Has arguably the best mario, zelda, kirby and metroid game of all time

>has arguably the best mario, zelda, kirby and metroid game of all time
is switch the SNES of its generation?

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oh it's arguable alright

>haha look at me pretending to to understand words
get a load of this retard

DxM, DP2 and SMTV

very arguable

Kirby is the only good game of this list. Everything else is below their series average.

cope, dilate and seethe, imbecile

cope Metroid Prime 4 will fail to live up to Dread. It doesn't have any of the hype or legacy behind it either.

Bleed with facts, BoTrannieW.

Thats not even a Zelda game.


I don't know why faggots keep trying to push this Dread vs Prime bullshit, I want both games to be good.

Who cares, tho? Dread already lacks in comparison to Super and Zero. Only idiots that love this game are faggots that enjoyed Fusion linearity. Or people starving for a new Metroid.


Star Fox bros... when will it be our turn for a revolutionary game on Switch?

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Zelda in name, and for people who never liked Zelda.
Eat a dick, faggot.

I know people say Ninty is due ten years olds but Kirby quite literally is. Plays like a baby game.

yeah no

at least Fusion has tight pacing and kino moments to go along with it, Dread is just a linear game pretending to be open with no true horror moments like Fusion
t. Fusionfag

BoTW is a Wii U game that was ported to switch last minute lol

We’ll get a half assed $60 star Fox zero port if we’re lucky

>t. Fusionfag
you didn't have to say it since it was obvious, pseud
fusion has way less chase sequences than dread does, which makes dread the superior horror experience (even if fusion did have some kino moments like the discovery of the metroid cloning lab)
also, fusion is too linear (not that dread is extremely open-ended or anything, but it might as well be in comparison to fusion)

>is switch the SNES of its generation?
that would imply SMW and aLttP were good

>tfw Prime 4 will be a Switch game ported to Switch 2 last minute
>tfw they don't get to take advantage of better hardware
I hate that they didn't just give it to Retro in the first place, FUCK Nintendo for giving it to some SEAmonkey no-names

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they were, especially alttp
but if smw is bothering you (i can understand that since some of its levels can feel empty), remember that the snes had yoshi's island as well

Odyssey is indeed the best 3D Mario by far.
BOTW is one of the best Zelda games.
Kirby is a throwaway franchise, Odyssey and BotW are in a whole league higher than Kirby. The new Kirby is fine, but far from anything groundbreaking or amazing.
Metroid was alright. Definitely not the best

No. We still don't have a great new Donkey Kong Country game.

Prime 4 will surpass it as long as there are sections where Samus is stuck as a ball and gets objectified

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>tropical freeze is 8 years old
what the FUCK!?

>Kirby is a throwaway franchise
Forgotten Land is proving otherwise. Best game released this year so far.

Dread was great but it is not the best Metroid game. Prime 1, 2 and Zero Mission are better.

>prime 1
>zero mission
very debatable
>prime 2
you're delusional

Mario and Kirby, sure, the other 2 I don't know about

worse than 64
worse than every single game except skyward and 2
worse than superstar kino
fusion 2 is not even a metroid game

The switch is where vidya goes to die

>odyssey is worse than 64
imagine what kind of a loon you have to be to think this
>worse than every single game except skyward and 2
you're either baiting or genuinely insane

i fucking hated fusion and loved dread
and ZM > super

64 really wasn’t that good. I liked it when I was 7 but the levels are uninteresting, there’s only like 4 music tracks, and the controls are fucky as hell

Also no new Mario Kart game
these are serious omissions

no, because the snes had hundreds of banger games not just a fucking couple. you will never get a console equivalent to ps2 or previous, because they simply do not put out anywhere near as many games or as much variety in the games anymore. how many good rpgs does the switch have? now how many did any ps2 or previous gen have? makes it pretty easy to see they'll never compare. old platforms were never carried by one title or a couple of titles, their library put in massive work and for every shovelware dogshit game there was an equivalent fucking gem.

Switch got dragon quest, which is a pretty solid game

>8 years since their last game
>14.6 years since their last Prime game
I'm concerned, we have no way of knowing if Retro even has it in them anymore

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>Best game released this year so far.
You must have insanely shit tastes if you think a linear 3D platformer designed for toddlers is GOTY material.

Kirby 64 was better because you could combine the powers. I loved that shit as a kid

This is the most contrarian post on this website dedicated to contrarianism. Nintendo is hitting a new stride of above average and extremely polished games that no developer even comes close to.

>worse than 64
Only speedrunning tryhards believe this.

Also this thread is making me realize just how autistic Nintendo's fanbase is. Fanbases within fanbases

Yea Forums has a really weird boner for Kirby. Like it’s fun and all but anons act as if forgotten lands is some kind of revolutionary GOTYAY 12/10 masterpiece. It’s like a weird attempt at seeming interesting or contrarian
I don’t even own eldin ring and like Kirby but some of you guys need to relax

Just add the DS games and the post is correct. BotW is not the worst Zelda just brbecause II, Skyward,
Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks exist.

