So what're your genuine gripes about Elden Ring and do you think they can be fixed with future patches or a possible dlc?
So what're your genuine gripes about Elden Ring and do you think they can be fixed with future patches or a possible...
My gripes are that its open world and that can not be fixed because thats what the game is. Elden ring has some of the most shallow boring world design ive ever seen in games and by far the worst FS has done to date. Gameplay is still fun but fuck making open world games.
Nearly every flaw with this game stems from the decision to make it open world. The open world formula at its core is flawed and Elden Ring suffers from it like all others do.
Copypasted enemies and bosses
I probably won't buy the dlc
This, so much this.
How many times are we gonna get the same threads over and over again?
And I dont fucking understand how this open world is praised its just like all the others. Except its like required to have google open constantly.
It misses the tight and well designed layout of DS1. You wander aimlessly backstabbing the odd mob with ease, stumble across the same copy/pasted dungeons and then randomly find a boss that you are 20 levels under the desired range for.
I keep opening the map each time I play and wonder what all the places I've been are because I can't remember squat about them.
Oh, and the one time I summoned was for Todrick and my summon stunlocked him to death in about 20 seconds.
I hear this but I honestly don't see it.
The open world is structured in the same way that I expected it would be. That is in the same way typical of a souls game, but just on a larger scale, which I'm grateful for.
I guess people were expecting something more akin to Skyrim or The Witcher but honestly fuck that, not from fromsoftware
Trouble is you can't remember the boss names by the time you get Google open, not the area you were in.
I realize the entire series is all about being cryptic and wants you to read item descriptions and stuff and that's fine, but there are definitely parts where this clashes with the open world aspect of the game. I don't think the game needs quest markers or any shit like that but at least put some sort of journal in game for the player. Too much of this game requires you to google guides.
Too many repeat bosses, how many times do we need to fight the Godskin Noble and Apostle? Also unfortunate that a lot of the overworld dragons have copypasted movesets.
Better boss battles, Elden Ring has by far the worst quality of bosses in the entire series. I enjoyed exactly 3 bosses. Radahn, Malenia and the Fire Giant and I think enjoying the Fire Giant isn't a common opinion either.
open world needs to be more focused, compare the way up yo volcano manor with the lame empty fields of limgrave
also more enemy variety instead of red soldier, blue soldier, yellow soldier etc
Not being able to erase markers on the map with one button. Not being able to see the status effects under your stamina without having to look it up online. Maybe quest notes so I actually remember what the fuck is going on and what Im doing
late game enemies too hard
simple as
Zoomer fags thinking pvp is sitting in an open field with 2 summons waiting for invaders, chugging flasks, then sprinting away and resummoning whenever their summons die
There are a shitload of problems that make the game bad. Discounting ones that stem from open world design, 90% of them could be easily fixed.
However, 0% of them will ever be actually fixed. From did not fix RCE since DES, and Dark Souls 2 to this day still has a bug on PC that drains weapon durability at 2x the normal rate. It's literally one line of code to change and yet had to be fixed with a mod by some random player. DSFix for DS1 was the same situation.
Now, not only will absolutely none of these problems be fixed, future From titles will have the same problems, as well as new ones. This will happen because you utter morons keep rewarding these incompetent idiots with your money. Every time they pinch out a new turd, it doesn't matter how brokwn or buggy it is, Fromfaggots make the basedjak face and buy it for full price, then vociferously claim that the bugs don't actually exist and that the problems arent problems. And then we act like its a giant mystery why every single entry is substantially worse than the one before it. Its because you are gicing the dog a treat for shitting o. The carpet.
The problem is that it really isn't open world. They separate everything with cliffs and require you to use portals to reach some areas.
I' m still pissed about pyromancy being tied to faith.
Open world does not exist. The levels are simply bigger, a huge game level with no content in it is bad game design
Needs more lore. And yes I know, its a Fromsoft game. And yes, Godfrey was a simp.
I was hoping this time around that INT would be more than just glorified DnD inspired Arcane exclusive Evocation magic, there is so little versatility with INT that it's ridiculous. It makes no sense that mages would only bother learning "Soul bolt, Great crystal soul bolt, EVEN GREATER crystal soul bolt!". Like where is the illusion magic? The transmutation magic? Enchantment magic? Necromancy, Etc..
A lot of the enemies aside from shit like the huge enemies like dragons are completely fucking awful and feel like they're only manageable if ibwas able to parry like Sekiro.
