Why the FUCK aren't you playing Super Smash Bros. Melee right fucking NOW?
Why the FUCK aren't you playing Super Smash Bros. Melee right fucking NOW?
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I showed this morning.
because i'm not a trans ally
it isn't good or fun
I don't have sex with kids
The game feels awful to play, extremely clunky and delayed
I'm not the best player in the world
>Why the FUCK aren't you playing Super Smash Bros. Melee right fucking NOW?
I just played five minutes ago. Yea Forums is full of hivemind teenager retards who are naive enough to believe that any opinion on this website is worth having.
RIP Western Dentist. Died too young and too bald.
You will never be the best at anything so why even live
playing mk11 instead.
I love this clip, I need to learn to shield drop up air like zain did here
I've been the best in tournaments by winning them for other games, which means some progress. I could never win a melee tournament
I put off shield dropping for a long time because I didn't know that doing what Zain did here was as simple as running, holding left while shielding, and rolling the stick down along the gate.
Is that method inconsistent or controller dependent? I remember trying to do it that way and getting a shield drop maybe 1/10 times, felt like I had to roll the stick to a very specific spot or else nothing would happen
There's a fix on slippi that makes it a lot more consistent; on console it's a lot more fiddly but can still be done with practice
playing ultimate because melee doesn't have cloud and hero
I'd rather play Project+
man I'd feel weird about using that, I like being able to execute everything on console. Maybe I'll blow $300 on a good notched controller lol
If only it had rollback, I bet that game would explode with quality netplay
I really want to invest in a new, fancy controller so bad. Some of the custom jobs are amazing.
how do people gain enjoyment from these type of games?
every time I pick up melee the basic movement makes me smile. it feels so good to play (after putting up with the first 200 hrs of learning where you feel like you can't move at all)
Because I'm not 11 anymore
I bet they feel great too. Every GCC I've used has felt off in some area, so I bet having one that's almost perfect would be amazing
My loser friends have been cumming over this game for over a decade, but funnily always end up playing other versions when they get together.
Sometimes melee's best as a spectator sport. Game's hard, if you don't practice it consistently then other games are easier to pick up
Gonna meet up with some friends soon. maybe afterwards though :)
I'm straight
I got banned from slippi for using the handle TrannyKiller
Luckily you can just make a new acc.
Got a custom GCC so I've been shmooving on those niggers.
Hate the fact that Melee is filled with trannies though. That and all the players are pot-smoking cucks and go along with the trans BS.
You can get banned on slippi?? There are slippi mods????
but I am
someone play me
Takes too much lab time to git gud. Don't like playing as any characters in the game, none of them fit my personality or ego.
slippi jannies banned my account for my username
Meeting up for what?
drinking and playing mario kart.
>not even posting the best clips of the last week
I love melee but i get hand pains playing it, not worth considering how bad i am at it.
I just play rivals of aether instead
>Mang coin that low
Jesus hhrist those techs
>melee is filled with trannies
The only notable tranny is Magi and the entire community bent over backwards for him overnight with pronouns at tournaments
Hand pains are a bitch :(
>friends are shocked I don't want to play melee whenever we hang out
I don't get it I say numerous times I play mega man and hero they aren't in melee so I don't like melee
The one Asian guy from the Melee guide videos is a tranny and a groomer - the kid he assaulted is also trans: Clementine.
There's this UK commentator with a nice deep voice who became trans - he now wears women clothes and dresses like a grandma but still has a deep, manly voice.
Fatmanspam turned trans.
Cosmo was the best Zelda main at the time and he's trans.
PPMD has a tranny flag hanging in his room.
BBB wasnt allowed into some .5 summit hosted at Mango's place bc his landwhale wife is an "ally" and she wouldnt allow BBB in kek.
The fucking list goes on.
are you gonna play or what faggot
You have to pull at straws finding literally whos, Meanwhile every single person who was in smash 4 evo finals besides Leo was a pedophile or involved with one.
I'm the best at whistling the specific set of songs that I memorized. some of them are pretty obscured and likely not being whistled by anyone else.
My bad I hopped on unranked. Queing up now
clementine is literally underage
how the fuck are they a tranny
Nobody cares about European melee. Cosmo hasn't had a notable placement in nearly a decade, and even then, that notable placement was 65th at a major.
it's not connecting
My bad again, it's KING#568
You're probably the only person in the scene with the right combination of mental illnesses to even know all of this pointless shit let alone care about it.
SQUG#846 btw if anyone's down.
still not connecting
>implying I can list all the transoids in the comm.
Also, if those people are literal whos to you, then you're some zoomer newfag to begin with...
I'm not a child molester.
I just don't like smash bros.
The platform/fighting mechanic combo just kind've puts me off.