Thare has never been nor will there ever be a more perfect sequel than that.
Thare has never been nor will there ever be a more perfect sequel than that
>you need to gather your party before venturing forth
>just add more dumb romances and companions annoying the player with their shit
>the friendless, sexless losers will gobble it up
>"""""enhanced""""" edition is a demake that adds oc donut trash that absolutely nobody ever asked for & an ugly ui, instead of finishing the three late game areas where the original devs had clearly run out of time.
Original is actual GOAT though, indeed.
Just avoid the optional new content and enjoy the way faster loading times.
>instead of finishing the three late game areas where the original devs had clearly run out of time.
Long time since I played, remind me why this was "clear"?
Fuck off. You know exaclty which site is more suited for you, faggot
>not soloing the game with a berserker mage
I'm not allowed to quote the best pc game of all time?
dangerously based
Don't forget the new bugs they introduced.
>the best pc game of all time?
This user knows what's up.
Why should I play a worse game when i can play the original?
Also, lol @
>I-it's optional
>remind me why this was "clear"?
Three large areas but absolutely nothing in them except for a few trash mobs (and massively underleved ones in one case) that just pop up on the map instead of being revealed in the same way all the others are. Yeah, I wonder why...
>best pc game of all time?
>le hecking EPIC meme
I have never been able to play this game for more than the first 2 hours. So boring.
Aww aren't you a big boy. Look at you with your big boy opinions.
Idk what that means. You spend too much time on social media.
I spent 3 hours in character creation once trying to roll for a 110 score
Like Yea Forums? Probably.
We've all been there.
It's boring dude. Sorry you had got so triggered by that fact that you had to reply to me.
99 was my best. I want to do a fighter/mage run, but since there are charisma checks in the prologue, I can't go withouth 18 charisma. Shame that they decided to throw away charisma checks from dialogue in BG2.
Yes yes we can see you.
>Took out kino 90s CG animations
>with comic book shit
Fuck Beamdog for tampering with the cg FMVs. I love old FMV cgs.
I think the highest I ever saw was like 102. I did accidently reroll a 97 once.
That was honestly the biggest blasphemy they pulled.
Yeah. Actually 108 is the highest you can get. I got it once, and every playthrough after I'd settle on 99. Clicking that fucking reroll button really starts tripping you out after an hour.
They learned their lesson with 2, at least. But 1 was a real hatchetjob.
lmao, didn't even know that. Really dodged a bullet there.
Look at this fucking shit. I will never not be salty about it. At least I still have my original collector's edition Big Box's on my shelf.
>absolutely hate having a stat below 10, even if it’s worthless
>tfw have to get at least 3 18s, a 17 and a 13 for a paladin
I still have the original somewhere too. Thing had like 5 disks
Honestly they could have saved themselves the money and just in the old transitions as-is. They're just so much more dynamic. Like the farmer with the wyvern and the cow, or the kobolds sneaking around Nashkel.
Honestly, I do prefer lower-quality but more animated FMVs over the comic-book style so many RPGs these days decide to go with.
I lost my original BG discs in a house fire unfortunately. I really should scrape through ebay or something and get it again.
I usually cut berserker off at 7 so I can get an extra attack, and point into my duel katanas, and max out mage to get extra spell slots
For me, it's the f/m/t.
5 discs plus ToSC cd. BG2 was 4 + TOB I think. I miss those multi CD cases.
The worst part is that it was already done. They didn't even have to pay/spend time animating it.
Yeah you might even be able to find a cheap disks only on Amazon
Beamdog is a guilty of a number of different crimes. Here are the major ones.
1. The Enhanced Editions are essentially a collection of free mods that had existed for nearly twenty years. Beamdog gathered them all up, slapped "Enhanced Edition" on it and resold it as a new product. There's very very little in the Enhanced Editions that wasn't already out there, and most of it is stuff you don't want (like obnoxious character outlines).
2. The games didn't sell so well and the originals were still far outselling them, even twenty years after their release, so Beamdog had EVERY digital distributor stop selling the originals and ONLY sell the Enhanced Edition. If you want to buy a digital copy of the originals now, they're "bundled" into the Enhanced Edition. Now these scumbags can claim sales from people just wanting to buy the originals as their own.
