What was kojima thinking here? did he think an 11 minute expo dump was genuinely a good idea?

what was kojima thinking here? did he think an 11 minute expo dump was genuinely a good idea?

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the man made MGS4. what did you expect?

a soul that's a lie...

dont care. and besides, its what vidya is now, sooooooooooo i dont technically see a problem here

Worst part of the game desu

Sam was trapped on that beach for a long, long time. So the make the player feel that, you spent a fuckload of time just walking around and listening to the expo dump.
Does it make sense narratively? Yes. Is it entertaining? Obviously not. But this is expected Kojima shit at this point

It's the first ever strand-type game. Cut him some slack.

I made a delivery today. I went and came back. It reminds me how frustrating it is to not make progress on anything. There is no sense of progress.

The point is to walk. But the artifacts they give you as progress are to speed up the process, not to enjoy it. If I accept the rules of the GAME, I want to make the most of them. Make the most of walking. Make it a pleasurable experience.

Walking does not feel good. Not the way it should feel. The PS4 controller gives has the potential that Kojima's concept needed. The control wasn't pushed to its limit.



gettin real tired of kojima simpin for random white women

He's experimenting with how long players will tolerate 0 gameplay.

>Walking does not feel good. Not the way it should feel.
it feels exactly as it should feel. Go hiking. Touch grass.

Arthur Morgan can walk slower than Sam Porter.

All Kojima games have that scene where they sit you down and lecture you about the themes of the game for a while. I have no odea why he keeps doing that.

reminder that he put 11 hours of cinematics in his game, and a good 8 hours of that thoroughly suck dicks

>did he think an 11 minute expo dump was genuinely a good idea?
What do you think?

i don't know, i skip the cutscenes and keep walkin

kojima needs someone to supervise and edit his shit, he can write some interesting concepts that get buried in a shit story and walls of needles exposition

let me explain The Patriots real quick

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Because he's not particularly good at having thematic dialogue in any other way.

he gave us the virtual death experience you mongoloid retasrd

I disagree the walking feels incredibly good

Whole game’s story feels assembled weirdly. Early versions probably play tested poorly and producers told him he needed to explain shit so a bunch of exposition got injected.

>getting told anything about how to do anything
>at his own game company

uhh, lol.

>30 minutes of nonsense happen
>credits roll
>you're stuck on the beach, and have to run around until the game resets you to the center of the beach again
>Amalie appears and monologues for 15 minutes
>credits roll again
>bizarre ending sequence
>more cutscenes
>it's been well over an hour by now
>Sam, oh God, Sam please forgive me! Also, go kill your baby, you're getting too attached it it and it's getting weird
>go to incinerator
>a third, identical credit roll
>post-game starts
>You have 50 new emails to tie up every single NPC story in the game
I was exasperated, but it was so absurd and drawn out that I was also laughing my ass off at the absurdity of it all.

kojima has his head so far up his ass

I thought it was just common japaneseness and the kojima i'm used to.

Imagine being "Exasperated" at common japaneseness. how long have you played games

name some other japanese media that does this retard

other japanese games
japanese tv
japanese movies
japanese books
japanese theatre

any other questions

Look, dipshit, I finished the game at midnight, and the true final credit roll ended sometime around fucking 2am. Love Kojima's wacky ideas and unconventional presentation of his ideas, but Amalie spent 15 minutes recapping the past 30 minutes of cutscenes and expository dialogue. Only to have that end so that another HOUR of this could be dumped on the player. I know that Japanese media has something of a habit with rehashing information, but Kojima took it to a new form of oarody with Death Stranding. This wasn't a serialized comic or tv show recapping what happened a few weeks or months ago, it happened literal minutes ago, and it felt like I was caught in a recursive nightmare.

>believing the creatividad meme
He has always relied on the input of more competent people to make the game part of his video games function

He was thinking about movies obviously
anyways, loved it

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>bro this game has a long ending

no way, a KOJIMA game has a LONG SEQUENCE?

why did you post more when i already explained it

furthermore, every one of you-- literally every single one-- missed the entire subtext of the plot and failed to analyze the events and the ending correctly!

that's my favorite part about this, everyone complaining about it, without getting it.

Death Stranding was so kino it was still filtering shitters right to the end of the game.


and he he ain't got nobody to listen to

>t. pretentious faggot

is there anything more cringe than the people who try to intellectualize Kohima games to this degree

>He was thinking about movies obviously
Who cares. Expo dumps are literally never good.
Love this game btw but story is kinda garbo

>I'll use the word pretentious with no context because I know that's supposed to be an insult

lol :) i love when Yea Forums kids say things are pretentious



nobody tried to "intellectualize" anything Yea Forums is just full of smoothie halfwits with zero ability to read subtext because they're zoomer drones and non book readers

this place is full of shit retards with bad opinions. this isn't 2006 Yea Forums. maybe you just aren't smart enough to understand a kojima game bro?

it's not that it's intellectual, it's that you aren't.


Have you ever heard of Kabuki? 18 hour plays to tell a paragraph long story.

>Expo dumps are literally never good
Yeah but he keeps doing them every game, idk why
he's clearly not gonna stop anyways

lmao they literally think kojima invented this and it isn't culturally extremely japanese in nature

who are the people who are coming to Yea Forums these days who don't even know the concept of japanese longwinded exposition, jesus christ.

These posts exude the aura of being sexually abused as a child.


go outside

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i killed your mother

Anime website

>make self look stupid in front of adults
>zoomercopeposting begins

many such cases

The worst part is I see people being schooled by Yea Forums more and more. When did we become smarter and more morally aligned than everyone else?
I'm not even talking about games. I'm talking about life advice type stuff. How bad is it out there that Yea Forumstards are the ones giving sage wisdom to the youngins?

it's bad dude, first stages of social collapse all around us. the societies we've built don't work and are killing everyone extremely fast. the future is amish people and mormons and shit, intentional communities

I unironically enjoyed the game. It's super comfy and actually entertaining to play. But that segment was like pulling teeth. Two fucking unskippable credit sequences totalling like 20 minutes, that shit was like pulling teeth, and the worst part is you can't even afk for half that shit because you gotta run up and down the fucking beach.

>20 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>wastes countless hours of his life replying to troll posts on Yea Forums that he knows are troll posts

Your shitposting has gotten so meta that you're now shitposting entire reply chains that only exist in your head and I genuinely can't tell what you're meeming about or trying to imply, user.

You say that but Christopher Nolan is guilty of the same thing and people love his movies to death

thankfully, this only happens at the start and end of the game

The way this started out, I thought it was going to meme post, but then it turned into an actual critique of the game. 10/10 user