Side quests are also DS3 tier dogshit and you can get locked out of then over the most retarded shit which leaves you out of getting some nice information just because you play it like an open world game when they're made like a Souls quest line. The enemies can be tweaked to just not flail around as often or just tweak them to be a bit slower so you don't have to either dodge and get snagged by a shit hitbox or block, have your guard broken and still lose health. Only way I can see quests change is by revamping their structure in a dlc.
yeah and I'm pissed about Lightning being tied only to Dex
>Every zone repeating the same ruins/churches/catacombs/mines + same enemies/minibosses. The decision to make the world as big as it is meant reusing assets constantly. Would have much rather they scale the world back so the content wasn't stretched so thin.
>The quests being more obscure than ever due to the size of the map.
>Constant worrying of being underleveled/overleveled for content. It's an open world so I'm encouraged to explore but then I'll go to the main boss afterwards and 1 shot it as a result.
>Horse combat is not nearly as refined as on foot and it makes open world combat awkward and boring.
All problems I think are a direct result of making it open world. The structure of the previous games led to a far more well balanced playthrough.
>General gripes
Number one has always been the fact that it came out before Bloodborne on PC
Horrible weapon balance, some spells and weapons are near useless some are utterly broken, several major glitches or unintended exploits in the game.
Late game bosses have long, unending strings you are seemingly expected to play defense for until you can attack, which last for a very long time and lower player agency, it's just not fun to fight some of them.
Most notable example: 80% of elden beast is just dodging attacks and you can only do anything meaningful towards killing him for the short period you catch up to him for, or if you cheese him at the beginning of the fight with something like unpatched hoarfrost stomp, pest threads, or some other high damage burst.
A lot of encounters in the world, and even the legacy dungeons are kind of useless when you know what's in them and what you are going for, they don't provide enough reward or contribute towards what you are aiming for on a new character and feel like a waste of time, it's not fun to skip 90% of the game on second playthroughs, I actually enjoy playing the content, make enemies drop more runes, bosses drop slightly less, make the mohg birds and the dragon in caelid drop less runes and supplement it by making the basic enemies drop more so you grow strength over time rather than just killing the few things that are remotely worthwhile and picking up your items on the way.
Fix hitboxes so that weapons like fists don't encounter as many issues hitting bosses in point blank melee.
Make incantations either have some degree of hyper armor, or be less absurdly vulnerable before cast, making them actually somewhat useable for PvE, if not PvP.
Buff damage/overall utility of the worst spells and incants, many of them are just completely pointless, if not outright disappointing.
Some spells need mp costs reduced, some need faster casts, some just need to actually do worthwhile damage, it's a similar problem to weapons I think where things just don't feel tested.
pvp being shit, open world ruining this game.
Can they be fixed? until next game probably
DS3 heavily pvp population right now so i'm good on ps4
I honestly dont remember any of the areas, the levels are so boring and plain. Meanwhile I could list almost every area in DaS1
The game completely changed by the end, all the sense of exploration is replaced by a sense of "I don't want to deal with this bullshit" because the rewards you get are literally retarded (like a butterfly being a giant blue glowing item, in an area where you can literally farm the exact same butterflies) and because the encounters themselves aren't fun to fight through. Really goes from being a 10/10 game to a 7/10. Definitely above average, but has major flaws
Its mainly just about how boss movesets are seemingly arranged to punish players for doing what every other Fromsoft game has encouraged us to do against bosses. Dodgerolling is so bizarrely punished with combos that are timed to perfectly catch you as soon as your Iframes are gone.
God, my post was actually too long, I think this is the first time I've ever run into that as an issue.
I think a lot of these things could be patched, probably only half of them or so will be, and there are a few other issues stemming from fromsoft spreading the game out so much that I think are fundamental, a lot of players seem to get fatigued before they hit endgame, a lot of areas feel slightly padded out or just not worthwhile, there's fat that I think could have been trimmed, too late now.
I think the game is still great even as it is, but it's a bit of a mess, with patches I think it could be the best fromsoft game so far pretty easily, but it really depends.
I think multiplayer and boss balancing especially will be important things to see if from does anything with going forwards.
Hopefully from has learned a lot making this game and if we see another open world game from them it will have cleared a lot of these hurdles or learned from them, and will be a bit more focused, I'd honestly like if they could incorporate aspects of the sekiro player kit and playstyle into future games, the defense being a part of your offensive kit in that game was very satisfying even if the game was very limited.