3. The infamous 600+ bugs on launch. The game is still riddled with bugs (as even a perfunctory glance over their forums show) but the fact that it took nearly two years for them to get a game that had been working fine for 20 years to reach playability after launch is telling of their wild incompetence.
4. This is where we get to the ones that really piss people off. Beamdog couldn't just remaster the game, they had to fuck with the content too. New dialogue for existing NPCs like Jaheira, Viconia, Safana, Kivan, et cetera was written in to make the characters more progressive and leftist friendly. Beamdog shills will argue that "adding content isn't changing content XDDD" but it is when the new content changes the core personalities of the existing characters. This is in addition to adding a slew of their own LGBT (hitherto there were none in Baldur's Gate) NPCs, all flooded with OP attributes and magic items to encourage people to play them despite their cancer.
5. Siege of motherfucking Dragonspear.
Yeah I went for the cookie cutter build for that run.
>Thare has never been nor will there ever be a more perfect sequel than that.
Man, I love SoA, but isn't it actually, in hindsight, kind of flawed as a sequel to Baldur's Gate?
>Forced Canon party that disrespects your alignment or choices
>And yet most BG1 npcs show up anyways to get killed and humiliated
>Bhaalspawn saga gets sidelined for an emo elf that wants to become a god, leading to the disastrous ToB to try and wrap up everything in a boss-rushing dungeon crawl
It's a fun ride, but when you stop to think it doesn't really care the story of BG1 forward. Needed more metaphysics like the dreams in BG1. Moments like the Slayer transformation in spellhold are great, but they were just too far and few between.
Well, it is my birthday today so maybe I'll treat myself and do that later.
What sucks is that this is exactly how d&d is now.
>best pc game of all time
So that isn't planescape torment anymore? You guys are like children. When Icewind dale gets a new game you will be making threads about how that is bestest pc game ever.
Happy bday. I turn 36 on Thursday.
>So that isn't planescape torment anymore?
It never was. The best Infinity engine RPGs were always the Baldur's Gate series and icewind dale series, since they had the best combat and character-building.
never played this shit. did play neverwinter and it was just ok. another one of those games that completely passed me by, was busy playing shit on my neogeo at that time... pc was not even on my radar back then
I always like bg2 better than Planescape. Icewind Dale and Planescape already re-released as a bundle on switch.
Yeah, definitely one of the most abject proceedings in vidya, along with Diablo "Fuck that loser" 3
Man you must have been rich
Thanks bud, 38 for me.
I love Planescape too, but Baldur's Gate was just that perfect storm. Story, characters, locales, gameplay I loved all of it.
>5. Siege of motherfucking Dragonspear
Fucking stupid fanfic shit.
I beat this game recently with my brother. Bg1, SOD, BG2, TOB. We played as a duo with the occasional 3rd NPC. Fun. I was an f/m/t, he was an archer. Took ages, though. And the multiplayer servers were so unstable we probably spent 8 hours just in the lobby screens. It was a great experience, but I'll never do it again.
I still have my heroes 3 big box on my pc desk
>So that isn't planescape torment anymore?
Never was for me. Writing is outstanding, but there is no actual game to accompany it. To each their own I guess.
It's easier just to Lan. My buddies would come over with their big ass pcs. Shit was fun.
I remember vividly the day I bought my copy of HoMM3. I took the train into the city to get my copy after playing the absolute shit out of HoMM2. I bought that game blind too, turns out it was one of the best decisions I ever made lol
All old crpg were top tier.
They just don't make em like they used to
Couldn't get LAN to work on the ees. I'm just glad I was able to do it since apparently for a while the ee multiplayer servers didn't even work.
Fuck, I so regret not ever playing MP Baldur's Gate. It was always a hotseat type deal because I was the only one with a PC.
based Yea Forumsenerables
Same here, but I was at staples, and it was one of those tiny cases that had all 3 games in it. It cost $5. Got quest for glory 5 the same day.
>I was an f/m/t
When did you start taking it?
It added SOUL to the game, as cringe as some parts of it may be. Companions in BG1 were brainless bots.
We were definitely spoiled for choice. Just go take a look back at the absolutely massive catalog of god tier games that released between 98-01
Is that your 3x3?
