Why aren't you playing 3rd strike?

why aren't you playing 3rd strike?

Attached: holy fucking nigger.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

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Was this a grab at 15 seconds? How did it not connect?

Attached: 1649486733438.jpg (759x603, 189.22K)

urien's animation moves his body forward but not his actual throw box, is my guess

Attached: nice_try.webm (854x480, 2.98M)

>Akuma does cr.mk hk tatsu instead of confirming into a more damaging string

deserved loss

I don't play fighting games, but I never get tired of watching tominaga's Makoto clips.

Boring round, here's one that's actually exciting.

Attached: 1644523698855.webm (640x480, 2.99M)

kuni plays like such a faggot

threadly reminder that Q is multiple people emplyed by interpol but the Q we play as is chunlis dad

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Who the fuck uses god shoryu?
Sick play though.

>god shoryu

Attached: You_want_to_do_what_to_my_forehead.png (335x552, 157.83K)

Cause the game requires you to know how to parry in order to play it, which is a pain in the ass mechanic.

That's what arcade fags called the two handed shoryu. I'm 40.

I don't know how inclined I am to believe you because I know a 40 year old who plays sa2 ryu that calls it shin shoryu

How about posting real men's characters for once

Attached: 12.webm (648x480, 2.59M)

I have heard it being called god shoryu before, but not too frequently. It may be a regional thing.

both makoto and 12 are extremely gay

Attached: implying I'll do this in a real match.webm (1008x990, 3M)

No interest in playing a solved game filled with 30-40 year old sweaties

I play Q.
I'm the lorefag that posted Last time I played ryu, it was on snes jumping around with my brother.
He looks like ken, I look like ryu so as kids we picked those two and would go outside and kick eachother when mom got upset about us gaming.

>Urien player
what makes you think you have any right to post here ?

Because I could be playing Vampire Savior instead. Jealous of your playerbase though.

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I suck at fighting games and can't be arsed to waste time training.

because I'm the only one on this board who actually plays this fucking game
also urien is honest, if you get corned by him with meter you deserve to lose

Attached: die bitch.webm (1200x900, 2.99M)

ayy lmao

I played both Turdstrike and Shitstalkers this morning.
It was fun.

Attached: 4883112_p0_master1200.jpg (595x842, 356.09K)

My girlfriend (female, autistic) just plays Ibuki, shes determined to make me hate 33 and tekkenxsf.
Shuriken is the dumbest move on earth, I am sick of getting looped even if I love sharing a game with her.

shitstalkers 2 has the best learning curve of any fighting game, every character is broken
learning the mid meta changes the game
and then it unlocks a new viktor/yeti meta
the true meta

>actual female that plays 3rd strike
where did you find this anomaly

Q and G have to be related. Either Q is based off of G, or something happens to G making him into Q.

You got a wiki on that or do I need to learn moonrunes? Want to try shitstalkers 2

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Yes. Chances are if I hop on that game, the person with at least a fucking decade of experience, ie the majority of current players, will react and do the most optimised punishes whenever I let go off down-back.

she has bpd and has stabbed me once and totalled my car by grabbing the wheel while kicking my head into the window
i had to sell all my american clapdevices because i caught her trying to get into my safe twice
cholas man, worth it though
shes fought more men than i have and wins more often because she cheats
i ran into a guy that robbed me at a bar once, he sat and told the frontend that he did it and how
she wrapped her whiskeyglass in a napkin and slammed it on the ground before walking up and throwing it in his face
>muh racemixing
dont worry id never subject a child to her
but i covet every moment

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someone play me right now

Attached: kara shoryu.webm (1200x900, 2.12M)

do normalfags really

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>not wanting a worthy foe in his bed
forsooth lad
she carries amps and makes me want to wake up

>she has bpd
Get out now, before it's too late

Where are you from ?

eastern burgerland

go to sleep

b-but i'm not good at the game...

no I'm a NEET and woke up a few hours ago
I'll fuck you until you love me faggot

Attached: eat my ass.webm (900x620, 2.95M)

8 years, I'm a psychopath, I know how to game it, match made in heaven.
Every time she flips out i get a cool scar and a guilt-debt that I never cash in.
Don't plan to, but her transactional mind has accrued an insurmountable debt that I keep forgiving so that I can buy hours in the studio with.
I don't want another woman, shes like a sister to me we are so close.
You don't know someone until you are locked in surprise mortal combat with her.
She's territorial and insane, but she cooks like a god fucks like an animal and bodies me with Ibuki, why would I leave the best thing in my life?


>entire relationship built on physical abuse and emotional manipulation
you know, being a handholdless virgin doesn't sound so bad

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Because I worship SF2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting instead.

It is a valid way to live, user.
As someone who has more sex than any tranny crying on this board, you live a life that can be envied in many ways.
Coomers are delusional retards that will never know human touch, but those that desire it least tend to get it most of all.
I met her at a korean church, that was next to my school.
I was leaving a suicide note, she was smoking out back when I left.
Her boyfriend was an obstacle but I won that fight without any action because he broke his hand on my skull (was beaten so hard i lost vision in one eye)
Even monsters like me need love,she is manageable for me she is impossible for others.
I will not leave her, I will push her wheelchair around when she is old and demented, she is my baby.
A 6 like me with a value driven mind has few options, she is a hard 9 that no one wants.
But we are nearing a decade together, I can hang.
I hang better than her two last too, they are both dead.
She just found someone sicker than her this time.
I'm so sick we have the FBI knocking on our patio door.
She is made for me.

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And then you woke up. Nice larp.

Sorry bro, life is real, twitter is not,

I don't like how hitting people feels in that game which is a problem in a game that's about hitting people.

Who let the anime players on 3rd Strike

>push button
>25c stolen

>I keep forgiving so that I can buy hours in the studio with.
Is this a euphemism for sex or something else?

I unironically prefer sfv

no i compose terrible music
we are just people man

prove it nigger

I love the aesthetics but gameplay wise I prefer Alpha 3


Attached: ewzsdaidjdd41.jpg (1011x1084, 81.95K)

battle theme?

Can't, I'm making breakfast

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>why aren't you playing 3rd strike?
Because SFA3 is better?

LARP or not this is insanely interesting and it's just insane enough that I believe it, I love reading about two disgusting people finding eachother

mmm milk steak

I only play fighting games with a limitless skill ceiling, 0(ZERO)-frames input buffer, 200+ APM minimum, actual mind games and custom combos; like the one and only Super Smash Bros. Melee for the Nintendo Gamecube. None of that FGCuck crap.

Attached: marth ledge schmoovement.webm (960x540, 2.95M)

Do you coom inside her?