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Problem officer?

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>well made

>well made combat
pick 1

Well made combat bosses good
ER combat bosses bad

skill issue

Why not? Both you and enemies are fast, you have rally, range parry and trick "combos"

Souls combat is unsurpassed, it's not a surprise soo many games are copying it, even mainstream, ones by EA like Fallen Order.

Attached: Fallen Order.webm (768x432, 2.98M)


I watched that Arcane Kinship video the fromdrones were posting about earlier, how can you take that guy seriously? His argument consists almost entirely of gotchas and semantics. He says that lock-on breaking is a feature and that Dark Souls isn't a sequel. It's just mindnumbing the lengths this guy goes to suck off Fromsoft. He's like the platonic ideal of the British Youtube commentator coasting on his accent to sound smart and "le logical" without actually saying anything intelligent.


Attached: 1633103582015.jpg (640x469, 295.43K)

>Souls combat is unsurpassed
I seriously hope you're joking

If he likes gimmicks then his fav souls game should be DS2.
It has by far the most small gimmicks and tricks to bosses, but makes them good by not having them as the mandatory "only way" to beat said boss but as a nice secret alternate way that makes the boss easier.

-Pursuer's arena has the bastilas, you can get gud and parry him for an easy kill, you can fuck it up and he'll break them. Also you can use them in COOP and even troll hosts/phantoms and kill them with it.

-Dragonriders has the raising platforms as his default arena is insanely small and any hit will push you off. Raising one or both makes the fight easier but raising none lets you cheese him into falling off if you know how to bait him.

Flexile's arena has water slowly fills the room, slows you down, increases his fire def by 30% but it also decreases lightning def by 30% so you can make use of the gold pine resin you find in the Wharf.
Flexile also has 2 move sets he switches between the clubs being easier to roll but blocking them breaks your guard instantly, while the swords are fast as fuck and have great range but are easy to block.

Sinner's lamps helping lock on distance and Freja spiders being afraid of torches.

Chariot's whole gauntlet phase 1 with skeletons + necros then a horse fight in phase 2. Imagine if he was 100% gimmick and he died instantly when he hit the gate like Dragon God.

Rat Vanguard being pretty much a better version of Pinwheel that can actually kill you because petrification.
Also better designed because the boss spawns in after 10 rat kills so you don't just walk in, lock on to the real boss and ignore the clones like you can with Pinwheel.

Mirror Knight and NPC/Player Summons.

Avaa being invisible till you get the eye but 100% fightable if you're familiar enough with her moves. A lesser game would've just made the boss invincible to force you to do it like they wanted.

Ivory King and the first phase with the Knights and actually having to find them in the level.

ds2 is shit
didn't read

Yeah, you're coping.
Keep it up.

This looks more like Skyward Sword

lmao if you're gonna shill the shitty souls combat system then at least shill Sekiro which does it the best

>press button
>character does something
nice "game"

For me, it's The Bourne Identity

FO is mechanically 1:1 a Sekiro clone, it even has a posture bar on enemies and you 1 shot execute them if you break it.
The only significant differences are no stealth and crouching and a bigger focus on platforming, double jumps, wall rinning and zip lines instead of a grapple.

I literally didn't even get 3 minutes in because he was being supremely autistic about dark souls not being a sequel to demon's souls
What the fuck was even up with that

Sekiro invented neither of those things, Fromdrone.

If DS2 is soo shit why does Miyazaki prefer it over DS1 and DeS?
He literally made Tanimura co-director for both DS3 and ER and gave him free reign handle the combat.

>memorable gameplay experiences good
>repetitive fights withing a mediocre combat system bad

Attached: 1649506161701.jpg (720x671, 33.45K)


Too based for this board


you mean roll spam, infinite combo, hyperagressive crap like 80% of elden ring bosses, Maiden Astrae is still more memorable than any elden ring boss

his take on dark souls 2 has aged like fucking milk. i'd love to know if he has changed his perspective on that game.

All this text and no one will read it

Tanimura wasn't the original director for DS2, he just picked up the pieces.

Based DS2 chad making ds3sisters seethe at having to read and use their braincells.

I've quickly deciphered that
>gimmick boss
is code for
>I'm too shit to figure out mechanics

Based. And I don't even like DS2.

Ah, so the fact that FO came out 1 year after Sekiro and uses the same respawn at bonfire (meditation site) mechanic, posture system, parry system, the fact that it has charged attack R1 thrusts that bypass the enemy's guard like Sekiro's, the fact that you start out with 3 heals that respawn on resting and find more capacity upgrades, the fact that bosses require multiple "deathblows" to defeat.

