Why did our game do so poorly, Jackbros

Why did our game do so poorly, Jackbros...

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Elden Ring killed Chaos before Jack.

kh tier cringe story
bad acting in the scenes
poor running performance
epic store


>kh tier cringe story
>bad acting in the scenes
>poor running performance
>epic store
Ultra cringe

Because on top of being an EGS exclusive and running like absolute shit, it's not very good.

But the people on Yea Forums who praise it and refuse to face reality decided months before it even came out that they loved it. Even if it turned out worse than it did they'd still be making the exact same posts now about how it's actually kino and that all the journalists, as well as the players themselves who didn't like it, are all wrong. It was a foregone conclusion for them, and I promise you they're going to spend the rest of their lives making threads demanding answers and apologies from anyone who didn't buy or like this game, just like those weird guys who refuse to accept (over a decade later) that people didn't like XIII.

elden ring and egs exclusive killed jack

Doesn't matter, Tim made sure it made a profit.

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amazing, you said it wasn't good and proceeded to not explain your hook at all, a masterful a shitpost

Avoid patch 1.03, they casualized it after normie complaints.

>Adjusted lighting in certain dungeons to improve visibility.

>Eased the break damage adjustment dealt to and received from enemies in missions with a discrepancy between mission level and average equipment level (indicated with “!”).

>Removed the following adjustments to break damage taken when guarding:
>Mission level
>Enemy strength
>Difficulty levels HARD and above
>Accordingly, a regular guard will consume less of the break gauge than soul shield when taking an attack, making it easier to assess the situation when guarding while surrounding by enemies or taking repeated attacks.

>Shortened the time to recover from being broken when taking an attack while broken.

>Shortened the time after recovering from being broken until soul shield and other defensive measures can be taken.

>Relaxed the timing requirements to make it easier to initiate the next action following the end of an enemy’s soul burst sequence.

>Increased the conditions for determining a hit during the spinning attack of the knuckles action ability windmill.

>Changed some enemies that appear in the sword tutorial to goblin guards, which do not stagger when hit with regular attacks, making it easier to complete a counter and fulfill the tutorial conditions.

Tim Sweeny (The Heart of Darkenss manifest) fucked it by putting it on EGS. I heard he told Square not to optimise it too. Kill him Jack. Harness the chink darkness and become CHAOS.

Pirated it and am enjoying it, would consider buying it if it was on Steam for multiplayer. Playing on Hard, just beat the flying tower tonight, and cast Ultima for the first time. Feels good.

People shouldn't feel pressured into explaining why they like or dislike a game. If someone says they like it or dislike it that should be enough. Demanding an explanation is an attempt to invalidate their opinion.

If you have an opinion you should be eloquent enough to explain why. This is a video game discussion forum, not an echo box.

> I heard he told Square not to optimise it too.
fukkin y

>schizo shitposter exposes himself
Of course

Got platinum the other day. Fun game considering what it is.
Sadly this, any game released during this period is basically dead on arrival.

Isn't this game literally just giving FF the Maleficent/Cruella treatment?

Why do you blame the Epic deal when the game also bombed hard on consoles?
Are you steamfags that dense?

It seems kind of enjoyable in an autistic way.

because FUCK tiamat, that's why

Nailed it

Console plebs need PC master race to tell them what is good or not.

Blame timmy twocent

That is an absolute fucking lie. This place is just shitposting on top of shitposting 24/7 and you fucking know it.

I didn't buy my own game? Based.

I got turned off by the graphics. Didn't want my ps5 to look like that. Hopefully the update it soon. I will play it on a later date

That's not the real changelog you retard, it's literally a random post made by d*scord trannies
None of those exist in the real jp patch notes

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Are you retarded?
It literally says the exact same thing in JP.
Kill yourself.

Oh so you're the one trying to force this bait, got it
Imagine being a tranny and spending your time doing this when it's so easy to verify

You do realise it takes 5 seconds to paste that JP site into google translate to see that it's the same right? Kill yourself.


>he doesn't know

Perfect game to farm in bed on my steam deck once I get it. Same with nioh 2but I ve already farmed nioh 2 quite extensively. This game combat is really good it’s too bad that the content is really small. Nioh 2 is a lot of rehash but it has a lot of content to begin with so it’s not so bad. SoP is literally 5~6bosses that you fight over and over again with increasing difficulty. That’s the only flaw besides the horrendous performance (which Im sure they’ll fix eventually.)