A lot of the bosses in the game simply aren't fun. Yes, they are beatable. If you're overleveled, use summons/ashes, abuse some cheese method, or even just get lucky with moveset RNG, they can be easily beatable. But they just aren't -FUN- to fight against. They went balls to the walls in making things challenging without considering the actual entertainment value of the fight.
There's also a thousand different weapons and spells in the game yet less than 10% of them are actually usable. It's like a mugen fighter with hundreds of different characters but no balance between them at all. Sure, it's cool you can have Inspector Gadget fight Goku, but in what fucking world is anyone going to pick Inspector Gadget when Goku does the same thing but better?
Tbh they should have done what they did with the underground levels and made semi-open but self contained zones. Pretty much every underground zone is amazing, except for Mt. Gaylord
Having an amazing time with the game, though last night after thinking back to previous games, i do have one complaint. Not enough "bullshit areas" After playing for souls so long, I actually feel fond of these sort of stuff. Sen's fortress was memorable, Gutter was memorable. Shrine of Amana was memorable. Frigid outskirts is memorable. But through almost all the areas of Elden Ring, its like I barely died from anything while exploring. Then again who knows, maybe its just experience from the previous games that made me ready for most of this. Oh the trip to the frenzy flame was nice.
Wasn't it proven that bosses and enemies are now perfectly reading your movements and actions down to the millisecond?
>So what're your genuine gripes about Elden Ring
Shit optimization (memory cache/stuttering) and full retard gimped invasions.
>do you think they can be fixed with future patches or a possible dlc?
Doubt, they could easily fix the memory caching issue but I don't expect it because they're lazy and they won't change invasions, the only thing that could save pvp at this point is an arena but it won't be as fulfilling as invasions, expect them to copy paste the arena from das3 with snippets of the ER overworld and dungeons for maps.
10/10 Game design.
The ai reads inputs yes.
>Late game bosses have long, unending strings you are seemingly expected to play defense for until you can attack, which last for a very long time and lower player agency, it's just not fun to fight some of them.
Man I feel this, I swear they just put a bunch of effort in to the Malenia fight and then phoned it in for the others, or maybe they just got lucky.
She's overtuned in some areas I think but fighting her is actually fun because if you get her moves down, especially in the first phase it's almost like a choreographed dance and less like I'm just waiting for my turn. She's also very easily staggered due to low poise so it feels like you can get some more hits in sometimes.
But then the actual endgame bosses, like the non-optional ones are shit like this.
You know what the caves remind me of? The fucking Chalice Dungeons from Bloodborne.
Yep. Godskin Apostle will throw flames at you whenever you back off and try healing, it's fucking annoying
Fucking dogshit no wonder it's better to just spam mimic tears or other spirit ashes.
Literally have no idea where to go, I beat some fox in the wizard tower and have been wandering aimlessly ever since. Wish there was some kind of quest journal, I think BOTW did it right where it gave you enough information that it didn't feel like spoonfeeding but you always weren't left clueless on what to do
you'll get your bullshit areas, don't worry
i haven't played it but i made this for my friends who do and you guys can have it if you want it
>I swear they just put a bunch of effort in to the Malenia fight
For the wrong game. Malenia is fine BUT only if you think of her in a self contained box, her fight is complete dogshit in-game because the player movement and defense/offense options are awful for her fight. Imagine the exact same fight but you have the Rally mechanic and speed of a Bloodborne character or the parry/counter and speed in Sekiro.
The godskin faggots are the most obvious example, they'll insta punish any item use and will dodge all ranged attacks perfectly. You don't even have to be aiming at them and they'll dodge.
They'll even break combos, have infinite poise, and do retarded 360 tracking just so the game can get a free hit
It's actually sorta hilarious watching people who've never played a Souls game before fight someone like Margit because he's specifically designed to punish old Souls habits, so if you don't have them he's actually a lot easier.
Ambient soundtrack is shit, replace it with ambient environment sounds
Not enough madness weapons (I’m sure this will be addressed in DLC)
Not enough FAI DEX weapons (see above)
Needs an option to play as some kind of poison mage
You can use a grace mimic and it'll point you in the right direction
The only problem I have with her fight is waterfowl, really, if the first hit were a little more bearable, maybe even dodged the same way but with lower damage then it'd be a rather enjoyable fight overall, I agree with that guy.
