Did you like the trailer?
Hyper Light Breaker
I didn't like the first one.
No, it tries to be cool and not atmospheric
Solar Ash kinda sucked, so I'm not HYPED hyped but I'll probably follow the news about it.
>mfw Solar Ash flopped on Epic
the bitch that got the one dude to kill himself is working on this so im passing.
Solar Ash was just The Pathless but worse in every regard. Which made me sad because I love traversal-focused games and was hyped for it.
She'll make you her bitch.
Roasty Qinn
why didnt we ever get a proper zelda-clone sequel to hyper light drifter?
this looks and plays nothing like hld and i want nothing to do with it
convinced that the devs have no idea what to do with their ip at this point
It's shocking in this age of uninspired sequels, but I'd guess devs didn't just want to make the same thing all over again.
so what is it?
Looks incredibly soulless. Not even gonna bother pirating.
the only correct answer. shitty camera ruined it for me. the new trailer looked like under-animated shite, too. expecting it won't even be worth the pirate.
Fuck this game then.
>some redundant action scene
>no gameplay
>ends with some dude's fursona
avoiding like the plague then. real shame that is. i don't even understand how that woman is still breathing
The thumbnail looks lien a cartoon crocodile
I really like the first one. Been looking for something similar but only Tunic and Death's Door qualify. Others are either shit roguelikes or not polished enough.
I can't remember the last time I watched a trailer
I pirate the game on release, give it a test drive and then decide if I want to buy it or not
Everything flops on epic except for fortnite.
I don't hate indies for putting early access titles on there for the year of exclusivity because it means they get some funding and thee game is actually finished when it gets to general release.
Any game with a sizable budget is just doing it because they're greedy fucks.
ahhh shit
I'll try it, but after Solar Ash (which wasn't that bad, but had a lot of problems), I am starting to think, that HLD was a fluke.
>Early Access
i honestly completely forgot about solar ash until breaker was announced recently, i had no idea it even came out. strange that it had so little fanfare considering how often drifter is listed as one of THOSE indie games but maybe that was because of epic exclusivity.
I remember some user saying that she writing Solar ash but was not in the team anymore with this
Its unironically one of the prettiest games I've played and has some really cool locations, but gameplay is really shallow and story, while passable, has some of the cringiest VA and dialogue, possibly Quinn's writing did it dirty. HLD is a much better game, that I still occasionally replay.
>Dev House (Celeste, Night in the Woods, Chicory)
>Alec Howeka (Night in the woods, worked with Spelunky-guy too)
>Starts dating Zoe Quinn (LOL)
>Zoe Quinn accuses of rape
>The house of libucks sides with Zoe because libcucks
>Alec kills self
>Morbidly obese talentless cofounders spit on Alec's grave
>Celeste Dev transitions to cope
Somehow gamergate, the founding of indie gaming, and general canada cuckdom collided to create the greatest shitshow of all time.
zoe quinn is seriously working on this?
Theres suck mad shit around her, I cant figure out why anyone trusts her. I have never heard anything redeeming.
>the whole five guys thing
>her and anita crying to the united nations about sexism in games and using their c-drive as a major source.
>she wrote a biography and lied about he childhood being terrible causing her mum to give it a negative amazon review which zoey forced her to change and blame on a housekeeper.
>using mentally vulnerable people to manage her mental help group and not pay them, instead making threats of exile
>apparently stabbed a previous boyfriend pre game dev
>the leaked Christmas day chat logs where her friends would rather destroy someone's life than enjoy a holiday with family or friends
>convinced sister of NitW dev she drove to suicide that she was right and broke up the family
>>the leaked Christmas day chat logs where her friends would rather destroy someone's life than enjoy a holiday with family or friends
Fucking hel what the fuck is this shit
I hate my fucked-up family and wouldn't want to spend time with them, but I wouldn't want to ruin someone else's life over it
>only an animated cinematic with a very small clip of the actual ingame graphics, no gameplay
Its a pretty shit trailer
The original looked so repetitive and boring. I own it and never bothered playing it
Yes. First game is one of my all time favs. The music at 40 second mark just made me cum
Pack it up boys its a roguelite
Aw man, I already felt bad about playing Solar Ash (tho I pirated it), tell me she's not involved in Hyper Light Breaker as well.