Chances of graphic update?

user, the game already has CGI-tier models with insane polycount.

like the 7R "graphical update" that added shit-coloured fog everywhere just to hide the shit textures instead of fixing them? fingers crossed!

This is why navigating today's videogame industry is a minefield of retards.
Every conversation will go something like this.
>I'm tired of videogames doing the same shit over and over again, I wish they'd do different things.
>>Well this is different.
>Yeah it's shit though.
>>YoU ArE DuMb YoU SaY YoU WaNt NeW ThInG BuT DoN't LiKe NeW ThInG
But let's be honest it's not a new thing. We want more variety, but how in the fuck is this variety? One of the most over-used genres currently, with one of the longest running franchises in gaming. What the fuck is new or original about this? People are already getting fed up with soulslikes and then you get a soulslike with a final fantasy skin like literally who the fuck asked for this? This shit came out of nowhere, it was never gonna do well.

No one even knew it came out like seriously what the fuck is with this awful advertising for games lately shit will come out and I won’t even know it’s out and what I do hear about I don’t give a shit about or it’s delayed so long I stop giving a shit

what game is this

Poor marketing is all I can say. Despite all of the "CHAOS!" memes (or maybe because of), I doubt many even knew it was a Final Fantasy game and worth it off as another "le edgy" game. Even more so in Japan where the memes did not caught on.

Jack bros... Elden ring ripped off our kino.

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How is it even soulslike? It didn't even have stamina bars.

Because it isnt good. Simple as. All you faggots jumping through hoops trying to explain the failure due to "normies" or "journalists", when it plainly just isnt a good game.

Neither writing, gameplay, mechanics or structure is particularly good.
And the worst thing is, its not even nioh in a FF skin as many hoped. It can't even do that, as its just a pretty mediocre title all around.

Idk but the Final Fantasy aesthetic is fucking vomit inducing

All the chaos shit and dark edgy tone probably didn't help
If they advertised it as a Final Fantasy Nioh, I think it'd do better
And not just Final Fantasy 1 Nioh, just showing people "look this level is from FFXIV!!" in the reveal trailer would've done a lot I bet
Tonberries and morbols should've been in the first trailer too

they both ripped off CHAD SOULS II

>tfw Elden Ring even had you become Chaos before Jack did it.

Its a 6/10. Story is delivered so poorly its quite pathetic. The level are uninteresting and the combat is average at best. Ilvl being the only factor that matter in gearing is garbage. Gearing should have been like diablo 2 unironically. Your party ai is so bad, the ffxii gambit system should have been there.
Dont get me wrong, the game can be fun at times.it woild be even better with friends. But at full price. Its a hard sale for even the most dire of ff fans.

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i tried playing it on pc and it wouldn't read any controller input whatsoever. so i just refunded

>On the topic of DLC, Nomura revealed that one of the DLC stories will include missions involving the Warrior of Light that appears in the ending scene. The DLC will also add new weapons to the game. Specifically, for the DIFFERENT FUTURES DLC, Nomura points out that the title includes the letters DFF and NT, a possible nod to Dissidia Final Fantasy NT. However, Nomura also states that no one will be able to predict the mission’s final boss.

Shinryu niggas.. we won..

Underrated gem. Let the haters hate i dont give a fuck. The game is good, the ending is solid.

Chaos is crazy

FF has several pieces imo to make it have true chaos

You just have no standards.

The price of doing it our way

Do we have any sales info?

it's really just because of epic

you decided you liked it before you even played it

>no one will be able to predict the mission’s final boss

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Sabotaged by SE execs putting it on EGS.

I pirated it and played it to the end. It's good.

>Final boss is playing as Darkness Manifest versus Jack

I find it beautiful as fuck.

Final Fantasy Origins, underrated gem.

Based pic

Yeah this was literally it. All games need this days is just putting all on marketing, it worked for Cyberpunk.

Marketing may be a big deal, but I wouldn't say it worked for Cyberpunk. Cyberpunk killed a lot of good will that CDPR had and disappointed almost everyone.