VII Remake, or any other game.

Watch this before attempting to invalidate my experience.

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This is the big one. They should have been upfront with the title that it was part 1, then they wouldn't have felt the need to throw in a random ass final boss

Nothing really. It is a great game.

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FFVII is no longer a story about anything. It's now just a product for people who want to see the characters waved around in front of their eyes in a consequence free world that goes on forever and ever like the MCU

filler bloat. changing the story. splitting one game into x parts. cant wait for ff7 remake part 12.3

Or how about you typing out your response? You can't articulate what this 3 minute video says by yourself?

They lied that it was a remake, when its clearly a Sequel.

Its basically FF7-2

Visually it looks better, but then it has moment where it looks like a ps3 game. And worse yet, its not a complete game in the fact you only play the first area but super padded out.

They changed a ton of stuff, and the fucked up the narrative that made the OG game memorable. Nomura time jannie shit made it feel like a kingdom hearts nonsense writing.

it's ff7 kingdomverse now. do u rike it?

Thanks for making it easy for me to thumbs down that video

being just a slice of a pizza

80% this. The other 20% being that people, regardless of what the Remakefags try to say, expected this to be generally a 1:1 remake of the original FF7 game. It's not and will not be.

people call each other autistic here so much that you forget what it's like to see a genuine aspie struggling to deal with everyday human interaction.
this was really embarrassing and boils down to nothing ore than a fanboy manifesto about how you will not accept anyone being mean about [product]

30 hours long, but 15 of them are cutscenes

Nomura’s been huffing the fumes of Kingdom Hearts and thought he was too cool to just remake the game

This is like, how to be a textbook zealot

>They lied that it was a remake, when its clearly a Sequel.
It's a remake because they're remaking the timeline, did u rike it?

SFM mistaken for a video game

>story about anything
what was the original story about? pollution bad? Bad guys bad? what?

It was Kitase (producer) and Hamaguchi (co director) who made all those decision, but overall you are right.
Hamaguchi wanted Sephiroth to be all over the place inpart 1 and have a big fight because he is the main villain.
And Kitase wanted to make drastic changes to both the story and combat, but Nomura wanted to keep at as close to the original. In the end they met somewhere in the middle.
It's not like Nomura just showed up with KH, he worked at Square since FF3. Nomura and Sakaguchi literally wrote the orignal story for FFVII, Nomura designed every character, NPC, boss, enemy, most areas, story boards, limit breaks, made the decision to only kill Aerith ofter Kitase wanted to kill off almost everyone in the plate crash etc.

All the retarded changes and addition came from Hamaguchi and Kitase and almost all the compilation shit that people hate stem from Nojima.

Daily seethe thread.

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FF7 never had a story about anything? Interesting angle. Before we continue, do you actually believe that?

game would have been a 10/10 if they removed all the padding

They blew their load too early by shoehorning Sephiroth in. Part of what made the original so great was chasing him to the end of the game and then it turns out he was long gone.

The focus isn't on chasing Sephiroth anymore, now its about cheating fate and creating a new destiny

Yeah, it's gone from a story with a clear goal to: "I dunno, anything can happen now????"

Imagine if Nintendo made "The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Remake" and did the same thing that was pulled for FF7:Remake.

Can't believe we need to wait 6 years to find out if hyrule field will just be fast travel or turned into a corridor. very exciting

Basing Tifa on pre-pregnancy Anri Okita and not post-pregnancy.

>fun gameplay
>better character interactions
>unpredictable story
>fantastic remixed music
>sold millions
Yea I'm thinking there's nothing wrong. Here's to part 2


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Where the fuck is the sequel that is what I ask.

Nothing, Elden Ring unironnicly appreciate FF7R even more, they know what they are doing.

I don't know if that would work because essentially every Zelda game is almost a remake of the last one.