>early access in a year
lmao, fuck off
They're all fucking roguelites now. There's no such thing as level design anymore. It's all flat areas of copypasted layout, generated either procedurally or arbitrarily with no concept of foresight or planning. THere's no such thing as a diegetic level anymore. It's all "emergent." Randomly generated. Why put in that extra work when you can just set up a tileset and an algorithm will do the work for you?
I thought the trailer was well done, but holy fuck I'm getting sick of these type of animations. It seems every where now with this unga bunga jump around attack with the same exact smears, same exact camera angle, same attack flips, it just gets all too tiresome. So much so, I'd prefer a trailer of just the character walking through a desert as he monologues to himself why the world is shit the 100th time more than these "action" animations.
Sounds like risk of rain
HLD was decent because it copied Boktai to a degree, new one looks soulless though.
Sunk cost fallacy. She was one of the faces of the opposition to le evil gamergate so they double down on defending her at all costs.
wait did....did solar ash come out?
Yeah. It's alright, movement is good, the story is repetitive but the climax is alright, the bosses besides the last one are usually pretty good, but Zoe Quinn being involved really sours the whole thing. Classic indie game where it takes like 10 hours to finish too. Worth a grumbling pirate.
wait, xhe's not blobfish anymore?
Zoe Quinn like depression quest Zoe Quinn? What the fuck were they thinking
>no gameplay
Disregarded. I have no idea how this game will actually play or what it will contain.
More like she's getting paid for this
I don't get the hate.
Like yeah she was that guy's reason for killing himself but that's on him for doing it, she didn't "push him to suicide." Also her work in games isn't as horrible as people claim, she's worked on some mediocre games but what dev hasn't? Just another case of Yea Forums overblowing a female dev's history because gaming is "muh straight white male nerd safespace."
She's also a classic borderline
>but that's on him for doing it, she didn't "push him to suicide."
Given she's gone on record to describe violent fantasies of killing men to women she was living with, and her other habit of withholding information, it's entirely possible she was privately pushing him to kill himself while slandering his name publicly. I wouldn't be so quick to play advocate for this devil, user.
Cool, not playing it after reading this
I have fantasies of having sex with women I went to school with but guess what, I'm still a virgin. Fantasies are fantasies, user.
Insane how HeartMachine's art direction keeps continually getting worse. The kickstarter stuff looked better than the final hyper light release, which looked better than solar ash, which looked way better than this. My best guess is that they're hiring external artists who just see the existing concepts and go "hurrrr blue / purple neon 80s anime ZOMGG" and bastardize the founder guy's style even farther. You can even tell in hyper light when certain assets were made by different artists on the team because the texture is suddenly inconsistent with everything else in the game
Let me clarify when I say "fantasies." Her photographer for her porn career has written about how Zoe would describe in discomforting detail how she supposedly shot and mauled several would-be attackers despite rarely ever leaving her apartment, ranging from castrating them with car keys to shooting them.
If zoe Quinn is also involved with this one it's a guranteed pirate.
So? She's a writer, isn't she? People like to make shit up in their heads, including violent nonsense. Are we really advocating thought policing now?
It's not thought policing to point out someone who's hyperfixated on killing men is a lot more likely to convince a man to commit suicide than you might think. Why are you getting so defensive over this? It's not like you're Zoe... or are you?
It just seems like a big stretch to go from "she has fantasies" to "SHE KILLED A MAN but wasn't prosecuted because, uhhhhhh"
>"Guys who cares if she dedicated a smear campaign on a guy to the point he killed himself, it' snot like she intended it!"
>"Given how hyperfixated she used to be on the topic of killing men, it's actually pretty likely she was trying to convince him to an hero"
What kind of occam's razor bullshit is this? I never said she killed him. I'm saying she more than likely convinced him to kill himself.