That's all just a big coincidence.

>Souls combat is unsurpassed

God it's bad. He tries SOOOO hard to be Mauler and it just comes off as pathetic.

>Avaa being invisible till you get the eye but 100% fightable if you're familiar enough with her moves.
DS2tards are the prototypical Fromdrones.

The first one was terrible and Tanimra has to start from scratch, he only had a bunch of monster assets and basic alpha maps.
That's the reason some areas are stitched together with other areas in jarring ways like the Windmil-Vulcano.

One of the best bosses in Elden Ring is a gimmick boss so yeah, he is right

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>Memorable experiences can be found in anything that a person is capable of remembering
This is the dumbest thing I think I've ever heard someone say in a video and be completely serious about
Imagine being in his shoes, having a sub-80 IQ but somehow thinking you're smart.
No self awareness. Must be a terrible existence. His parents and teachers are probably to blame

That's not a gimmick fight, it's a straight up legit fight.
I did him with magic and ripostes to the face in both phases.

The meme weapon is just a last resort for stubborn melee-only players that refused to even use the various bombs

Less of a coincidence and more of both being a logical conclusion to the stamina managing systems in Souls. If you play Nioh you'll also see plenty of similarities there.

His entire argument is that the combat bosses lose novelty because they are nearly every boss now. He likes Dancer of Boreal Valley but in a game full of bosses just like her, she doesn't stand out. Miyazaki literally tried to make every boss in DeS unique and memorable so players wouldn't get bored and have to adapt to a new situation. This approach died around Artorias of the Abyss when damn near every fight was just the epic duel.

Its why for me the only memorable bosses in ER are Rennala, Ancestor Spirit, Radahn and Astel. The rest are camera eating giants and/or combat bosses all with the same flow and design.

No it just means unconventional.
People forget that being unconventional is what Demons Souls was all about.

It's beyond that, Nioh and Souls are similar on a base level but FO feels like Sekiro with a SW skin.
The game's combat was clearly inspired or heavily inspired by Sekiro, there's even an easter egg Stormtrooper conversation you where they complain that "These bad rations are affecting our combat posture".

The combat in Elden Ring sucks dick.
Every next boss fight is just increasingly more:
>bosses get to have all the fun with their insane anime combos while you stand there and wait for them to finish


Attached: 1649327269195.webm (1240x698, 2.17M)

DS3 has a bunch of meme gimmick bosses like Yhorm, Wolnir and Wyvern and nobody cares about them, they're the butt of jokes.
By comparison almost everyone has Nameless King, Champ Gundyr, Abyss Watchers, Dancer, Pontiff, Gael, Freide etc as the top10 DS3 bosses.

They hated him for speaking the truth

>Flexile's arena has water slowly fills the room, slows you down, increases his fire def by 30% but it also decreases lightning def by 30% so you can make use of the gold pine resin you find in the Wharf.
wow...what a cool "gimmick"...

Attached: ER moon.png (601x543, 297.54K)

Or, and this might blow your mind, Miyazaki left the shit director on the series he no longer really cares about, and has had to step in and tone down the incompetence in DS3 and ER. BB and Sekiro are both a thing, after all.

Attached: DS2 taste.png (541x598, 414.52K)

This is literally the FROMsoft "it's too difficult" cycle.
ER is just too new of a game and everyone is still too garbage to make these broad statements like "X boss is has no openings", "STR is unplayable".
Reminds me of DS2 launch with people screaming abut Pursuer and Lost Sinner being "impossible to block or dodge", "harder than Artorias" and "this game was balanced with summons in mind".

Even the 2v1 Crucible Knight and the 2v1 Godskin fight are fair The AIs in both of these fights are linked and aren't allowed to start an attack if the other has started an attack 3-5 seconds before. You can 100% tell this as they have tons of moments when they just hang around and wait compared to their 1v1 fights where they bumrush you with combos constantly.

>DS3 and ER
>well made combat
ds3fags are delusional

lmao fucking fromdrone in delusion

No, because he's stubborn.

>2v1 Crucible Knight and the 2v1 Godskin fight are fair The AIs in both of these fights are linked and aren't allowed to start an attack if the other has started an attack 3-5 seconds before
This is fucking bullshit cope them delaying attacks don't make shit easier as they can cover each other's moves.
Also I had one fly at me why one tried to stab me

Yea Forums SUCKS

>and aren't allowed to start an attack if the other has started an attack 3-5 seconds before
why do you go on the internet and lie?