>part 1/???
>midgar isn't fully explorable
>shinra tower rescue turned into hallway simulator
>plot ghosts
a lot went wrong. It had tons of potential and squandered everything.

yeah, it was as shit show

I personally liked that the game ends before you get to Hyrule and you learn more about Koriko Village and the people there. I do think then introducing Ganon before you got the Ocarina was a bit weird but it makes since when you realize that Ganon has control over the time paradox. He knows what happens at the end of the first game and all of the little tweaks and changes are him messing with the timeline. Also I'm willing to bet the "mysterious woman" laying in the woods singing Zelda's Lullaby backwards was probably adult Zelda. Hopefully we'll learn more in the next game. I can't wait to see what they do with the Gorons in Remake 2.

I wanted a remake, not a 12-year old's fan fiction.

Technically they already did that with Age of Calamity. They marketed it as a prequel and instead it was an alternate good ending timeline.

was the pc port ever fixed

Aerith said "SHIT!"

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I'm kneeling once he shows up.

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I'm kneeling if he DOESN'T show up considering every antagonist and their dog showed up in Part 1 and the DLC

I mean overall it's a great and fun game. It's just not FF7.

I used to feel the exact same way. I hated Genesis and wanted him nowhere near Remake. Now the lore and leading theories suggest he will return. And if he's going to return then I need to think that's a good thing. I'm now quite excited about him being in Remake. Lore wise it's huge.

Jimbo thread

Welcome to a FFVIIr thread, please just follow this instructions.

1. All criticism is valid, no matter how stupid or exaggerated it sounds. You cant question any criticism, otherwise you are a shill fanboy. No exceptions. If you reply to a critic post, it must be to agree with him.

2. Any praise must be questioned. Just ask them why and keep asking questions and asking questions until they get bored and leave. Remember, fanboys HATE to discuss, just ask and ask questions, and try to pretend you dont get it so they waste time with you.

3. If its your first post in the thread, you MUST add at the beginning of it before you say anything else that the game is shit and, optionally, why. Be as harsh as possible, remember this game is the worst game ever made.

4. If a fanboy tries to question your critique, always act as if you are calm and tell them they are really angry about your post. Remember, even if his post has arguments, dissmiss them, treat him as if hes really angry at you. That way you will be winning no matter what.

5. If nothing is working and you feel like you dont have any more arguments, you can always reply multiple times to the post that you made and think it is good, and agree with it, so people see it and think this is the truth. Alternatively, you can reply to the post that made you angry multiple times so the poster feels cornered.

6. This game is NOT part of Yea Forums culture, remember, we are legion. This game is shit and thats the final word on it.

>what went wrong?
OP being a faggot (again)

>12-year old's fan fiction.
why not just play the OG if you want things to stay the way they are?

No. It did have a story, I agree. I just would like your to hear your perspective on what FF7 was about and why the Remake isn’t about anything.

Not enough shots of Cloud's ass

Sorry, i dont have an argument. I just get angry at people questioning me.

WTF was bettys problem

imagine dancing in front of 3 niggas who have just lost loved ones.

not enough yuri.

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some retard story changes besides that it is fucking amazing

Every single thing.
Sans polycount, everything in this Demake is worse than in the 1997 original FF VII.

It's just alright, same as the original.
People need to stop acting like the original is some masterpiece.

Time Jannies

You will never be human barry.

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Why did they scale up to Sephorith and Cloud throwing skyscrapers at each other in what was not even 10% of the way through the original game? How are we supposed to think even Midgard Zolom is a threat when Cloud should just be bashing it's skull in with the barn from the nearby farm?

Which was the one who said they think surprising the audience is the goal of writing a good plot, to the point that they'll scrap and rewrite the entire script if they think the audience cam guess where the plot is going?

They should have been a bit cleaere about it being a sequel. Otherwise it was great. Time spent in the company of old friends with a bit of hope to change the future and have some of high class sex scene with Aertih.

I like how the ghosts that are there to make sure history goes the way it's supposed to are incredibly fucking noisy and distracting. That's sure to not cause even more changes.