>invented first person shooter
>invented death match multiplayer
>invented game modding
>invented speed running

Is this the most influential PC game?

Attached: doom.jpg (1077x675, 307.31K)

>invented the least innovative genre possible
>invented the most generic game mode possible, because no other game could invent a team of guys vs another team of guys
>invented ways for people to release games that are mediocre and have literal free workers fix their shit.
>invented speed running o.o

butt in pain

Halo was the first real FPS

>Is this the most influential PC game?
look up how many games John Carmack or any of their old employees and see how much shit they influenced in later years.
remember, the guy who made the maps for Half-Life was the same guy who made Plutonia

Attached: the hyper benevolent occupant of the inbetween space of reality that we call John Carmack.jpg (210x240, 7.49K)

1993~2005 was the only period of time when western games were good, maybe even better than japs

Attached: 1643269516224.jpg (384x250, 42.71K)

>invented most basic, simple things ever anyone could think of
Wow so epic, truly a revolutionary game!

ID guys were terrible managers and game directors which is why their games lack any soul the bigger they got into the AAA game.

Wizardry in japan

games before it was literally pacman

So no one is even going to comment that Wolfenstein 3D exists?

>Wolf 3D
A slow as fuck pseudo-dungeon crawler like Catacombs 3D with no multiplayer

Which was Carmack seeing ultima underworld and adding guns, which itself stole from DND which was a side derivative of the wargame chain mail made to encapsulate fantasy battles like those from Tolkiens works etc. etc.

Who cares.

>games have influences
oh my god I can't stopping shitting and pissing blood rn from the sheer force of this revelation.

Attached: 3196.jpg (1210x726, 31.23K)

CONTRA shits on DOOM

Did games have demo recordings before Doom?

old western games > old jap games > modern jap games > modern western games

Wolf 3D has no inertia like Doom, and targeted 60fps compared to Doom's 35.


Doom didn't invent any of those things, you can find examples of all 4 on 8-bit computers

Doom had a persistent game timer that gave you a tally at the end of every level, along with incredibly small demo files that could be shared easily to prove the accomplishment.
It also allowed the user to load patch files to replace any map or graphic without having to modify the executable.

fucking mario from nes had timer

But it didn't keep a total count, nor did it have demos.

wolf3d is really really really boring. like yeah it came before doom but it was just a stepping block and it shows

I wouldnt say they invented modding but actually releasing the source code and mapping tools to players few years after intial release contributed a fuck ton to it.

>ruins ur genre

Attached: hl2 2011-11-14 07-28-12-58.jpg (1920x1080, 254.51K)

so that's why no one thought of them before

ïdk ţbh i like super metroid more than doom

weapon limits, regenerating health, insanely linear design is what (temporarily) ruined the genre. hl2 has none of that. not my favourite game and also unskippable cutscenes are terrible design but it didnt ruin shit

false to all
wtf, how can one post be so wrong

It would be more fair to say it popularized all of those things, as they had already been done earlier. It's just that Doom was the first game where everything clicked

I've beaten 2016 and Eternal and I think the '93 original. Should I go to 2, 64 or 3 next? Tried 3 for a couple hours already and dropped it because it wasn't fun and gave me a headache with how little I could see.

>unskipable cutscene
Sorta necessary in narration driven game. Making them skippable is just admitting your story line isnt necessary.

I knew a girl in high school who had that exact smug face gOD I FUCKING HATE ALYX
>forced vehicle sections
>going from setpiece to setpiece
>unskippable "talking" segments

>hl2 has none of that
may way to go back and play it. The only thing it doesn't have in your list is weapon limits

>led the way for a new genre
You're just butthurt your fav game is but an addition to an already superfluous pile of garbage

Just play them in order: 1, 2, 64, 3. 1 is only like 4-6 hours in total, and worth replaying. There's a Nightdive remaster of 64 that's really good, and the GZDoom source port takes care of 1 and 2. 3 runs on modern systems no problem, but is absolutely the weakest of the series

theres no regenerating health and no insanely linear design, hp stations are not regenerating health and theres items placed off the main path and even small secrets to find throughout the game
i dont know if you people just fucking slept through late 00s to mid 10s but singleplayer fps was nothing like hl2

Only in the sense that Alyx is the personification of the shift to a narrative focus for the series. Having such a focus on story in a game with a *silent protagonist* is fucking stupid, and the fact that Valve didn't understand that is precisely why the series took a nosedive. I wouldn't be surprised if 3 is in limbo because they have no clue what to do with it after 2, since 2 itself was such a departure from 1 that it really should have been a new IP altogether

It's faster than most FPS games made today and Doom didn't invent deathmatch multiplayer either.

finally someone else fucking says it
fuck half life for bringing in so much story bullshit stopping the entire fucking game to hear cunts talk about shit i don't care about for 5 minutes
halo was the nail in the coffin with 2 weapon limit

>finally someone else fucking says it
It's mentioned in every HL thread on here

and i avoid HL threads because it's a fucking shit series

source? you have none

epic thread

Wolf is faster than doom moron

its not the first fps, not the first moddable/modded game and by far not the first game to attract speedrunners. only thing i dont know about is dm multiplayer, might be the first there since all fps before doom were hot garbage and probably didnt even have network play
not him btw

>Amiga bros switched to DOS/Windows because of Doom
>faithfull ones were eternally seething cause Amiga fps were garbage
>only half decent was Gloom and it required Amiga 1200 at least, and the most common was 500/600 with 500kb ram
Biggest Doom achivement was putting a final nail in Amiga coffin.

Attached: Gloom.png (800x599, 28.21K)

Go doom2 and then plutonia, after that 64 and 3 if you absolutely have to

And MetaDoom?
That's epic, unlike this user

>was the same guy who made Plutonia
makes sense of much Plutonia levels of bullshit exists in half life
especially in on a rail

what are you talking about, half-life 1 is quite an easy game

Focus on narrative is what ruined first person shooters and and has been a disaster to gaming in general.

Quake perfected all of those and popularized 3D graphics.


Yes, I can tell by the fact that you're in one

I don't remember On a Rail having monster closets and slaughter-map vibes, nor do I remember Plutonia having switch puzzles and vehicle sections

Attached: 1646207132235.png (1420x1209, 1.35M)

It just took DOOMs foundation and put an archaic 3d engine on top of it

The truly most influential games of that era are
>Unreal Tournament
>Half Life

Are you talking just FPS games? Otherwise Super Mario 64 had quite an impact, as well


>invented 2d graphics
>invented platforming
>invented scrolling map design
>invented controller

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