"AMD does not believe the sub-400$ discrete graphics market is worth keeping around"

>"AMD does not believe the sub-400$ discrete graphics market is worth keeping around"
PC gaming is only for wealthy approved individuals
(You) VILL buy ze console
(You) VILL eat ze bugz

Attached: AMD-logo.png (1526x1600, 68.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>killing an Elden Ring thread for this

>399$ GPU
>only 8 PCIe lanes
Jesus Christ, AMDkeks already had a hard time defending the 6500XT, this is an unsellable "fuck you" of the highest degree.

8 PCIe4 lanes are basically 16 PCIe3 lanes. It totally checks out!

It's gonna be 5.0, so it's the same bandwidth as PCIe 4.0. If you have a PCIe 5.0 board, that is: buy Zen 4 or get fucked, that's what AMD is saying.

Attached: 232kZ7fOfz8s.png (1920x1080, 1.42M)

$400 in current year is like $200 in before the collapse money.

PC gaming is now for tenpercenters, what ever am I going to do?
I guess what I'm doing already: old consoles, emulation, and vidya from back when they made things actually worth playing.

>moores law is dead
shill video

oy vey

Attached: lisajew.png (557x600, 226.85K)

>might be able to trade my neighbor's 20 carat gold dilator for a GPU
sounds good to me tbqh

How are MSI cards cus I may get this when my refund gets in
If it's worth it I was going to get a Sapphire one instead but id rather save 300 bucks on this

You dont need the top end cards for gaming 6800 xt and 3080 are good enough

>You don't need the top end cards for gaming
>The second best cards are good enough

im finding the cheapest 6800xt is almost the same price as the cheapest 6900xt

What a fucking retarded take.

1060 is still the most popular card according to steam hardware survey. The next best sub-$400 card is going to be the best selling card once the current shortage situation unfucks itself.

they could be right. I'll just buy high end, used stuff the next year from pathologically chronic upgraders for a fraction of the price and make out better.

Do literally any of you have any other hobbies? Do you really think that 400-600 USD is alot of money for a card you're going to use for 4-5 years?

Attached: 16834275923293.jpg (1080x949, 193.36K)

>4-5 years
haha...i hope my 970 last a little longer....

I gave my nephew my 970 when I swapped it out for a 6700 XT last year and it still runs his games fine, no thermal issues either
that was a great gen of cards

my 5700xt has microstutters and downvoltingby design. it crashes weekly no matter which driver.
the software does not allow to remove downvolting since 2019.

I will never buy an AMD gpu again and neither should you.
google 5700xt microstutters and tell me it's just me.

Got my 770 in 2013 and it did its best up until now.
Rest easy little buddy.

Does anybody actually care?

I mean if they can make an APU good enough to cover the old sub 400 dollar range yeah that makes sense.

>good enough
Pick one and only one dear fren

you could say that about every PC component, why not pay 600 dollars for each stick of ram after all its going to last 5 years, the point is that its not worth the asking price. A GPU alone is not worth 60-70% of what we used to pay for the entire system. Id rather buy a steamdeck and go 100% portable than contribute to a scam market.

It’s true. With DDR5 the APUs will deliver sub 400 bux gpu performance

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>Do you really think that 400-600 USD is alot of money for a card you're going to use for 4-5 years?
Yeah, the value is pretty shit. Might as well buy a console once it gets hacked since you're going to play at 30fps on those price ranges anyway.

I paid for like 400 euros or so for the 1070 5 years ago and I still play a lot of current games completely fine on it. So if that price will give me like 5-6 years worth of performance without compromises, I am fine with it.

Don't care keeping my now low end 2080ti forever suck it buy fags

Anyone else getting the feeling like nothing is worth time, energy, and money these days.

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I paid around 450 euro for a 1070ti about 4 years ago and had to compromise on performance within 1 year. The prices are fucked and you're getting way less for what you spend. My 7950 was around 300 euro and got me 7 years of great performance.

Does RDNA3 has ray tracing shit yet? the PS5 has it doesn't it?

I think thats also because the game have never had more useless ultra settings
most of the time high-medium looks just as good and it doesnt drop your frames like crazy

ray tracing is its own story

What type of games did you play to compromise on performance within 1 year with a 1070ti. Sounds like bullshit. The only game that absolutely knocked out my 1070 was Cyberpunk 2077 on release. But aside that I have yet to encounter a game that my 1070 has trouble running. Even Ghostwire Tokyo with all high runs at 1080p 60fps fine. Unless you are one of those that need 144fps even in single player games.

I've got an rx570 and it's perfectly fine.
I wonder why that is causing so many problems.

>The next best sub-$400 card is going to be the best selling card once the current shortage situation unfucks itself.
Won't happen. AMD/Nvidia have deliberately jacked prices up and are never going back. What, you going to buy a console? They know you're not that dumb.

everything is a rip off, I don't like spending money anymore because I'm left with negative feelings after every purchase. Cant even save for a house since they inflated to the moon, that's despite getting paid more than everyone I know. If I eventually do buy a house I'm going to feel the same as when I eventually bought an overpriced GPU that wasn't worth it.

It's true, why offer GPUs for $300 when people are happily paying $500+ for the same product?

I had to compromise with monster hunter world almost immediately after buying my GPU, not what I expected after paying out the ass for it.

