Please have some respect for your PS3

Please have some respect for your PS3

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I have a slim, not super slim

never owned one myself
playstation died after 2

I'm just glad emulation is finally taking off.

I have a dinosaur of a ps3 fat (not one with PS2 chips sadly) and it sounds like a jet engine any time I turn it on. I really need to clean it out and replace the thermal paste already but I'm too scared of breaking it, the things look like nightmares to take apart.

Well, I cleaned and put in new thermal paste on my slim a few weeks ago. Does that count?

I really want to replace my super slim with an original backwards compatible model but most of them seem to be fucked these days.

Pic rel or remastered

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How can I respect if you have to say "please"?

Yeah, I decided against a fat because they're all ticking time bombs. It's something to do with overheating, but even if you keep new thermal paste on it and replace the fan, they will still just randomly die.


Yeah my original plan was to refurbish one but I'm honestly not sure there's much point. Also a lot of the ones I'm seeing on eBay are absolutely trashed. Who thought that glossy shell was a good idea?

apparently most YLODs are just the result of bad caps, and it's relatively easy to fix if you know how to solder.

either way though PS3 fats are more trouble than their worth these days. They're simply too old and not built to last.

you're paying for lighting changes and better performance

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It was a terrible console. Only game I actually enjoyed playing on it was unironically Trash Panic.

That gen was the last good console sony made.

PS3 was the last console with soul.

60fps is a huge improvement for these games

I really want to, but Sony's just too tightassed about piracy protection still, and probably will be until servers shut down since those trackers are just running on autopilot. Can't bring myself to wipe my legit crap off my one console, can't trust myself to mod it without ever accidentally bringing it online.

Vita TV's probably my most played console right now 'cause I can just load whateverthefuck onto it, leave it online, and have it function in full with no worries of bans. In the last year hosed down the whole atelier arland trilogy, la mulana, odin sphere, child of light, salt&sanctuary, iconoclasts, muv-luv, and a bunch of other crap through adrenaline - but PS3 reached the point where I can't build out my physical shelf from gamestop fire sales anymore a good few years back, and without the means to just plop rips onto an HDD and fire it up, I'm essentially stuck waiting until I maybe at some point come across a cheap slim out in a garage sale or something.

I'd love to play Asura's Wrath, but not without being able to pirate the ending DLC; really wanna pop in Lego LOTR, but not about to order a copy off ebay when I've got full PS1, PS2, PSP, PSVita romsets to work through.

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This. You could tell they were still trying to make the best console they possibly could with as many features they could. When the 4 hit it was clear they were just doing to bare minimum to make money.

I wanted to backup some PS3 games, but those fuckers are huge. Blu-ray can go to hell.

>things look like nightmares to take apart.
it's alright when you have the right bits, most off it comes apart without any effort, but for repasting it will be dangerous, make sure to ground yourself, these pcb's have very little room to grab on and not touch the circuits
atleast this was the case with a slim, maybe fat is more difficult

My PS3 got ylod years ago

Not him, didn't ground myself when I took apart my slim for repasting, I put it on a soldering mat.
It came alive and quieter. Not looking forward to taking it apart again though, the drive's a bitch to put back in.

>the drive's a bitch to put back in.
yea, that ribbon cable is awfull, those things just scream, "put together for the least amount of money, and technically it's servicable, but not unless you have a great plier that only fits ribons

I don't mind the ribbon cable, so much that following the guide from ifixit doesn't say anything about certain models having the better placement for the ribbon connection.
The one I have is like pic related: short and directly underneath the drive. Fortunately I didn't rip it while taking it out.

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Mine is still active. Tons of obscure games run on it and I don't trust on the cloud gaming service on PS+.

this iteration is such ass

Worst console of the 7th gen, the console that killed sony.
S to spit.

Fucking hell, I was just about to type this out myself. Entire reason I stopped playing it, thought it was gonna overheat any and fry itself any time I played a game. Been putting off cleaning it for a decade just about now.
Still does it's nightly updates at 3am though, so assume it's fine.

if it goes jet engine chances are you need to delid the CPU/GPU which is nigh impossible to do with no past experience. cleaning or surface repasting probably won't yield a lot

t. had mine going 80c at startup

Mine doesn't jet at start, just after like 5m of playing any game.
If I have to delid, you figure I could trade my launch 60gb for a used slim or something? I don't care about BC on it, I've got a bunch of PS2s.

>can't trust myself to mod it without ever accidentally bringing it online.
I have the latest Evilnat 4.88.2 CFW installed and the system has PSN connectivity completely disabled by default until you turn off the CFW syscalls. I'd say it is almost retard proof.

