This skirt style needs to be in more games

This skirt style needs to be in more games

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i want to be fucked in that

hots team was too good for this world

My majority played is as Whitemane. She's so hawt.

i don't think that counts as a skirt

Upon further inspection, that is not a skirt

It's basically a leotard with accessories.

That isnt a skirt you retard.

Whitemane thread?

Attached: 2e1.jpg (3000x5000, 1.64M)

That's not a skirt, its a leotard and a tabard.

Preach it, brother.
I have subtle hope that Microsoft will see a MOBA and activate monkey stockholder neurons, bringing another breath to HotS' lungs.

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The leaked Dragon expansion seems to have Alexstraza in a leotard, Blizz didn't cover her up completely.

Attached: 1539128210222.png (2300x2464, 2.63M)

If only they were in charge of everything else Blizzard puts out.

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Why is Li Ming like this?

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Heres expansion pic, i see bare thighs

Attached: hgby4iurt7r81.png (587x900, 607.93K)

If *SUCK* my old masters *SUCK* could see me now! *GULP*

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How topical.
I just downloaded this yesterday.


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God I wish that were me

>off-model AND tattoos

Love me some Sally

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Ooooh...Light preserve me!

Attached: 1536072685914.png (1280x720, 1.3M)

You can toggle the tattoos, pubes, hair, eyes, and dick.
Honestly, I just needed something to bump a Whitemane thread.

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How much more popular would holy classes such as clerics be in RPGs if they were based on Whitemane?

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I cannot wait until we have the cultural reckoning we deserve and every coomer legit gets a bullet in their brain.

Nothing less.

I didn't like their handling of Alexstraza or Sylvanas (both in leggings and Alexstraza looks like a fat Peggy Bundy) but otherwise yeah you're right.

legs too short and fat. look at dem knees.

Alex is the hottest chick in HOTS, you scum.


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Fat, in pants, downgrade.

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Fans, as usual, did it better.
Even this made her more human looking than elf. Nreded to have a larger height:width ratio.

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>more skin covered up
>somehow a good thing
No. I will not stand for this.

Give me your adress. I'll fuck you up.

That is really fucking hot but you are an idiot because that is not a skirt.

Why did Bobby have to kill this game



Those are some long toes

You want the pelvic curtain tag
But yeah that's like a tabard, not a skirt

Why are zoomers like this?

They're mad that we aren't watching their favorite streamer, giving 'donos' to hear streamer man or thot queen say our ename.

Attached: images (3).jpg (345x163, 9.57K)

>tfw one of my friends is a streamer and he's constantly hounded by people like this

blizzard sure do love white hair + red eyes

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is this the incel thread?

Nope, but roasties leftymales like you belong in resetera.

Did they get hit by the lawsuit?

Attached: alexstrasza.jpg (1875x2500, 693.04K)

You mean a fucking loin cloth?

Attached: alexstrasza.jpg (696x1050, 114.08K)

Post had real NPC energy

Based taste.

Attached: Dragon Milf twerk by SunnyQ.jpg (620x844, 49.04K)

I will never approve of fatstraza

She's not fat. She's just..........matronly.

Attached: Dragon Lady's ass by SunnyQ.jpg (620x1143, 58.89K)

fat apologists and body poitivity retards get the rope

Pics of chromosomes or gtfo

That's not a skirt, is a tabard