Nintendo fans only owning Nintendo consoles and playing literally nothing else is so sad. Sorry hon, Elden Ring came out just a little while ago and absolutely shits on everything nintendo has ever done. Fucking insane to me how people can play literal baby games like Kirby and think it stacks up to epic masterpieces like ER.

>Fanbases within fanbases
It’s really not that autistic to have a favorite game in a 30+ year old IP with a dozen different games

>imagine what kind of a loon you have to be to think this
Odyssey is just way too fucking easy to even be enjoyable. Hat in Time released near odyssey and it was the superior 3D platforman game

>you're either baiting or genuinely insane
Fine, it's better than 1 and
Wind Waker I guess, that game just feels so damn unfinished

Ironically, Odyssey is only fun if you speedrun it. The controls are fucking amazing but the base game is a fucking joke. If you go fast and crazy with the movement options, then you'll have fun

>Hat in Time released near odyssey and it was the superior 3D platforman game
Hat in Time is cheap garbage lol. Half the stages don’t even invoke platforming

Kek, literally everything about this post is wrong. Fuckin' tard. Odyssey is shit. BOTW is shit. Kirby is the only good game on here.

>Half the stages don’t even invoke platforming
So, just like Odyssey?

Nah, a good game is a good game no matter the target audience, and Kirby is for the whole family, not just toddlers. I can get "git gud" experiences aplenty these days, but as as fun as they can be I'm too old to be e-peening on them to my peers, while Kirby is a much more fun game to play with my wife and kid.

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Odyssey had a real fucky pacing
>only need like 6 moons to “complete” a level
>you get a moon every 5 steps or just for itching your ass
they should have either upped the requirement to “beat” a level or went with quality over quantity

OOT and MM are the best Zelda games
Mario 64 is the best Mario game
Nightmare in dreamland is the best Kirby game
Zero Mission or Super Metroid or Metroid Prime is the best Metroid Game

So none of the games in OPs pics are the best games in the series.

Peak contrarianism. A game specifically designed for 5 year olds with 0 challenge, unfun movement is the best to you. Lmao

As a pc player and switch casual, you are simply a fag. From games like Elden have never been difficult. Any game with i-frames is not hard no matter how many times you drones jerk eachother off in your threads telling you they are.

stop posting, you absolute fucking retard
no one will deny that odyssey is an overall easy game, but only morons think that it has little platforming

nigger I enjoyed every game OP listed but to say Odyssey and BoTW are shit but say Kirby isn’t is just weird. Kirby just kind of exists. It’s fun to kick back and play but there’s virtually no challenge so it’s just like electric heroin you just kind of zone out and enjoy the ride

Not the user you're replying to, but growing up in the 8 and 16 bit era, a game being "hard" meant shit about its actual quality or intended audience.
Sometimes a tightly designed casual experience is simply more fun and memorable than something you have to grind hours upon hours at.

>Elden Ring has i-frames so it’s just as easy as Kirby

It's sad that people never talk about one really good series that has multiple titles on Nintendo Switch console. Of course, I am talking about Picross S

I never even mentioned Kirby. Typical retard making up shit in his head to win an argument that never existed

Even if you don’t care about challenge I don’t see how Kirby is a GOTY worthy experience. The gameplay is so damn simple. It isn’t even fun to move around like in Odyssey. You solve a few braindead puzzles and then mash attack button on enemies. That’s it. That’s the extent of the gameplay.

And I never mentioned that ER was even difficult you niggerbrained retard

The first two levels of odyssey have literally zero platforming. Even while inside the pyramid, the game gives you bullet bills to skip platforming
Don't care user, odyssey is fucking shit. Maybe romhack chads will save the game and make a proper hard mode that actually focuses on platforming instead of being a gimmick showcase where you use abilities to do "puzzles". Hey, I also just described the new kirby game right now

Its no different than any other open world game then. That is all I wanted to hear, thanks.

fzero bros... its our turn

This is like saying BotW is no different than any ubishit open world. It’s retarded

Yet its true

No it isn’t but okay

eeeeh they are all good, but best? debatable
for me it's:
kirby triple delude
metroid zero mission
zelda albw

>Best Mario
Super Mario World or Super Mario Galaxy 2
>Best Zelda
>Best Kirby
Super Star Ultra or Return to Dreamland
>Best Metroid
Arguable, but I'd say Prime still edges it out

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>Best Mario
bowser's inside story
>Best zelda
wind waker
>Best kirby
squeak squad
>Best metroid
dont care about metroid

>The first two levels
out of 15+ levels, you mongoloid
>literally zero platforming
there are still retards in the year 2021 of our lord who use the word "literally" figuratively? embarrassing
>Even while inside the pyramid the game gives you an option which you don't have to use!
>Don't care user, I'll just think what suits me the most
keep being a faggot
>Hey I'm so clever for making an obvious connection between a game series that has its main character use abilities gained through other enemies and Mario Odyssey which uses that same concept
stop posting

get a load of this tranny... next you're going to tell me that Zelda is a girl now too? lmao