Just why?

Just why?

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Intern's idea, probably
I'm more interested in what was this dude's plan before they butchered him

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Terminator Salvation was just in theatres.

Humans are the superior race

Yes, I sometimes post in Mass Effect threads with THE LADS from Yea Forums, how could you tell?

How are we all today, gentlemen? I just had two bits of THICK uncut toast with some marmite on.

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best ME girl

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Nice hair, fag


i'm 30 years old and mass effect 2 is probably the most excited i've ever been for a game prior to release aside from the original pokemon. i dont even know why.
i have never played mass effect 3 if you want to know how that ended by the way

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Commandah, I require your assistance in my engineering section.

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>i have never played mass effect 3 if you want to know how that ended by the way
You should play it so you can understand what the rest of us are so fucked off about over a decade later.

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>uncut toast
You toasted 2 whole loaves?

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No no, you get a loaf of bread that is uncut, and then cut it yourself. The result is some rugged as fuck bits of bread that are incredibly thick.
You shove them in the toaster by force and when it's done you have perfection.

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I only played about an hour of ME3 before getting bored but do they explain why the reapers literally land on the planets and start shooting lasers to kill people, I'd assume they'd have a better way of cleansing all life from the universe than that, presumably they explain in the game but I can't be bothered to find out

>presumably they explain in the game
Nope. ME3 is just one giant plot hole. Shepard and his crew goof off and do all kind of side missions for MONTHS while Earth is getting ravaged. And nobody knows why the Reapers just didn't kill everyone from orbit like they did it every time before.

>Mass Effect 3 starts with Shepard returning to Earth to be put on trial for the killing of 300,000 Batarians in the last DLC of Mass Effect 2
Don't worry lads, we'll get them all next time.

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What do you mean? It's in tune with the previous game.

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>didn't even get to defend your actions for killing the Batarians
>Shepard never got put on trial for letting military tech fall into the hands of aliens
They really fucking robbed us of having that trial.

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Come home earth man

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Asari are the most cucked choice possible. You will only EVER create a blue spawn that looks nothing like you and will live for a thousand years, which you will only be alive for less than 10% of that.
You sacrifice your genetic line, heritage and everything that makes you unique or special for blue pussy that YOU DON'T EVEN GET.
You "mind meld" to fuck these bitches which means you have ZERO bitches on your dick.
Blue Asari fuckers get ZERO PUSSY and NO SONS, I cannot imagine a more cucked choice.

Christ Almighty I would even say take fucking Miranda the infertile fuck hole over a God forsaken Asari.
Pic related, the final solution for Asari.

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I'm spaceborn tho, nice try you hairless wench.

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Any faith in the next installment lads? Surely they can't fuck up two reboots in a row.

[Hits red sand]

Human superiority at any cost. That was always his goal.
I guess that also ended up happening to include whatever the Collector base happened to be.

What's wrong? Too videogame-y?

It makes me shit my diaper. It's so scawy. me2 is just so scawy.

playing the series first time, literally know nothing except i want to fuck tali and wrex is honest to god the best party member. Fuck garrus. wrex and tali. the game
but im halfway into me1 i think and its kind of shit
the story is semi interesting in places but only if you ignore the copy pasted side garbage, and i know it was innovate with its animations so its rough. but holy fuck is it rough. i just prefer to read and skip to next line to keep reading instead of waiting 20 seconds for some slow ass line to finish and watching the animations skip forward to catch up is a bizare experince. this game just proved to me that voice acting killed rpgs. story beats fly by so fast its so hard to tell whats even happening like the matriarch bad lady. she gets a cutscene with saren sperging out like shes super important. then suddenly shes in the first level
shoot her
she goes "oh fuck actually dude im good and was just mind control"
She dies
its fucking strange. man.
im playing vanguard and its pretty fun just shotgun/barrering/resetting abitlies and rolling over anything in the game so gameplay is pretty okay. not great but honestly thought it would be worse
rpg mechincs suck ass, idk what they were thinking. its not fun to go though these awful designed for a controller menus to do number crunching. maybe would of worked if it was menued like Bg with your equipment screen for all gear showing at once instead of submenu is submenu?
ill prob stick to it but im hoping the later games improve everything which i feel like it does. i knew me1 was going to be kind of a mess before walking in just from the way people cope about certain things when they discuss it

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He's a yurifag, he doesn't care

I have a little more faith in Bioware ability to fuck things up, than you. Have ye so little faith?

