ITT Games only you played

ITT Games only you played

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nah I played it. I was really excited for it when I was 12 too, because I saw the trailer somewhere... might have even been on television... like how they did that Star Ocean 2 commercial on basic cable for a while.

I didn't beat it though.


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Is this the game with literal drug usage?

lots of games have literal drug usage.

why are you playing racing games for the ps1?

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Back when I was 11 or 12, sometime in that general area, I got this game from fucking somewhere. I have no idea where it came from. I never beat it and I never got farther than an hour in because it was so fucking confusing or difficult that I couldn't understand how to properly play it.

It was the one where if you overused your powers the characters head would explode. Also the robot lady had her tits out in the second game.

>Horror in non horror game

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>second game
I don't even know it existed. Is it good?

I remember this game weirdly traumatizing me as a kid.

My mum bought this for me and I never finished it

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literally everyone who is over 30 has played this game, kys

Your mum has good taste

I remember having fun but that was at least 15 years ago now. Had a dark story, good atmosphere. Gameplay was meh as im not really drawing back to it. Its gotta be super easy to emulate by now so try it out if it strikes you. The sequel was called galerians: ash iirc

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never finished it

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Played and beated it. Some seriously retarded combat design.

I just realized my sleep schedule is so fucked up that there's a distinct possibility that the Yea Forums I shitpost with is a bunch of british fucks

Top of the mornin to ya I guess or whatever you bastards say

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I can't remember much of anything about it. I found the case going through my old games I was tossing away.

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I actually bought a physical copy of the game recently and played through some of it. It is incredibily lackluster, but the whole resource management idea of using drugs is interesting. The english voice acting is fucking terrible, but the concept art for the game is really beautiful, funnily enough I really think they wanted this series to take off and it just kind of floundered a bit too much, then flopped completely with the sequel.

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I remember the second one was better.

wouldnt recommend. play gbc instead.

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The original is much better

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I only remember mtv2 or some channel playing the cutscenes to fill a movie slot.

>shadowgate gate gate

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>not knowing battle angel


>Also the robot lady had her tits out in the second game.

seriously thoughI love hate this game. Like my childhood.

Not the game, but was reminded of the movie (which is basically the game):

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what the fuck is that?
sc:bw chinese bootleg?

dragon quest monsters 1 + 2 psx remake.
its the better pokemon 1st and 2nd gen game.
with monster breeding hard battles and nice postgame. especially the first on gbc is one of my favourite games. a flawless game.

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Everyone loves KKND user

I'm 32 and never even heard of it

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galerians kino, beat it 2 days ago. The mansion and hotel were great

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tried making a thread about it yesterday
but unless its a twitter screen shot or e celeb shilling nothing gets replies these days

reset era unironically has better threads on vidya which really shows how deep we have fallen

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I really liked it as a kid a lot, i liked the monster designs a lot but i don't know if it was a good game.
I should replay it soon

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Literally still installed on my PC
I'm playing it (badly) right now just for you

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I played this. Never finished it though. Feel free to fuck off back to resetera permanently anytime.

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It was a quite fun Zelda clone.

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This game was fucking awful and I didn't finish it. Some kind of weird nip pokemon/high school fag simulator RPG.

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This looks like a star wars poster

Kinda weird character design, but the story was solid and gameplay was acceptable.

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That game just might be my first eBay purchase ever now that I think about it. It was hard to find even back in 2001. I've never gotten too far in it, but it had a really cool atmosphere and the cutscenes were interesting. Also; Does anyone remember when G4 aired all the cutscenes for its sequel as if it were a movie?

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