>pc port of a game released in late 90s

>it requires directx 11 or opengl 3
Why the fuck
Will they learn from the guys that ported Mario 64? not everyone has a fucking gpu or a recent pc.

Attached: maxresdefault-2.jpg (1280x720, 77.15K)

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We call those people poorfags. People no one gives a fuck about.

Oh shit, looks like someone is finally starting to realize that he is nothing but a shitstain inside of a CEO's underwear.

>still no 60fps
>still no linux version
dont care

thankfully we have emulators
i hope nintendo sues their ass

Which port are you using there's two

Ones a hackjob made by somebody porting N64 plugins and there's the actual good one

>not everyone has a fucking gpu or a recent pc.

why are you complaining about PC things if you arent a PC enthusiast? emulate it or fuck off.

stop spending money on anime dolls.

Then use an emulator.

>a port of an old console game to modern PC shouldn't used modern tech

there is a linux version.

harbour masters

>PC port
>asks for no video card requirement
I disagree, they should follow in Doom Classic’s footsteps, which now has a race traced mod. It doesn’t require a ray trace GPU, but it does require video card.
>I want to be an astronaut but not use gasoline because cow farts ;(

Attached: 54391032-38DE-4161-A7FD-5CA220CAEF85.jpg (1024x826, 220.85K)

so this shit doesn't even have working 60 frames per second yet. wtf is the point. why advertise it when it's not finished. nintendo is gonna take this shit down probably

mario 64 pc port at least can work on older pcs too.

>not everyone has a fucking gpu

Attached: 1633293496388.png (795x708, 507.23K)

if you own a cpu without an integrated gpu at the very least then you dont deserve to play games.


Attached: 1643507855275.png (708x800, 53.96K)

very dank
now just need 60fps

directx 11 is old as fuck

>not everyone has a fucking gpu or a recent pc.
They should

If you own a CPU without integrated graphics and have no GPU you aren't playing anything

Despite Windows 7 saying it has support for directx 11 it actually a very small collection of the 11.0 libraries that lacks most of the features. Theres really no reason for this port not to support multiple versions of directx and openGL but since its an open source project someone tech literate could replace all the calls with the older equivalents. Usually when you're first to port stuff like this you want to be as flexible as possible out of the gate to encourage easy porting of your own code to other systems. Gives you a bigger ego trip. Obviously being on an x86 system using a proprietary video api doesnt help with porting to an arm based non-windows system but it does sink some encouragement of using the code as a base. Hopefully they unhook the frame rate from the various calculations or else players are in for a nasty surprise when they use the hookshot at over 15-20 fps.

Windows 7 was the peak of that OS. NuWindows is utter shit.

>Download The Ship of Harkinian from Discord.
Fucking why?

why does discord make boomers seethe. that shits been useful for a minute now. what's the alternative? reddit?

anonfiles com/13MaJ9Q1xe/Ocarina_of_Time_-_Ship_of_Harkinian_zip
Use this pre-built version unless you want to join the Discord and hunt down a very specific rom yourself.

Yep, just like the Mario 64 port..... oh wait.

my pc is even older, only supports directx 9

are you saying the mario 64 port wasn't taken down, or that it has 60 frames per second?

It crashes when I push the start button.

linux version?

>It doesn’t require a ray trace GPU
it requires rtx card

>Complain about GPU
>Uses a pc for games

They originally had the pre-compiled exe on the github but took it down a few hours after launching. Can only assume they did it for no good.
I can view thousands of tech forums and mod databases via google to narrow down my autist problem or stupid thing I want. I both cannot view a discord without joining it and cannot know a discord exist for *insert specific thing* without someone providing me link. I could also join a discord for said thing and its actually just a big fucking shitpost quickchat for 5 in-group people where any tech issue questions are responded with "lol idk" and then buried under 20 fucking conversations never to be answered because why would the one guy who has solved the issue ever use the search function let alone open the server if he doesnt already have it muted. I'd rather sift though hundreds of "works on my machine" and "use the search function *thread locked*" on hundreds of different websites than my only outlet to getting any kind of mods/support/etc etc be some chatroom where ADHD addled tweens spam dribble. Discord works fine for private servers though.

I had a shitty work desktop from 2009 and even that had DirectX 11

dang so it basically just comes down to the fact you're malding. pepelaugh

The mod doesn’t require one, no. Neither did the Minecraft ray trace shaders before nvidia tried to market it.

They had a last minute change of plans and moved the first release to Mediafire (no, I'm not joking, see pic for proof).
If you actually want to play the game and aren't just using this as an excuse to cry about Discord, see to skip most of the setup.

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>First up, let's talk requirements: what do you need to get going? A copy of Doom itself is essential, obviously - specifically for the WAD file that contains the bulk of the game data. You'll also need the RT version of prboom, available here. Therein, you'll note that there are optional downloads for higher quality music, plus the DLSS .dll plugin, required to drastically improve performance. The final requirement is an Nvidia RTX GPU. For reasons that are not clear, AMD RDNA 2 graphics cards are not supported - maybe it's simply the case that the developer doesn't own one.

The first DX11 capable GPU came out in 2009

Does it still have that sound bug user's were crying about at launch

He’s wrong.

what the fuck just buy a thinkpad x250 or dell e5250 for like $150

Win10 is garbage

these files gave me a virus

when are we getting mario kart 64?

Attached: MK64_My_Nintendo_wallpaper_desktop.jpg (1920x1080, 548.33K)

i scanned the files with windows defender and it reported no viruses sir

mk64 with modern netcode with 60fps would be god tier

This but it should use Vulkan instead of DirectX or openGL.


>docket to build a fucking executable

Attached: f61.gif (512x512, 2.77M)

How ancient is your build?

If you're talking about the fast and loud thing, presumably. As long as you limit the framerate it won't blow your ears out.
I've never had that issue since it literally Just Worked™ for me.

kek i would just run it in wine with dxvk, im sure it runs fine

its 30fps? or 20 like n64

Just vanilla 20 for now.
60 is currently getting worked on.

What's the state of the port?
Does it support the betteroot mod that adds qol boots button or whatever?
Does it look better than emulation?
I want to see comparison pics

Like from 2008 i assume? the IGPU is a G33/G31

Is a new update out for the port? I'm just waiting for the vanilla version but with mouse support. That's all I'm waiting for, I don't give a single fuck about any other qol or other bullshit

>What's the state of the port?
>Does it support the betteroot mod that adds qol boots button or whatever?
Not yet.
>Does it look better than emulation?
>I want to see comparison pics

SoH is shit, someone will eventually make a better port

>Does it support the betteroot mod that adds qol boots button or whatever?
Yes but you have to know how to apply fucking git patches because that's where the mod support is at for some ungodly reason.

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>SoH is shit
>someone will eventually make a better port

toolchain sucks, the devs seem to all be winfags, they require a specific rom for the thing to work
they spent more time making that lame direct than just getting the 60fps port done
not sure why they like the cd-i zeldas to be honest