Disco elysium sucks ass, whoever recommended this to me JUMP OFF A CLIFF

some idiot on here recommended this. Just spent an hour playing and got it refunded.

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Intellect issue

Yeah, I get pissed when I get recommended shit I hate while getting told it's shit I'll like.

if I wanted to read for hours, I'd read a book.
if i wanted to watch a movie, I'd buy a playstation

I really enjoyed the idea.
But the world is so weird that it's hard to immerse into it.

we told you it was shit VN

thats like 2 minutes of research to find out its a reading game, completely on you

We know you don't want to read for any amount of time. Bing bing wahoo

just finished reading ride the tiger by julius evola you stupid faggot

yep i'm not blameless in this whole thing

The only people who liked this game all turned into trannies the next year. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the actual game but rather the vibe it gives to the player.

Likely another case of a group latching onto something but the game is probably decent for it's genre.

Yeah, everyone you disagree with on any issue becomes a tranny immediately afterwards, redditspacing-kun

>He did not listen when he was told it was a leftist meme game.


Attached: Souryuu_Hiryuu_laughing.jpg (805x945, 211.32K)

You never had a Kim in your life and now you ended like this.

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>reddit spacing
yeah it's bot posting time.

Commie trash

You didn't beat the game


>Every single communist is a murderer, a mobster, or extremely corrupt.
Really weird propaganda.

Attached: Evrart Claire.png (640x202, 113.43K)

I don't know why they do this. I might get tricked into playing your game but ultimately I'm just going to hate more and recede further into tribalism and blind hate because I was lied to. So ultimately nobody wins. Why not just tell the damn truth and avoid all those bad outcomes?

i'm pretty sure that people that don't understand this game simply have trouble reading, or are too young (

it's the slighty transparent "no" sign overlaid on the game's cover for me

>fuck, i did use reddit spacing, i keep forgetting what site i'm on
>better have an all-caps meltdown

And what made you come to this conclusion?

yeah games pretty crap. idk why so many latched onto it here. good thing i pirated it since thats what the devs wouldve wanted anyway.

repeating one of the dumbest memes in a decade does not improve your image of being a retard, son.

Because they think presenting fascism as "it's all about hating women" will make you open your eyes and realise that being a racist is just hecking not okay in 2022 or something.

It'd be one thing if the game was even vaguely good, but it's a completely linear story filled with shit characters and plot threads that go absolutely nowhere. But hey, put enough "yay communism" in your game and retards will defend it to the ends of the earth.

you realize that the meltdown was a pesiflage of yourself, right?

I hate this rhetoric. You have to try more games because there's not enough bing bing wahoo out there.

That being said, How do you not know what kind of game this is? I haven't played because it obviously isn't for me.

You are just seeing yourself in others

ripped off danny devito lmao what great writing

I learned a new word. Thank you.


It parodies every ideology. And story is definitely not linear, there are tons of ways to go about solving main plot and there is no strict order of things you have to adhere to.

The people who think the game is some kind of psyop that turns you into a communist are hilariously dumb, and I say that as a person from country that was fucked by socialism for 50 years.
I get that its not a game for everyone, but being such a bitch that you cry about it because it made fun of your worldview is pathetic

I love it when posts like this start off with, effectively, "the game mocked my ideology and I'm still sore about it"

So far I'm liking the game. Being a centrist ultraliberal talking about how cool and funny the free market is is kino. Also i BTFOd a nigger

reddit spacing isnt real, schizo, just like your fake vagina and your female pronouns NOT REAL

>literally cannot make it through a post without tranny stuff


Attached: unknown-7.png (1440x991, 582.5K)

>literally so fragile the word tranny forces me into defensive posturing

For me, it's no opinion Regular Cop with Law Jaw.