>DS3 has a bunch of meme gimmick bosses like Yhorm, Wolnir and Wyvern and nobody cares about them, they're the butt of jokes.
Because they're unoriginal and the later two are devoid of context to boot. One of the many things DS3 gets wrong is its game pace: Wolnir and Carthus come out of nowhere and go nowhere. The wyvern is a "boss" at the very start of the area for no particular reason. They mean nothing.

He was co-director. He became main director halfway through development

>has had to step in and tone down the incompetence in DS3 and ER
Not at all, Miyazaki was DS3 and ER director since they were announced.

>on the series he no longer really cares about
He's the CEO of FROMsoft now, it's his responsibility to make sure the company's products turned out well.

Also, they fired the incompetent DS2 director before Tanimura in a flash but then let Tanimura "fuck up" DS3 and ER and he came in to save both projects while still keeping him as co-director?

As much as I love these games and think ER is great (not 10/10 tho) the community has overblown the combat. It isn’t bad but it isn’t some supreme skill based shit like people pretend it is.


If you don’t hit both of them only one of them will rush you. You can try it out yourself, the one you don’t attack just slow walks towards you and only throws out an attack if you are right next to them

His problem is that Demon's Souls was innovative and experimental and had creative/memorable bosses.
Dark Souls appropriately refined that.
And then they just decided to copy that formula 5 more times with Bloodborne being the only real standout with its rich art direction and atmosphere.


Is this the laziest designed boss in Elden Ring?

i want more sekiro

>I watched that Arcane Kinship video the fromdrones were posting about earlier
user that was arcane kinship posting the videk

Elden Ring's bosses aren't well made, that's the problem, and he called it before anyone else.

The Fromsoftware that made DeS and DaS would never have allowed bullshit like *teleports behind you*.

It's already been tested and confirmed by dataminers.
If 1 stars a combo, the other has 2 wait 3-5 seconds.

You clearly see them walking side to side waiting while looking at you while the one closest to you actually attacks.
They used the same system for Freide and Ariande, she still has most of her moveset from phase 1 but generally sticks to spamming ice waves around the room unless you come to her.

the hurtbox isn't the sphere, the sphere just indicates an attack, look at the sword
anyway, point of the .webm is to show she has 10 attacks in 9 seconds, yet the player still has the same movement abilities as Demon's Souls

Attached: test.webm (954x720, 2.89M)

And the dataminers' name? Albert Einstein

The "bosses" in Demon's Souls are less impressive than every Limgrave miniboss, even the straight up fights like Penetrator and Allant.
A fucking Lothric Knight from DS3 has x3 time a bigger moveset than Penetrator.

Fallen Order was pretty good.
Didn't expect it to be.

I'm pretty sure the timer gets overwritten if you get too close to the one that's waiting. Otherwise you could abuse their AI and trigger one of them to attack you and then quickly run up to the other and get free hits in.

the sphere is the stupid fucking lifesteal area of effect that regens her health even if she doesnt touch you

>Well made combat bosses
>*strings 6 hit combo*
>*holds sword up for 4 seconds*
>*enters phase 2*
>*inflicts poison on you for every hit*

Maiden Astrea is more memorable than any boss in Elden Ring and she doesn't attack you at all.

Sometimes one starts a combo and doesn't end it by the time the 3 to 5 seconds are up so they intersect between the last hit of the first guy's combo and the attack the second guy does.

Also their hits throw you to the ground where you're invincible till you can roll away, so you can't be chained stunlocked to death like in PvP ganks.

>jumps, stays in air for 3 seconds, flies down at the speed of light
>finished 10 string combo, darts back as you go for a punish and throws crap at you
I thought DS3 was taking the piss but ER is a whole new level of shit combat

Attached: 32439243285345.png (246x190, 132.37K)

I fucking turned DS3 off after Dancer of the Boreal valley did that spin.

DS2 really is the best Souls game. Completely unironically.

There's nothing as fun in any of the other games in the series as PowerStance.

>tfw half the replies are people talking about how they didn't bother reading it

Oh my god DS2 really is the big brain gamers choice after all

Demon's Souls had plenty of cheap shit. It just wasn't cheap anime shit.

Souls combat is just a copy of 3D Zelda

>well made

Let's be real. What makes a good boss fight is a violin and a good quote the boss says when you die.

Memorablle =/= good.
Astrea's actual fight is just an NPC fight, just like the 3v1 gank with the graverobbers in DS2's DLC. Insanely lazy due to the game being rushed and having tons of cuts.

Yeah, and that's an important distinction. Cheap shit that takes you out of the game is a lot worse than cheap shit that doesn't.

Say what you want about getting one shot by the drake in the Undead Burg, at the very least it worked as a part of the game world and didn't take you out of it.