ITT: gamer fuel

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pick none

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You should only drink water

>not an espresso drink
shit coffee?

Cannabis is literally like the drug from the movie Limitless for me makes me stronger better faster smarter

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They're only necesary is you have instant coffee, but why would you torture yourself like that?

water, mixed

Coconut water is GOAT tier
I also like coffee

i pretty much just blast coffees and bowls all day and accidentally forget to eat for like 16 hours. about once a day i have a low sodium club soda.


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>flavorless soda

unlike Limitless though it needs to be smoked which is a hassle. it would be the best drug if it were possible to get those effects in pill form. i hate having to carry around smell-proof bags and cleaning materials for pipes.

proper brew lad

Faker be like

i started getting into indian teas recently and it was a pleasant surprise

i suggest you try to see the enjoyment in rituals. cleaning your pipe/rolling your joint, the anticipation while doing it, getting a new strain, experiencing the fragrances and flavors, the subtle (or not so subtle) difference in the different methods of consuming, the social aspect of smoking together, etc. etc. utilitarism is fine and good, but try to see the joy in doing things just for the sake of doing them. enjoy

For me, its opium


for me, its coffee with nothing but water and heat

Uhh excuse me Yea Forums is a water board

just a quick snack

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snack life 3

because it's cheap and refreshing and i can mix stuff into it
also smoking and drinking coffee fucks up your teeth and i definitely dont need to add sugary soda to the mix

you do realize that you can eat or drink weed, right? ever heard about cooking, fat and alcohol?

worst post on Yea Forums right now

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i pick bailey's


Just make edibles if you dont wanna smoke it

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>weed makes me a genius man

Just smoke cigars

bro I'd fucking eat this everyday

what's /ck/'s opinions on this man?

eggs, bananas and peanut butter are the most based foods known to man

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fucking hipster faggot
Id kill myself if i had to listen to this pretencious bullshit on a daily basis

not as potent as a joint


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shut up faggot

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fucking delicious

bananas are so fucking good I can't believe they're legal
I could eat nothing but bananas all day
this isn't even some gay sex

Just stopping by to say this is the best tea ever boxed.

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carbonated water naturally produces carbonic acid regardless of how much sugar is also in there


lol you're fucking retarded and never had good edible, also joint is one of the weakest smoking method, only sub 100 IQ do it, bongs, vaporizers and even better, vaporizer connected to bong, are white man's choice

gay sex metaphor, I genuinely love bananas
(accidentally clicked post early because I was thinking about bananas)


the white man doesn't do drugs except for energy drinks

you missed the word 'vodka' or what?

everyone does drugs, had carbohydrates today? congrats you're junkie

I can't eat bananas, not because I'm allergic to it or I don't like the taste, but because the texture and the sound it makes when I chew on it makes me puke. same goes for lady fingers.

I think what you were trying to say is that you love bananas so much you can't believe they aren't gay sex

I love weed but nutrients are not drugs you actual retard

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Sushi from my local joint.

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Powdered creamer keeps a lot better than milk and doesn't effect the temperature of the coffee and hence makes a reliably better brew.

Find a single flaw, gringos.

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it's not (tap) water