What mmo you currently playingan?
What mmo you currently playingan?
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tried to play TESO for the social and comfy aspect of the game but I just can't, it's too boring
every MMO is awful as fuck
prove me wrong
Nothing. I might play the new 14 patch to study complete then uninstall since it’s raiding sucks. MMORPGs are pretty dead.
A little Runescape 3 for quests. MMOs are bad games though, not worth investing significant time in.
FFXIV and mabinogi
Still waiting for blue protocol, its supposed to release somwehere form this or next 2 months
Lol what? You think they wouldn’t be hype if it was coming this soon?
>This soon
Soon? They like announced an alpha run 2 or 3 years ago
GW2 on/off, but maybe like once or twice a week. I'm currently waiting to see what fuck up Blizzard will make with the WoW expansion announcement then will wait with low expectations for Ashes of Creation and Palia.
None, because MMO's are trash and most MMO players are mentally ill.
gw2, but havent bought the expansion, only grinding up SAB for the 2 tribulation jukeboxes
Unironically a great and underrated mmo. Combat is fantastic and shits on 9/10 current mmos. PvP is great and meta is a huge clusterfuck because of the new expansion (nerf spectre). Tons of spec customization and you can have fun in every type of content. Probably the best/fun leveling experience for new players, especially once they get the basic gist of the game.
>Combat is fantastic and shits on 9/10 current mmos
ur actually retarded lmao
PSO2 NGS although its more of an MO than an mmo. I just really enjoy "space fantasy" and am looking forward to where they'll be taking the game next.
Wakfu while waiting for patch 6.1 of ff14
The combat is awful and the story is so bad you have to turn off voices for the game to be playable. The only good thing about gw2 is that it keeps gw1 servers alive
user, I agree with your statement about GW2's combat (and most other fundamentals) still being light years ahead of of MMO's, Anet has driven this game into the shitter years ago. It's practically unsalvageable, the meta will always be a mess, PvP will always be left out to die, the PvP community is a cesspool of egoistic and corrupt players who with their own actions gimp any semblence of a scene. It has always been like this, and it will always be like this.
And the fact what I just said above about the game being on a fundamental level excellent just makes this whole shitshow even worse. If you enjoy playing, good for you. But you are in the minority. I tried to keep this post short because I have shit to do and if I open this can of worms I'll be writing literal essays about how doomed this game was from the start both from the perspective of players and development.
T: EU thief main with around 5,5k hours, with an average ranked rating around 1,7k and above over multiple seasons.
Ps. NA is even worse...
Don't care, still have comfy adventures.
>I like 1-button mash difficulty tier content with no tangible/meaningul progression, replay value or artistic flavor with a plot dumber than a sunday morning cartoon.
Each to their own.
I use MMORPGs as a medium for roleplaying. If you genuinely are looking for difficulty you are playing the wrong genre.
beats other mmos with their slow clunky combat and gear treadmills
>The PC in the campaign is a cardboard cut out [Insert your character here] -type
>The player is given no options to influence the campaign or make meaningful decisions >The PC is a slayer of multiple dragons, member of two important dragon hunting guilds, commander of the alliance and a high ranking member of MULTIPLE "Oh, SO SECRET" organisations that hold major pieces of power and influence withing tyria...
>Still gets treated like shit.
I give it 4/10 purely out of few kino sequences and Canach/Rytlock but that's about it.
>user, I agree with your statement about GW2's combat (and most other fundamentals) still being light years ahead of other* MMO's
Are you blind? Stupid? Or both?
Room temperature IQ.
>Are you blind? Stupid? Or both?
wrong user
>I use MMORPGs as a medium for roleplaying
Now if only they were actually good at doing that.
I know.
>I use MMORPGs as a medium for roleplaying.
Why dont you play an actually decent RPG instead retard
>If you genuinely are looking for difficulty you are playing the wrong genre
Weird how other MMOs manage it just fine.
It says a lot about the state of the genre when GW2 is the best around.
I gave up MMOs because I was tired of being a rat in a skinner box. Yall need to wake up
this, fucking terrible genre
Lmao, GW2 is probably the worst pseudo MMO on the market, even shitty f2p Korean games are better.