I like this dude

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>you're a tranny because i can't stop thinking about trannies

Attached: Jean Vicquemare.png (638x235, 147.45K)

bye psuedo intellectual jerkoff thread

Me I just started playing it completely blind, saw a guy naked in a hotel room, decided to turn on the light, lost 1 HP, and that's the moment I fell in love with it.


having everything awkwardly voiced acted was offputting for me, maybe just because it slowed everything down so much but also some of the line reads are so weird with words randomly being mispronounced. I refunded it as well.

I just got to day 3, am I supposed to do anything with the shades cop and his horse girl or are they just there to talk shit?

She's based. You can't refute this.

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Actually funny. Snoy sneeds cringe assemble!

Ah, the old "uhh you're just mad the game made fun of you!".

Even ignoring the bland ideology and paper-thin sockpuppeting, the game was shit. It's completely linear, the side-quests add nothing and the main quest is always solved in exactly the same way each time. The only choice of any consequence in the whole game is "tell Kim to dodge the bullet? yes, no" and 99.99% of people will pick yes, so it's not even really a choice, just the one example of the game actually having a fail state. Which is even more pointless because it happens an hour before you beat the game, so it's not like it even changes much.

The writing is verbose with nothing to say, the world is dull and the secret behind it is boring, and all the characters are one-note. The ultimate point of the game is at odds with the main theme and advertising because you do no actual detective work at any point and you're given the solution if you're too dumb to find it. If the game had absolutely no political content whatsoever, it'd be a bland 6/10 for people who really wanted another PST. With the politics? It's like a 4/10, because every other character is a smarmy post-ironic sockpuppet with no genuine beliefs, and it colors the content horribly.

You are brainwashes into thinking right = good, left = bad. Do you understand that you are the shill who supports massive corporations instead of friendly local business. Saddening to see ameritards brainwash left = bad to even these european kids

>Ah, the old "uhh you're just mad the game made fun of you!".
Yes, that's literally exactly what you stated at the beginning of your post, which is what I pointed out. This is the exact thing you said. Didn't read any further, but not shocked to see reddit spacing.

let me guess
your age starts with a 1

Eh, I disagree, especially with the sockpuppeting, every ideology has sensible and parodic proponents.
Moralism has Kim and the Sunday Friend
Communism has Evrart for the parody
Ultraliberals have Joyce and the Light bender (though he isn't even that bad)
Fascists idk, but I haven't done that route.

She utterly fucked up and vanished though

I have no opinion on your post

And? Based people can make mistakes. Girl was sensible and graciously donated the money for my bill.

just play the game nigger
if you were meant to know something, you'd either know it or could find it out

>too smoothbrained for a bit of reading

You can talk shit with them and unlock some dialogue, but there're no quests or anything.

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>game bad because it's not about my ideology
Do people really?

>Fascists idk, but I haven't done that route.
Measurehead and the Racist Lorry Driver

VNs are NOT videogames

Out of curiosity, why don't you like it?

there's literally zero cutscenes or non-interactive parts in this game

Good on you OP for refunding it. Shame you got duped into buying it in the first place. They don't sell it in my country b/c its considered propaganda.

The funniest one to me was when a guy made a video about how Celeste changed his life and then turned into a tranny not 6 months later.

Leadhead? Damn shame, I liked the hl2 lore stuff.

>filtered by READING
maybe you should stop watching Twitch and TikTok. It's ruined your brain

Goddamn the intellect issue was so bad he didn't even bother to check what kinda game it was before he played it
What a retard

HALF LIGHT [medium:success]
>look at this thread calling you out. Are you just going to take that? Tell those f****ts that you are trained extensively in guerilla warfare and can kill them in 300 ways, and that's just with your bare hands since you don't know where your gun is. Let them fear you!

Attached: Portrait_half-light.png (720x1000, 1.21M)

>dont forget, you're hime forever

>There to negotiate an end to the strike
>Doesn't actually negotiate at all
>A number of union workers are murdered and the entire mercenary squad is wiped out
That's a pretty big fuckup even if some of it was out of her control.

Why would you want to read esoteric fascist trash? Read something usefull instead like Reflections on Violence, a terrific book that even if not referenced dirrectly is crucial to understanding of Fascism.