Ganon is evil because of what?
Ganon is evil because of what?
Other urls found in this thread:
Link stole his cunny.
He coveted that wind…
Because Zelda is a kids game and it needs a bad guy
Because he's jewish
Because Nintendo plots are so shallow that Ganondorf is evil because he just is
He was the only man raised in a village filled with women
Ambition and a Curse.
his skin color
He wasn't evil, it was just an epic prank that got out of hand.
Link unrelated.
Doesn't Skyward Sword explain why or am I misremembering ?
I at least remember him being in Evil in OoT because the prosperous Hyrule left the Gerudos to die or some shit
Sixth post kekth post
Because he just is, okay!
I want to see a good version of Ganon where over the course of the game he gets corrupted.
Here's the full resolution version.
Technically Ganon was evil because of the triforce of power which corrupts the very hearts of men and the gods were assholes and chose a middle eastern guy. Why are gods always the asshole?
Yeah there's a primordial evil force that reincarnates to hound the various Links and Zeldas for eternity. Eventually it manifested as Ganondorf and then basically got stuck as him going forward.
I think it's a mishmash that just so happened to be the curse incarnated as Ganon and for once the incarnation also happened to be blessed with power by the gods (he is consistently the wielder of the triforce of power any time it gets split; every Zelda and Link is a different one).
but yeah the short version is the hero's spirit (Link) and the royal bloodline (Zelda) are forever cursed by Demise (the form of which happens to be Ganon most the time).
>power corrupts
Man skyward sword is so shit.
In WW he says that all that he has done was for the sake of his race, the Gerudo people!
It feels very Super Paper Mario.
Where I disliked it when it came out but then was even more aggravated with where the series went afterwards.
Worst part was Fi breaking immersion about my fucking batteries.
hes jewish and black and ginger. he was cursed at birth and has eveey reason to get back at the world.
He is jealeous of Hyrule's prosperity so he wants to conquer it to make it shit. You even see it in Ocarina of Time what he does when he conquers a place. He likes to ruin things for the sake of being edgy because he never had anything good in his life.
Worst credits of the 3D Zelda series too.
One look at that schnoz tell me why.
It did give us the best antagonist the series has had outside of Ganondorf, though.
The gods just copping Demise's sword wholesale is a pretty neat plot point. From the design straight down to jamming a sentient being into it.
It's weird because in Wind Waker Ganon seems at least mildly interested in the idea of burying the hatchet. He's still evil but he seems at least aware that there's some kind of cycle that he can't break out of. And an Oracle of Seasons and Ages he seems to have completely lost his mind after being resurrected so many times.
That’s the dumb part. OoT set him up just as a power hungry leader. It was fine. Then WW came in and gave him a softer edge; it was just nation vs nation as far as he saw it (probably no different than how Hyrule came up… it was fine and it made sense.
Then SS changed everything for no reason.
I think these things can still mesh together. I'd post here about some grand hopes for BotW2 and Ganon being more than a husk that turns into a final boss fight but we know that won't happen.
Also meant for this post
I don't that sounds like retarded BotW fanfiction
He's evil because of Demise not the Triforce of power, the Triforce wouldn't have even broken apart of he wasn't imbalanced
Having Link fight a resurrected Demise and then Ganondorf's husk revives free of Demise's influence, but still challenges Link to settle the score once and for all would be cool
Well the thing about Breath of the Wild is that Ganondorf, the person, is supposed to be long dead. There is only Ganon now. BotW's Hyrule is long over 10,000 years old. That is beyond ancient. There were ancient ruins even back when Ganondorf was just born. The Kingdom of Hyrule counts as an eldritch, unnaturally long lasting, borderline eternal kingdom by the time of BotW. So I'm not sure how well it would go for Ganondorf to just come back. If anything I'd sooner expect to see Demise.
No idea why SS decided to jerk off to buddhist concepts so much. With the final boss being notMara, a vague persoification of death that only exists to antagonise the main characters and block the path to enlightenment.
You're in luck then since I doubt they'd do anything interesting like that.
You... did watch the first trailer for BotW2 with what clearly looks like a dorf husk, right?
Would be a fun way to still give Dorf as a person agency, I could see something like that being cool.
Yeah that'd be sick
Because he represents the Demiurge
Majoras Mark is the best antagonist besides Ganondorf. He is simple just drop moon + earth = destruction. Ganondorf wants to conquer shit and have zombies around and play the piano like a faggot.