It was truly the Golden age
Sure is. I never get any comments when I post it lol too much boomer shit I guess.
>troll penis
Aerie is still the best waifu.
Fuck yeah it was
You are full of shit. A few years back nobody was pushing Balder's Gate 2. It was all about Planscape torment (which was coincidentally getting a new game) Where where you then?
Icewind dale hasn't gotten a new game. Planscape did and during that time not a single damn person was talking about how great BG 2 was. On this board planscape was the undisputed best. The same thing will happen when a new Icewind dale game is announced.
When was the last time you saw Planscape mentioned at all here? Do you honestly believe this popularity has nothing to do with BG 3?
It always felt weird when she said she was pregnant after we fucked in front of the party. I like viconia
Fuck I didn't even notice that. I better not get banned for that shit
>Jaheira romance creepy as fuck
>Aerie romance cute but her eyes are creepy
>Viconia is a bitch
I feel shafted, wish there was a mazzy or Nalia romance. Yeah, I like Nalia. She pays off later and becomes less annoying,.
Also I don't like Imoen and I wish she died in spellhold like the devs intended originally
I wasn't impressed with the new Planescape. I'd shit my pants if they made a new icewind Dale.
So we all play with SCS2 right?
you could always download the original discs. I'm sure they are still up somewhere. I have them all in ISO format and on discs just in case; with all the official update patches saved as well. Not sure if they still work on modern windows.
I started posting here in 2012, and I have way more hours in the Baldur's Gate series because Planescape combat bores me. I have more hours in Neverwinter Nights 2 than in Planescape, too. Couldn't get into tides of Numenara, either. I like something with a fair mix of combat and dialogue, and IWD is too much in the other direction and BG2 is the happy medium.
viconia is cute
>new Planescape
I really went into it wanting to like it, I don't know if I just wasn't in the mood or what but I couldn't get into it. I think I played it for 4-5 hours before I tapped out
I think this is the best and nearest vanilla Aerie edit.. but it looks like that one pornstar that used to kept being posted around here.
Women in this game are garbage though, not really possible for them to be the main appeal.
I don't let mages cheat and pre-buff, and I turn off most of the fake difficulty shit like beholders ripping the shield of balduran out of my hands.
Oh I still have the original installation on my other PC, I'd just like to see it sitting on the shelf again more than anything.
>Berserker dual
>solo character
you didn't beat the game
I've recently played through all the BG's EE including Siege of Dragonspear and I had fun playing them all
I don't know what the hell are you smoking, but we had pretty often BG thread since I started browsing. And that was about 2011 I think.
>I don't let mages cheat and pre-buff
I'm usually playing some OP shit anyway so I leave that on because honestly, it's some of the absolute best magic battles I have ever seen in a video game.
>beholders ripping the shield of balduran out of my hands
Yeah that one is bullshit lol
So did I. I know dragonspear's not popular here but the content of the encounters and combat is stimulating and I loved the dungeons and big set pieces like the bridgefort battle, the assault on dragonspear castle, and the secret fight in Hephernaan's quarters. I just love massive, impossible fights that I need to really think through to win.
I hate trannies as much as anyone and I can understand why people get mad at it, but for me, it was 40+ hours of fun content I got essentially for free, since my 3$ was just for the original game, didn't even know I'd get new content. And I had fun with it. So I really can't be mad about it
I force-talk him so he goes away as quickly as possible. I'm more annoyed by the pickpocket at the carnival and the cursed item vendor in the mountains.
I screwed myself by playing with SCS my first time, after the first 30% of the game every encounter became: haste, instantly shred opponents with no barriers, spam spell thrust/ruby ray/etc on the remaining enemies.
Free XP, but holy shit just let me go past so I can nab that free Ankheg armor.
>no trap cheese
You are straight up lying if you are suggesting it was anywhere near the attention Planescape got or the attention it is getting now, or that a single person back then stood up and said BG2 was better.
I'll have to try that out. It's been years since I've played baldurs gate 2, and I only recently found out about the temple of elemental evil last year. What else are you anons hiding from me?
I played through BGEE with my boomer dad and when this guy came up he kept trying to run, but he was encumbered and was just slowing walking away so Noober kept catching up, my dad was getting so pissed off and I was just laughing my ass off