>or a possible dlc?
there is a chance they migth make a dlc since there is alot of areas that are not being used at all
i just don't like open world games in general but even that aside i feel like the extrinsic rewards for actually exploring the open world are mostly not that good and they are especially not that good if you're not gonna use the ez mode mechanics.
all these stupid little caves are making me miss chalice dungeons which not something i ever thought i'd say.
as far as the overall combat goes, i like it but a lot of things are just making me feel angry more than anything. it seems like the game wants you to play with a really gay spammy style that just does not feel rewarding. i never played DaS 3 so maybe the weapon arts were like this in that game too but imo it's a shitty kind of powercreep that moves away from souls but also doesn't really lead towards a better action game either.
>do you think they can be fixed
idk if it'll ever happen but it'd really nice if the fucking dragons wouldn't fly on top of a cliff or despawn mid fight
Speaking of poise what the fuck is with bosses seemingly having Sekiro posture but you can only reliably break it with spamming STR weapon jumping heavy attacks? Either fuck off with this shit or let me see the fucking bar cause it's nonsense how unreliable it is.
Given how much this game sold and their history of making dlc I don't think there's any question whatsoever whether we'll get any or not, I just hope it fills the world out and adds things or changes areas, or gives access to those arenas that already exist, rather than just outright adding even more content and areas, which the game has plenty of.
>her fight is complete dogshit in-game because the player movement and defense/offense options are awful for her fight
All of her moves can be simply dodge with rolling or running away, with the exception of the first flurry of waterfowl which requires you to either position yourself perfectly or use a shield, of for the offense, she staggers very easily so I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
I think you're just bad at the game.
>fucking dragons wouldn't fly on top of a cliff or despawn mid fight
I had the fucking one in the swamp next to the first step despawn with one hit left and I wanted to drop a third one right on From HQ
I think I'm just overly salty from bosses late game being awful.
I see what you mean but I still enjoyed it a lot more than a lot of the other later bosses. Out of all of the lategame bosses she was the only one where I went 'I'm excited to try beating her again" in between playing sessions and not "man I can't wait to be done with this asshole already"
Yeh that move is mostly what I meant when I said she was a bit overtuned. Dodging it can be pretty dicey and I'm sure many for many people who were stuck on her their successful attempt was on the one where she just didn't use that move much, if at all.
I swear to God the bosses have some kind of Radiant AI to fuck me
I'm stuck on Melania and my first few attempts I could get past the first phase easy with my dual greatswords thanks to the stagger, but now at 50+ attempts she only uses attacks that give her hyperarmor and whenever she does something that I could punish she pulls out a surprise waterfowl and I eat shit
The second phase isn't any better, sometimes she finishes a move and lets me get a punish in other times she does a follow-up right as I make my input and denies me my hit and I get punished, this fight doesn't feel like a dance it feels like I'm playing a slot machine hoping and praying I can actually hit this bitch
If all they did was bring back 6 player instances and das3 invasion timer, fix the performance, and balance the weapons the game would be perfect as is. The last thing they should be doing is creating more content right now.
just use dual katanas it works better on the boss and you do the job quicker
I have no evidence but it feels like poise works like a status effect on bosses, in which you have to build it up and if you don't then they 'heal' and the status effect goes down. Regular enemies seem to have normal poise breaks though
Online is so fucking shit. I can't even play with others since the latest patch.
Yeah, and I like contending with that move be a core of her fight, I like it being hard to deal with at least, but in a lot of cases it just outright deletes you and you have trouble figuring out what you can do about it without looking up a youtube video of someone perfect dodging it.
It feels like the fight sort of caves if you make the move not really strong, just maybe a little less strong than it is now.
But late game has the best bosses
That's absolutely how their posture works, yes.
Yeah that's 1:1 how Sekiro did it, which is why it's fucking retarded that ER is doing that since you don't have any of the same options to inflict it or actually see the fucking bar like Sekiro.
Lack of a full transformation
Along with the buffering in button presses. Most noticeable when using colossal weapons.
>So what're your genuine gripes about Elden Ring
Feels too much like Dark Shit 3
>and do you think they can be fixed with future patches or a possible dlc?
Camera is still ass for large bosses
Lock-on still breaks even when you're locked in a 1-on-1 arena with no other enemies
minor smithing stones harder to come by than major smithing stones
resummoning Torrent after death takes too much buttons
Malenia worst boss design since DS2
stupid fucking platforming
otherwise preddy good
World didn't really feel open world, in BOTW you could just set your sights on an area and just go to in but in Elden ring there are tons of cliffs everywhere that feel like they are confining where you can go. If you can't walk to the end boss fight from the starting location without unlocking bullshit then its not open world