>Game has impossible puzzles
Game has impossible puzzles
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Are any of the flies on the glass or are they all currently flying?
Those are some heavy as fuck flies.
1 kg, because a jar is heavier than flies
if the flies are flying, then it will weigh 1kg
if not, it will weigh 1.5kg
1kg because they are flying bobby
1.5 kg regardless of whether the flies are flying or sitting and regardless of whether the jar is sealed shut with a lid or not
Did you zero out the scale with the jar on?
How do you think flying works, retards?
But how much does the scale weigh?
They exist in a vacuum so 1kg
Forward momentum creates lift.
>Put scale down
>Stand on it
>"Dude the scale will still show your weight even if you're jumping!"
Literal retard
>flies weighs
It's actually 2kg. The lid is .5kg.
Exactly, gravity needs air to work unlike flies.
>regardless of whether the jar is sealed shut with a lid or not
Dumbass the flies will fly away leaving just the jar if not sealed with the lid.
Jumping is not flying, idiot.
impossible, to weigh 500 grams the flies would have to be far too big for a jar that size
in fact flies do not even get that large
>flies weighs 0.5kg
those are some huge fucking flies
It's this. You can all go home now.
mythbusters did an episode about this: youtube.com
>Put scale down
>Stand on it
>Fly over it
>"Dude the scale will still show your weight even if you're flying!"
Literal retard
Here is reasoning;
If the flies were suspended in the jar in water than their weight would be included. Well air has a weight so the flies must be adding to the weight.
If you average the individual measurements for the duration of the jump it will, though.
The scale will show an increase in weight as you fly over it.
The flies obviously weigh less than the air allowing them to fly. Have you never had a balloon?
If you're hovering over a scale you are constantly pushing air below you with a force equivalent to your weight directly onto the scale.
I see! You're all right! And very smart also! That's why people keep getting crushed out of nowhere when airplanes fly above them! They still have weight on the ground even if they are miles above!!
Scale shows 1 kg because adjusted to atmospheric pressure.
by focusing your ki
The weight of the flies is pushed down through the air onto the plate by the flies wings. downthrust = upthrust
This is basic newton's laws.
What if the flies are flying horizontally pushing the air against the side of the jar perpendicular to the scale?
If a plane flew very close over your head you would feel part of the force that lifts it up pressing on you. Only part of it though, because it's distributed over the whole plane.
Idk the air also has mass
your talking about buoyancy. the air is not -0.5k
You absolute retard, if physics were like that no way small insects or birds would be able to fly, you have any idea the amount of force they must have to sustain the "pushing of the air" you speak of?
Heat creates hot air which rises carrying the flies with it.
you dipshits expect me to believe your lies when you can't even tell the difference between drones, pigeons and flies? get real
If they're flying (as in, staying in the air), they are pushing the air down. If they also have horizontal speed, that means they're also pushing the air horizontally in addition to that.
>the air is not -0.5k
You are making baseless assumptions. The air very easily could weigh more than 0.5 kg.
fish at the bottom of the ocean can swim around.
do you have any idea how light birds and insects are?
The mass of the air doesn't matter because scales are calibrated for atmospheric pressure.
Planes flying around leaving houses and small chuldren smashed into the ground wow user u so smahttt
0.5kgs. It's right there in the image.
what if the jar isnt filled with air but like.... argon or something
The weight of the air in the jar has already been zeroed out so the force of the lift propelling the flies is already negated it’s 1.0kg while the flies are flying
Then the scales will show the difference between that and what it would be if it was air.
well it all depends how sensitive the scale in use is to measure the pressure of the fly's wings exert when flying and hitting the jar
its 1kg if the flies stay suspended in the air idk what you guys are fighting over
In order to remain in the air the flies must push down on the air with equal force to their weight. Therefore the bottom of the jar is getting buffeted by wing beats of equivalent force to 0.5kg. The answer is 1.5kg whether or not the jar is airtight, as says. Learn 2 Newton
no they dont???
>The weight of the air in the jar has already been zeroed out
>so the force of the lift propelling the flies is already negated
>posting off-topic shit
i swear to god, these bait threads are so fucking obvious and yet everyone swarms to them just to prove their sub 70 IQ
>The weight of the air in the jar has already been zeroed out
where does it say that negro please do enlighten us
A little less or a little more than 1.5kg, based on if the flies are flying up or down
the flies cannot fly in the jar due to the inability to create an atmospheric differential in a SEALED jar
if they COULD fly (and they can't but just theoretically saying) they would have to counteract the weight of the jar with their lift force to overcome that differential limitation (remember - the jar is sealed), and the scale would read 0kg
Well that just means there are 10000 flies in the jar, no big deal.
Super American
there are two movements to the fly's wings
the jar would have to weigh way more than a kg to fit that many flies
If you don't think so you're dumb or a physicslet
The simple answer is that its a contained system, which means any upwards lift will in turn give us a downwards force equal to the weight of the fly times the gravitational acceleration
This leads to 1.5kg, regardless of whether or not the files are flying
Th eimage doesn't specify what's the jar made of.
also the pressure may not be exerted down
>which means any upwards lift will in turn give us a downwards force
Aha, but some flies could be flying downward creating a downwards lift in turn making an upward force.
the flies push the same amount of air down
If it's not exerted down, the fly wouldn't be able to stay up. It's simple coservation of momentum.
If there are 10k flies there, the flies flying down would be compensated by the flies flying up on average.
thats holds true when they're trying to fly upwards flys spin in a jar once they reach their desired height
If the system was somehow unaffected by gravity AND not a vacuum, then yes.
think of a jet engine exerting force off the back
Depends if the flies are sitting on the bottom or not
You don't get crushed by airplanes because the air is evenly distributed. Same reason you don't get crushed if you swim to the bottom of a 2 x 2 x 2 meter deep pool of water, but you would get crushed if you had a jar of 8 cubic metres of water placed on your chest.
But it does get a really big balloon and see you can add mass by adding air.
Anyway flying or not the would be part of the mass the air has.
Just like adding fish in water except air has less density so they would increase its mass.
>put user's room on a scale
>make him jump
>1.5 fags UNIRONICALLY think it would show the same weight
Fucking can't make this up
Do people not know how a scale works?
Oh fuck a plane is flying over my hou
ok so
the jar weighs 1.5kg because the lid os closed and air cannot escape
but like
what if the lid was mesh
thus keeping the flies in but allowing air to pass in and out
fly's wings != a propeller
if they were flying upside down the jar would take off with your "contained system downwards force" theory but nice try
No he's right, if all flies were flying down, it would show less than 1.5 kg. But if all of them are keeping their altitude, or they're just flying randomly, it would show 1.5 kg.
Good point. Why are we even assuming the scale works? Could be a broken scale.