Pc chads

were we at with the sinking prices?

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>tfw upgraded before covid/crypto shit
I'm good brah.

ryzen 1600 user here
wanted to update to a 5600x but it looks like the 5500 almost has the same performance for 50 euros less
should i go for it?

Same, I just need a new monitor, but everything on the market now sucks

No, you shouldn't. It doesn't even support PCIe v4.0
5600x is the bare minimum, but you should really aim for at least a 5700x, which was just released.

>tfw upgraded in the middle of lockdown

I-Its not like I'm stupid or anything, baka

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>Ryzen 5 2600

when should i upgrade bois? to what?

keep having to remind myself i don't need to drop 2k on gaming pc because i barely play games and spend all time time shitposting instead

Apparently next gen AMD chips are using a different type of socket, so in like 2-3 years when you want to build a whole new rig

Or if he just wants to drop in a new CPU without changing mobo and ram, he could get a cheap 5600x right now for a good boost.

Is the update even worth it at this point?

I just want to be able to be good for the next 3-4 years, I dont need to run the latest current chip or gpu, my 2060 super should be okay

You won't need anything stronger for this entire gen if you're running no more than 1440p, especially considering consoles still sport shit hardware and can't do 1080p/60 fps across the board.
Running a 3600 myself and have yet to run into bottlenecks.

5500 is a cachelet. 5600 is the better value now, unless the 5600x is at the same price or almost.
5700x is also interesting if you more cores but have a lower end board that might be able to tank the 5800x.

do you think ryzen 3600 will be ok for a few more couple of years at 1080p?

>made a 3060ti and 5600x build on launch day for MSRP
I will be playing every game at 1080p 144hz Ultra for the forseeable future

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see and I'm running 1440p with no issues at all.

sell 2600 for $100 on ebay
buy 5600 for $200 msrp

>Buying an AMD APU
Why fuck yourself over?
Most emulators support Intel

the 5600x destroys the 2600 in all emulators.

If you're going for a 3-4 year build just but a 5600 and then save and wait until you can do a whole new build

>dodged the 3.5 meme when it was shilled here
>got a 290 instead and lasted me whole gen
>decided to ignore Yea Forums again this gen
>upgraded to 5700 XT in line with new console gen
I'm a happy camper. Always do the opposite of what Yea Forums says.

my cpu is 6 years old. Should I upgrade to 5600x now or wait for next gen

Shoo shoo Jew.

ryzen 5 5600? why not go ryzen 9?

>1060 6GB
>all cool, shit runs fine
>pick up a VR headset
>realize I was woefully underequipped
Hope I can get something for MSRP soon.

Citra and what little I used of RPCS3 ran fine on my 3600 and 5600XT

Will I get more mileage out of upgrading to faster RAM or a faster SSD?

>faster SSD
>faster RAM
Maybe you'll gain 2-6 fps?

by now i think i'd wait
ddr5 is still being scalped
amd is switching their socket to lga, which considering their record track you can expect a decent upgrade path
there's a new psu standard gaining track too
there's a lot of shit changing this year. i'd look for the used market for a half decent gpu if needed but other than that i'd play the waiting game this year
also intel gpu. even if it's shit at least it's another player on the field, and you know rabid fanboys gonna buy the fuck out of this

Do you even know what an APU is you idiot
Even the recent i3 does better than the new Ryzens at RPCS3. I have no idea why that emulator runs so much better on Intel

i'm very interested to see how next amd apu are going to perform using ddr5

>radeon VII
Happy with the cpu though I am sort of tempted by the 5800x3d if the reviews match what AMD is claiming as it will be the absolute best cpu for vidya i can put into my aging x370 board.

The VII is serving me very well but i'm looking forward to what RDNA3 can bring as a 7800xt or whatever the fuck AMD calls it is a gpu I would like to upgrade to if the current rumours are ballpark accurate.

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>5600x build on launch day for MSRP
nigga you literally paid $100 for a letter

5600 at least. 5700x better for long term

At least he didn't pay 500+ bucks over MSRP for his GPU.

TSX instructions I believe, although AMD does have its equivalent to that
I admittedly don't know of any other software that uses them, but I'm not very savvy at all in that regard

I'm selling my GTX 1060 6GB and buying either GTX 3060, or 3060ti, haven't decided which one yet.

3060ti is pretty much inching closer to a 3070 so just get that.

5600 only just came out user. The 5600x was the best purchase for the time

3070 is too expensive for me and Im planning to play only at 1080p with 75Hz monitor

cum @ my i5 2500k

tfw 5800x3d price :(((

>next amd apu are going to perform using ddr5
Steamdeck uses LPDDR5 and RDNA2 in it's APU and the performance is similar to a gtx 1050. Same goes to the recent notebook APUs. The desktop ones is probably going to be around 1050ti/1650 performance, not a big deal at all especially for 2023 and forward.

>The 5600x was the best purchase for the time
exactly. he was megajewed by chinks into thinking it was worth $300 when it could have cost $230

Could have doesn't mean does.
Yeah it should have cost 230$ but it never did until recently now and even at 300, it was still the best price for performance before the 5600. Not like there were any alternative until intel 12 and even then it's better value if you count the mother board you have to buy for intel.

everyone is telling me ryzen 5600 is best, but why not just upgrade to a ryzen 9? pls respond


do you need the ryzen 9 though? only thing that does better vs everything else are workloads. for gaming, going beyond 5600/5600x/5700x is kind of pointless unless you needed the core/thread count

Barely any gain in gaming for a lot more money.

If you just want a processor for gaming, you're not gonna need anything more than a 5600 or 5600x. The difference in framerate between them and even a 5950x isn't significant. If you have money to spend and need a processor for productivity as well, then just go ahead with the 9.

>tfw Ryzen 7 3700x


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Bros, what would be good GPU to pair with ryzen 5 3600? Im going to be upgrading from rx 580 in 2-3 months. Thinking about rtx 3060

I'm running a 5700XT. werks gr8
The 3060 is weaker.

>Thinking about rtx 3060
Either 3060 ti or higher, or RX6600XT or higher.

It's a cool letter

thanks bros ill look into it

>i7 12700k

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gamersnexus on ytube has some great reviews

either go 5600 non-x or 5700x

everything inbetween is not worth the small increments

If I take out my 3700x and drop in a 5800x will I need to format?

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You're fine

I was looking at a 5500 coming from a 1600. PCIe gen 4 is useless since I'm on a B350 (to get a bios update for 5000 this month). Otherwise, Gaymer's Nexus shows a huge performance discrepancy for the price and cache size so I'll reach for a 5600 non-X.

And just to echo my point. Gen 4 is a worthless value add for people on older boards, which I would assume most 1000/2000s are. Also the 5600X is a $30-$40 premium for maybe

Is it truth that drivers are shit? How smooth does doom eternal run or your favorite get of course, any experience with any emulator?