>Human superiority at any cost.
What I hate most about the trilogy is that this sentiment ultimately leads to the bad ending every time, no matter what. If our (real) history is any indicator then superiority is the only consistent stable line of politics.

>story meh
>gameplay wow

Ironic because that's the exactly the opposite of public consensus back when it launched. You filthy contrarian. Also Tali sucks big fat Vorcha dicks.

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Reminder that

-ME1 story was cut in parts because they legit lost parts of the script/story, couldn't find it, and just kept whatever was made in-game because "whatever".
-ME2 had several cut characters that could join you.
-ME2 story ended up with gaps in its story and quests because the script was too long
-ME2 had a number of boss fights removed because they didn't feel right
-ME2 originally was going to have the combat system from ME1 but was removed because "it was too easy".
-ME3 story was written and rewritten several times because Bioware couldn't retain writers after post-ME2

The issue is that they made Human superiority and cooperation with the other races mutually exclusive. It didn't have to be that way, but I guess they had to make the Renegade path relevant somehow.

So it's cut toast.

Nice source you got there


>Surely they can't fuck up two reboots in a row
You doubt their power?!


Am I the only one who betrayed Wrex? (and everyone else when possible) I was just pretending to be your friend so you join me vs the Reapers.

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Honestly makes sense in universe... If they'd have other reapers that were based on different species. Humans are heavily implied to be the only race to actually kill a reaper at that point in the story.

>like they did it every time before.
Do we actually know this, or are you just assuming?

>Do we actually know this
Yes because the Omega relay only works for Reapers so it makes no strategic sense for the Reapers not to warp in and shut down all relays behind them. They obviously have the technology.

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it's explained they would jump to the citadel, isolate it from the rest of the galaxy, and then purge system after system. That was Sovereign's plan in 1.
The couldn't do it because Shepard destroyed the Batarian relay, wich was the one connected to the dark space one where Reaper hibernate, so their invasion was postponed.
Why, once they were close enough to invade Earth or Palaven, they didn't imediatelly use the relay to jump to the Citadel, or why they waited the end game to move the Citadel arround, is for a very simple reason shit writting

Good morning

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Also, it's very convinient for the Reaper, that each cycle decide to make the mysterious space station from a extinct alien specy their galactic capital

I loved this fight because it felt like a throwback to SNES bossfights.

>small platform
>huge as enemy in front of you
I loved it

Well that was their plan. Leave behind the super advanced tech with the keepers to maintain it so that the galactic races would use it as a seat of power.


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How dare (You) bring up something I wasn't alive to experience to justify something I dislike from a game I only played because of TikTok memes?

And yes, if you were asking. My favorite game is Mass Effect 3. And I'm Gen Z.

You can't butcher a character that's shit from the get go. If anything ME3 actually gave him a fucking motivation besides "string Shepard along for the next five minutes with vague 'le mysterious dialogue' because the writers are winging it"

I went with the illusive man on my first playthrough since it made sense, destroying the collector base and letting thousands of years worth of knowledge just evaporate is beyond stupid.

ME3 dropped the ball completely when it came to the story and just turned Cerberus into the third reich, regardless of how you handled the ending of 2.

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>the rest of us
Most people unironically like 3 over 2 nowadays

>I'd assume they'd have a better way of cleansing all life from the universe than that
Why would you? Did you not see Sovereign shoot lasers all over the Citadel? Did you think the Conduit in ME1 would've done something different besides just teleporting them to the Milky Way? Are you retarded?

Agreed. ME3 should have started with a choice to join or denounce Cerberus, and the ending of blue and red reversed. Illusive man indoctrinated? Yeah but Shepard becomes the new control AI and the Illusive Man controls Shepard, thus yielding a true renegade ending. Humans use the reapers to subjugate other races. Blue can be destroy ending.

Why didn't Bioware hire me?

>Most people unironically like 3 over 2
Stop falling for low effort trolls.

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hardly, 3 has smoother combat but everything else is inferior to 2, the main story, the characters, weapons etc.

Sovereign attaches himself to the Citadel, I don't remember him shooting lasers other than to defend himself, it just seems an extremely inefficient way to kill everyone for beings that have been doing it for countless cycles, I figured they'd send out psychic waves that turn people into goop or something rather than individually having to target everyone

>"it destroys the verisimilitude of this narrative RPG but who cares, it reminds me of a 20yo beat em up!"
A full decade later and I still don't get this "argument"

Because you daydream without EA's deadline hanging over you