I got one of these because I don't trust the auto eject disc versions

Mine is hooked up to play Dynasty Warriors 7

The best part of the PS3 was how they really set it up as a media hub. Everyone loaded their up with movies, music and pictures because it had no games and there was nothing else to do on it

It was fucking weird when I got my PS4 and it basically couldn't do anything.

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Sold mine. Honestly a dogshit console. Bad controller and bad exclusives. Still the last gen when Sony had playable exclusives,but the gen where the spawned all this template shit.

I got mine around the end of the console's lifespan, to date I've only got like 3 games for it. Any multiplatform stuff I already had for the 360.

XMB was the pinnacle of console UI (so far).

not worth getting most of the games are on pc anyway. no i'm not talking about the emulator.

you might not have to delid in this case, if it doesn't go too much over 70c repasting/eraser modding might do
but yeah, if you don't care about bc you better get early slim one, the bc ones go at pretty inflated prices since its "le rare ps2 playin consolerino" (especially A/B models) so probably not as hard to sell

Movies are usually shot in 24

Why? My dog pissed on it.

my 60GB ps3 died.

360 was worse easily

It unironically wasn't.

It was the worst of that gen.
Wii > PS3 > XBOX360
And some of the worst shit of the current vidya industry was first introduces on the xbox 360
>oblivion horse DLC
>subscription to use your own fucking internet to play multiplayer
And i'm pretty sure lootboxes were first on xbox 360 too.
Yeah, only after M$ showed them you could get away with it.

Why do people keep talking about the controller? I still have mine and dont think its anything special

Remastered is better for the graphical and performance enhancements and you can play Crushing difficulty from the start.

It's the worst controller every generation. The most recent ones are far better than the shit that sony made before, but still trash

Ree why is ps3 hen so glitchy? Gonna go back to emulation and rpcs3

Never had one, used to play it at my friends house

Not him but flip the PS3 and 360 and that my list. Admittedly the PC started a lot of this bullshit with shit like WoW, but even still I had much more fun with the 360 than the PS3. Don't forget that these services actually WERE good and had good intentions when it started. You had good free DLC at the time, the idea of a game adding more content to already finished games (thus value was actually added) was the overwhelming majority while the ones who didn't do it that way we're destroyed by the community, and a myriad of other things which started out as cool. Also loot boxes didn't really blow up until last generation if I recall correctly when they started trying to implement mobile game mechanics into their games. I get what you're saying, but it honestly could have gone either well or been as bad as it ended up being last gen and now. What I personally blame for all of this is the success of smartphone games like Clash of Titans and Candy Crush proving that F2P, MTX, and all that shit works.

they break too easily and chinks havent perfected the alternative ones yet (they never come with sixaxis or analog action buttons)

I've left mine in a bag for about three years and broke it out the other day to play while my ps4 was in for repairs.
The CMOS battery is dead.
I'd try and replace it but the way Sony made it is a fucking nightmare so I don't even want to attempt cracking it open.

This desu. I was shocked I couldn't set up custom playlists and have the games play them neatly ingame, just that shitty player that plays OVER the games, absolutely disgusting.
Bitch can't even play 3D video files, or 3D 360/180 VR ones, you have to use that fucking subscription shite rad or whatever, wtf.
Where the fuck is the Movian guy?

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They were never good, still arent. Paying to use your own internet is retarded

It easily was. 360s list of exclusives sucks compared to wii and ps3

pretty much this

>the console that killed sony
That's the PS5.
They're also killing whatever's left of the PS4 by cucking out its "exclusives"
PS3 was their last soulful home console.
(Vita was the last thing they made that has soul)

The ps3 exclusives weer some of the worst games that gen even if you were a weeb you were left with basically shovelware and rehashes.

>ps3 exclusives were some of the worst games that gen
You just have shit taste.

Doesn't mean much coming from someone defending the ps3.

Oh please. The thing didn't even have five games of worth and I say this as someone who only had a ps3. I mostly used the thing for multiplats and it was unbearable.
I ended up buying a wii and never looked back.

Again, if no PS3 exclusive interests you, you got some shit taste, nigga. There's exclusives for everyone on it so, you can go b8 somewhere else. Or just go watch some movies since that's probably what you're into. Nu-Snoy is perfect for (You)

How the hell it can run with 512mb of ram? I thought it was notoriously difficult to develop games on it

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Resistance Trilogy
Killzone 2 and 3
God of War Ascension
Metal Gear Solid 4
Motorstorm Apocalypse
LittleBigPlanet 1 and 2
InFAMOUS 1 and 2
That's 13 games right there, and there's more.
>inb4 all shit