Hell ill even say Bless Online was better.
t. Day one owner of this garbage
I mean we get a balance patch to pvp every 2 weeks now
we even had 2 balance patches in last week alone and the summer patch will change the balance fundamentally
Im optimistic, gw2 is in its redemption arc
>caring at all about the story
>actually roleplaying with the main story
lmfao, holy shit people actually do this in MMOs? The point is to ignore the main story because its always garbage (FFXIV included) and make your own background and interact with other people's characters. How is this such a difficult concept to grasp?
You first
You must be a content gobbling nigger
go back to your game filled with desperate attention seeking obnoxious homos
Where is my playable Tengu.
Once against you first nigger
The biggest fault with GW2 is the difference between a player with a well made build and one that cobbled anything together and how poorly the game informs you of underperforming.
In order to see your DPS you either need to go to a singular area where you fight a punching bag or download a totally safe 3rd part thing and risk your account.
People are more obsessed about their DPS and doing things fastest that it sucks the fun out of playing some of the classes. Mechanics on most bosses outside of fractals and raids is non existent because most players hammer 1 as they stand in a single spot.
Also fuck any player that stays dead waiting to be revived instead of using a waypoint.
Still games fun and I'm glad that it's success is keeping the GW1 servers alive.
wow ascension, but the novelty is wearing off.
>Im optimistic, gw2 is in its redemption arc
The game runs on a modified, unmodular engine of the first Guild Wars game, the technical devs behind that marvel have left the company ages ago, why? Because the company itself is in the shitter, milking shekels for daddy NCsoft.
>I mean we get a balance patch to pvp every 2 weeks now
>we even had 2 balance patches in last week alone and the summer patch will change the balance fundamentally
Oh great, have they fixed Warrior's greatsword rush yet? Or Thief's steal pathing on cetain flat areas (namely in Foefire or Capricorn), what about Revenant's phase traversal? What about CMC or Ben, are they still on janitor duty, trying to beg bigger executives the power to change something while trying their best to clean up the class designer's mess they've made expansion after expansion? What about Grouch, is he actually doing anything meaningful? Are the AT's still broken? Is the ranked ladder still corrupt? Is ArenaNet still biased and lax about handling match fixing? What about Spirit watch, has it finally been added to the ranked pool? What about WvW alliances, it's only been what; 3 years?
I've seen this dance before, user. It's not gonna get better; you are at the first stage of grief. And that is denial... Take a webm of Catwoman's tits instead. As I said before, I got shit to do, ciao (for now).
Copium/10, the post.
Guild Wars 2 on and off.
Getting back to FF14 once the new patch drops.
goofing around in GW2
Did your containment general get taken over by a bot again?
They really haven't added any new slutgear for Norns? My Norn Rev has been in almost an identical set since 2015.
btw the foefire wraps work great with that chest and leg
gw2 andies malding again KEKW
Not this wokeshit that's for sure.
what the fuck is this? is this english?
he will NOT play your shit game, stop begging pogO
I'm playing Everquest for the first time on Project 1999 and I might've fucked up. A higher-leveled troll dude just walked up to me and wanted to trade a bunch of shields; I canceled the deal since I thought it was some sort of scam but now that I think about it he might just have wanted to give me them to help out.
Destiny 2
>literally 5+5 abilities and 5 utilities for most classes
>half of those skills dont work in pvp
>due to every map having tons of places where its vertical geodata traversal thing of a jig
>considered TRU ELITE(C) PVP gayme
>despite gayme being skewed towards ranged shitters W-running about-jumping puzzles
Once you get like 50hours deep into this - you drop it like any sane person would. Meta been exactly the same for years - blow your rdps cooldown abilities and kite into geodata, while spamming GITGUD.
Story is great on the other side, beautifully voice acted and marvelously done for an old title.
>Buy the newest expansion
>Encounter the token dykes at the beginning of the new zone
I haven't had the will to play since. I wish they'd kill off those annoying cunts.
why did you think you were getting anything else you stupid fucking retard
The few sets that came with EoD are all burka tier, and about as interesting to look at.
It gets much, MUCH worse than that.
But the gameplay and fishing is fine, to be fair, and that's what actually matters.
v on the left
that one in the OP right there
Sus protocol lol
>Story is great
shut the fuck up retard the story is steven universe tier faggotry
Did you even read the link you posted?
Im enjoying ascension alot myself, really surprised how its better then retail but the pay to win stuff is annoying and this is me just personally but i hate how easy open world is that most mobs die in 3 hits.