I fret the day that I'll have to go out and spend money on a car. Even shitboxes have skyrocketed in prices and "slightly used" cars match new cars because shipment times are 6-10 months or more

Why would they care about cheap gpus when amd already has great apu options? Who the fuck cares? Just pair a cheap b550 mobo with a 5600g.

Bases AMD telling it like it is. PC gaming is meant for the educated, intelligent… the upper class of society. Consoles are meant for the poor, the sub 100 IQ… the peasants of society.

Nigger. What. I've played MH World with my 1070 without a single problem even before my cpu upgrade. Did you have the retarded volumetric lighting up to max to have framerate problems? When I turned that shitty option off, I was running the game on a stable 60fps.

People don't happily pay 500 dollars for a gpu, the consoomers and miners do while everyone else buys a console.

That's stupid. Wait for the RDNA2 iGPUs. Steam Deck proved the gap is massive between the two. They should drop this year.

Being poor is a choice. Just stop being poor.

this, i hate this faggot so much it's unbelievable. Second only to amdored tv.

>So if that price will give me like 5-6 years worth of performance without compromises, I am fine with it.
This entire discussion is about not having to compromise after spending €400+ on a GPU, turning off volumetric fog is a fucking compromise, one that i only expect to have to make 4-5 years after I buy it, not with the game i got packaged with the thing.

Yeah, just remove the graphical setting that is responsible for the entire visual aesthetic of the game.
Not that user, but I have the same card, MHW was a shit port that ran like crap on any computer.

I make enough in 2 days to afford a new GPU, that doesn't mean I'm dumb enough to pay those prices, it's poor people who unquestioningly hand over money for something above what it is actually worth.

>new GPU = $500
>lasts 5 years or more
>averages $100 per year
>enjoys superior frames and graphics
>has unlimited control over system
Console pleb pays
>$500 for a new console every five years
>pays $60 a year for subscription
>pays $160 per year
>stuck at 60 frames and substandard graphics
>calls master race “poor”
Why are console warriors like this?

>does has
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

Don't care, PC is so much better than consoles that I'll pay for the obviously better experience.
4K is a total meme EVEN IF you use a 4K tv like I do btw. 1440p is enough, and even my 1060 can still manage in the majority of the games I throw at it.
So any new gen card will do just fine. 6900XT perf for 500$ sounds great to me. Absolutely destroys cucksole. You save money on games, internet, emulation all free if you want to instead
PCs are cheaper in the long run even in the current market.

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Poorly optimized games will exist no matter how much you pay for a GPU retard.

This. Based master race enjoyer.

Consoles makes compromise as well.

I wouldn't buy either, A poor person isn't comparing a GPU to a console, they have to buy the other computer parts. It's dumfuck consoomers who bought into the whole GPU = a gaming system on its own. A GPU is 1 tiny part of a computer and should be priced as such.

For anyone new to PC gaming I would recommend a steam deck before they waste money on a GPU or console.

>Gabe has deposited 0.02 steam points into your account

MHW wasn't the only game that I had to turn down to hit 60fps on only 1080p, I could feel the limits of my system immediately, this was because they refused to update the GPU market for years while overcharging for everything. You have gotten used to paying premium prices for something that feels immediately outdated.

If they can make an APU that has the same amount of power than a 3060ti, doesn't consume all your RAM and doesn't replace the entire L3 cache of the CPU then maybe

That graphical setting made the game look worse in my opinion and it was the main reason why the framerate would tank hard. So yeah removing an unoptimized setting from a game is totally fine. It's on devs not doing their job.
As I've pointed out, it's not the gpu fault but more on Capcom fault to put out a graphical setting that tanked framerate for everyone.

Nobody said any of that you strawmanning faggot.

Why do you come to the internet and lie? I run Elden Ring and MHW on a 6600XT and they run smooth as glass on highest settings

you don't pay out the ass to compromise, consoles are less expensive than just the GPU.

Mustard race can't even spell "based" correctly. Embarrassing.

my 1060 is still pumping 60fps no problem, dont need to play 4k ultra giga nigga settings.

literally doesn't matter

Attached: relative-performance_2560-1440.png (500x290, 19.67K)

People are overreacting. Its because AMD plans to sell socketed GPUs with onboard CPUs in the sub $400 market.
This was an inevitable change in the market. Kids here are too young to remember when math co-processors were a thing. Or when separate 2D cards were a thing. Or when sound cards were common.

I remember those days. Wasn’t it something like half the processor was dedicated to math and the other half to logic?

crossposting from /g/
how does everything look for my build?

Attached: 1st build .png (1316x713, 110.81K)

what the fuck are you talking about? Is the fact that you can run an ugly FROM game or 2018 game on a 2021 GPU supposed to prove anything? Yeah if you want to play old games or mid budget Japanese games then no shit sherlock, you're going to be fine.

Go for 5700X instead of 5800X. 5700X is basically 5800X but more efficient in power.

No, the math co-processor was strictly for floating-point math. Integer math was done on the CPU since you can't really have a computer without it.

Never listen to /g/ those are as about as knowledgeable on technology as a coomer poster is about video games.

APUs are so good right now they actually have a point
why invest in a market that's looking for performance marginally better than an APU?

why don't you just wait until GPU prices settle? They are still falling off a cliff

Just use GeForce Now if you're poor