I genuinely love this controller. It feels so damn nice to use. I always preferred xbox controllers...

I genuinely love this controller. It feels so damn nice to use. I always preferred xbox controllers, but fucking hell I love the dualsense and it easily became my favorite controller to use.

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t. snoy

Absolutely, the haptic feedback and triggers are so cool too

The dpad is mushy shit.

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How's the dpad in fighting games? I absolutely love the feel of the controller and the features it has, but I admittedly haven't played games that are too d-pad intensive.

>bro what if you pushed up it goes up

Face buttons are too far apart
Otherwise it's quite nice

>Pushes left
>it goes left
>Doesnt detect the other press
>user freaks out seeing this and keeps pressing it wiggling it up in hopes the other light goes off to show how bad SNOY is

Yup, this is a console thread

It's kinda bad, you can get accidental diagonals and double taps. Dualshock 3 and 4 d-pads are better for fighting games.

Step it down boy

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>Dualshock 3 and 4 d-pads are better for fighting games.
Yep, but even they're prone to unwanted diagonals unless you condition yourself to only press down on the tips. Right now the Xbox Core controler that comes packaged with the Series S/X has the best DPAD of all the official controllers on the market, and that includes controllers dating back to the Sega Saturn. It's so clicky and responsive, and the fact that you manipulate it from the middle rather than the tips means your thumb doesn't tire as quickly. It's just such a shame the controller lacks gyro, otherwise it'd be perfect.

Come back when it has back paddles. Then it might be decent.

If you want back paddles, then you're stuck using the DS4 until Sony decides to release an attachment for the DS5. Currently my DS4 controllers and my bluetooth speaker are the only devices I own that still use micro usb, everything else is USB C.

The back button attachment isn't even that good. I have two of them. Need at least four buttons.

The fact you can register diagonals while pressing down on only one tip of the dpad is bad, it doesn't matter that they're wiggling it deliberately.

>It's so clicky and responsive
Too bad the face buttons aren't :^)

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works on my machine

>O button is completely fucked
>Should be a tad wider
>handles should be a tad taller so 3 fingers can fit.

Could have been perfect, but nope.

Nope, all of SeX controllers are fucked.

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>he doesn't update his controllers.

it's so heavy and the battery life is shit.

It's a hardware issue, you can't fix it with update.


keep the copium high mate.

I have the dualsense but no ps5. is it possible to update the firmware via PC?

>handles should be a tad taller so 3 fingers can fit.
Only handlets and women don't have their Index and middle fingers on the bumpers and triggers at all times.

didnt even know they offered firmware updates for these.
Maybe it helps.

Even Dual Sense controllers get updates, only caveat is that Sony doesn't allow for updating your controller on PC. Only attached to a PS5.

>only caveat is that Sony doesn't allow for updating your controller on PC. Only attached to a PS5.

then why did a lot of legit tekken players switch to ps5 controllers

imo it just looks so fucking soulless
even the ui in ps5 games has soulless black and white button prompts

Yes. Earlier models are stuck with an oversensitive touch pad if you don't update the firmware. My controller can detect my finger half a centimeter lifted up from the touch pad.

I liked it until I tried to play games with the d-pad primarily and felt carpel tunnel inducing pain, plus fucking drift.
I'm really hoping the Elite S2 will turn out to be everything I expect it to.

>8h battery

my xbone pad broke down after 3 months of usage

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I don't see the problem

Isn't this just to advertise that adapter?

because you are not used for your controller to last 40h

>being forced to plug in the controller after/during each play session
>being fine to have your immersion ruined by the "battery low" notification EVERY game session
>only way to sync snoy controllers is by plugging them in using USB, they will forget the device they were synced to if you let the battery be depleted for a while

Just because something is better doesn't mean it's widely adopted. Most tekken players probably played on PS4 before, so they have some bias for Sony's latest console and controller. Once it becomes apparent that the majority preffers one console/controller, then the rest copy and adapt. It's not like someone can come to a tournament with a mayflash or something to use their Xbox controller against everyone else, those things can store macros.

Do you game for longer than 8h at a time? wtf

Yes. And it's amazing. Sorry to hear you snoys have it rough.

removing the classic button colors was an awful idea

Where do you think you are?

>ignores the fact he has to charge his controller every time
>doesn't know the absolute bliss that is having a controller that lasts 40 hours on a single charge

fuck off normalfag

I swap my xbox's eneloops like twice a month, and I get about two-three hours of game time each day. I have never had to plug my controllers. I used to shit on xbox controllers for not having internal batteries, but The SeX controller changed my mind, it's much more convenient being able tow swap low batteries for fully charged ones.

I'm already clearing my controller away, it'd be silly not to charge it at the same time.

I have this and I don't know why more people aren't bringing it up.
I'm thinking of getting that clicky kit that replaces the dpad buttons and face buttons with microswitches, it should help

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That's good user! Destroy your battery health! You'll get the battery to hold less than 4 hours of a charge in a matter of two years!

If the DualSense is anything like the DS4, then it'll be a huge pain in the ass to open and you're gonna break a bunch of plastic hooks. Good luck.

I own 3 and I think they patched it. Had some drops near the launch, now I can play taiko with them. 1 dropped input makes that game unplayable so I think it's fixed

Hows the razer wolverine boys, worth the price?

Did the same thing with my DS4s for years and they're still fine. I don't even know what the low battery indicator looks like.

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lol no. Save up a bit more for an Elite S2

Snoys will literally never understand this.

I like mine too, a huge step up in quality over ps4. As for the d-pad I get the design choice; clicky d-pads sort of take away from immersion and fluidity. Feels akin to the shape buttons.

it's too heavy and too big. No wonder japs hate the ps5.

Lately there has been a bit of activity from Sony that makes me wonder if the PS5 could once again be the best move next gen But the controller is the biggest sticking point.

Since the DS2 these controllers have gotten worse each gen and the DS4 was awful. We don't even need to talk about the failure of the sixaxis at this point. The DS4 had all of the negatives from the DS3 carried over plus a bunch more.

The battery life is atrocious, really genuinely awful and needs to be charged every session or two. The build quality isn't particularly good and the ergonomics/shape haven't been improved at all in this time. The touchpad is a completely unwanted feature. It's massive and obtrusive and is a hassle on the rare occasion a game uses it. The light on the controller was pointless and the pro version made it worse. It wouldn't bother me now that my TV is wall mounted but when I had it on a TV unit it could reflect in the screen. Rarely and to little effect but why the fuck is it there? The speaker is the absolute literal worst audio I've ever heard. God forbid a game actually use it because it was awful beyond comprehension. You literally can't buy a speaker that bad

Now I haven't used it buy the DS5 seems to have doubled down on ALL of this but added a fucking microhone too.

hay guise

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Does it feel good to hold if you have smaller hands? That’s the main reason I use Xbox and I need a smaller controller

The most annoying thing is how neither DS3 or DS4 had this issue, I literally never got accidental diagonals while using those.