Majoras Mark wants to destroy fucking everything.
Ganondorf even freed of all evil would never allow himself too live with the fact that he was used by demise or defeated by Link.
Ganondorf always seems like a character consumed by pride
Gerudo women just want that Hylian cock and they wanna femdom Kokiri boys. They dont give a single fuck about dominating distant lands where they cannot even subexist anyway Ganon is just a dick that makes everyone zombies and makes the sky ugly and edgy.
Depends on what you look for in a character, I suppose. Majora is just chaos incarnate, not something worth really discussing for more than two sentences.
That's why I like the other user bringing up WW Ganon, he was just kind of relaxing and taking things slow.
Though you could say some of his downfall was still pride like not killing the green tunic lad who broke into his fortress.
According to him in WW, his motive, at least initially was to give his people livable land and to end their suffering of life in the harsh desert. Obviously he stopped giving a fuck about that once he got the Triforce of Power as they remained in the Desert but he did regret it in the end so it was definitely what gave him the motive to invade.
As for why he's full of evil demon pig energy, it's because he's basically a reincarnation of a literal demon that cursed the world forever.
It was fine. Better than WW by a mile and not much worse than TP.
I think we may get this in some form in BOTW2, since the latest trailer does seem to confirm Link's arm is Corpse Ganon's possessing him and presumably corrupting him.
People keep misunderstanding what he said in WW he never wanted Hyrule because his people were suffering he wanted Hyrule because the desert had nothing in it even in WW with his entire race dead he still wanted to restore Hyrule because the Great Sea like the Gerudo Desert had nothing in it
It was never about his people and his ambitions were always selfish
I will never understand this boards hatred for Twilight Princess, no one ever gives me a straight answer then the arguments devolve into posting pictures of the character designs as if that is what truly makes the game unplayable. I understand personal preferences, but as TP being one of my most favorite Zelda games I do get curious why people hate it so much
>Link's arm is Corpse Ganon's possessing him and presumably corrupting him.
Ganon is turning Link into the Hylian who DORIYAHS.
I like it though? I'm just say SS isn't quite as good.
Most I could imagine is that TP stands on the shoulders of giants. It's the least inspired 3D Zelda by far.
Now that said, it does its job amazingly. It's just that it feels like they took the OoT team and flashed it forward 7 years.
Ganon is a demon that resides inside Ganondorf
If you've ever met a brown man raised by a single mother and a whole bunch of sisters, aunts, and girl cousins without any positive male role models, you'd understand.
Ganondorf's going to make him grab his crotch at inappropriate moments!
Eh I dunno... I just find it boring, mostly because of the art-style and wolf stuff. Soundtrack felt like a step down from the stellar ones from OOT and TP too, which certainly didn't help improve the atmosphere.
That said, like most post-OOT Zeldas, it did certain things really well, most notable one being the dungeon designs, so I certainly wouldn't call it bad, I just don't find it as immersive as the others.
From my last playthrough...maybe a tad diappointing in side content but a solid game overall.
my one friend hates it because how long the intro is and the muted colors
This. If ganondorf was doing it for the gerudo they wouldn't have still been stuck in the desert post time skip in oot. They'd be in hyrule, which he practically destroyed as a show of power.
I'd say more fragments of a demon that reconstructs itself into a new being through Ganondorf but ye.
TP is fine, but it has the same major problem as WW and SS, only way worse. It takes way too fucking long to get the game going. Aonuma treating the fanbase like retards at its worst.
Based braap-poster
I meant soundtrack of WW not TP whoops
I share your wishes fellow user
I spend an hour playing with the pigs in WW as a kid.
I hated the stealth section the most though
It was super satisfying to go back there with the Master Sword and wreck everyone's shit though.
What are your thoughts on Ganondorf in botw2 being kept under hyrule castle using twilight magic so that the sheikah could siphon his malice to power the guardian and divine beasts which was why it was so easy for him to take control of them? He's still "alive" in the trailers, he could have been sealed down there for thousands and thousands of years never being able to die and never being able to recover the triforce of power
speaking of which, is the triforce ever mentioned in botw?
Why are pigs so fun to throw into the ocean
>still challenges Link
But why?
I don't think anybody really "hates" TP they're just annoyed it takes several hours in to even do anything and even then you'll be collecting light tears for a majority of those first hours
I don't think we have the proper context yet based on what little we've seen.
I think that would turn the sheikah into huge morons.