What went wrong? How did AGS manage to ruin a multi million dollar game?

What went wrong? How did AGS manage to ruin a multi million dollar game?

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people thought a korean mmo was going to be anything but a korean mmo again

b-but my galpals told me it was the
>new world
>mh rise

They didn't - the game was doomed from the start. It's a fucking Korean MMO for fucks sake

i like it but i like farming 12+ hours a day so im a bit of a special case

>What went wrong? How did AGS manage to ruin a multi million dollar game?

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has anyone actually played it, or is it all just viewer outrage

they added niggers

korean MMO

Sips played it on stream for a month and lost about 2k viewers


>mh rise

It was marketed as a flavor of the month game, people played it because streamers and everyone else played it without even knowing what the game was. Then a more shiny FOTM game, Elden Ring, came out two weeks later and all of those people immediately jumped ship.
Moral of the story is don't rely on bandwaggon hype if you want your game to survive.

people like to say Amazon fucked it up but Lost Ark was never good

the combat it's the only interesting part of the game
everything else was doomed to fail

>played until t3 island

i couldn't stand another souless quest line.
Dancing and singing to npcs
then the horizontal progression named islands and rapport
incoming Mu online aesthetics, everyone with silly and flashy skins

This, the only people I ever heard say the game was good were russian paypiggies that have had the game for over a year now. Ironically, the biggest criticizers of the game were also russians.

i really, really enjoy doing 1 content a day
i am very, extremely grateful for being allowed even one run of a dungeon, anything more would simply be too much for me to handle
i will now renew my amazon prime subscription and the crystalline aura

>The fun classes are female locked
cringe as fuck

finished my weekly abyssal dungeon runs on my 5 characters, only a single legendary card this week though, and wasnt anything good either. hope you guys are having better luck

This is one of the most FOTM game I can think of in recent memory.

At least shit like Valheim, Fagmophobia, etc had SOME king of unique gimmick to them that I could see people gaining interest, but this is literally just generic Korean MMO.

this wouldnt be as bad if there were just like 4 or 5 currencies to deal with. what korean inso person thought of the currency system of this game i dont even know but god. getting to max was like one sharp parabola of YAY oh...ohhh wtffff, brick wall. The game halts you almost every chance it gets. like even talking to npc's locks you into a whole different screen and then you have to *fade to black* zoom out again run over *fade to black talk* zoom out. like holy shit. i tried, i really tried to like it.

I like farming 12 hours and i hated this game because you cant do that to level. Stuck on a horrible mainquest line then when the game finishes that multiple.day tutorial and opens up you still cant grind cause theres more bullshit.

there's all sorts of things to grind in this game, combat level is not really one of them though. you have to do guardian raids etc to grind combat level, but even then you only get something like .25m xp for the higher tier ones

Its a shame phasmophobia got attention when Devour is better than it

Is it even dead? I checked SteamDB and while not nearly as strong as it was at launch which is a given is still going strong, usually being on the top 5 most played Steam games only behind CS:GO, Dota 2 and PUBG.

>No Linux support
Fucking Bezos

>how did a goods shipping company fuck up literally the most difficult genre of video game?
why did nobody question that a video game was being made by AMAZON? It's like if fucking Wal-Mart released a video game, I wouldn't expect anything but trash.

It's not dead. This is a doomthread.

The game is nothing but a mechanical dopamine machine, you have no reason to play it other than increasing your ilvl. Gameplay is decent, story is garbage, characters are garbage, absolutely nothing to keep the game relevant or engaging. This is the reason games like Genshin Impact stay relevant whether you like it or not, every time a new patch comes out people on twitter, reddit, youtube and anons on /vg/ lose their minds, keeping the conversation alive and making the game stay relevant. There's reasons for people to come back.

I'm not saying the game is DEAD or that it's TRASH, i'm just saying it was never going to be a cultural phenomenon. Such is the fate of games that are literally just about numbers and killing time.

they took away some of the female outfits and added niggers.

It's F2P, and it's filled with bots all over the place.
The game is in such a bad state, that even Asmongold (Lost Ark biggest cocksucker) is going back to fucking WoW despite it's horrible state.

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>Muh Amazon
Retard, The game itself is garbage. Forced to do chores so 5% of your playtime can be spent on raids.

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I don't think they had much to do with it. LA is a Korean grinder after all. I have no idea why people keep falling for the same bullshit over and over again. Korean MMOs are just differently designed and no matter how they lure you in that's always going to be the case compared to western MMOs.

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reminder that lost ark was obviously delayed so new world could have its moment in the spotlight only to burn out even faster

....were you trying to say Genshin's story and characters aren't garbage? Because that's a laugh

genshin impact has the most intriguing underlying story of probably any video game I have ever played and I started in the 80s

the way it is delivered has been extremely skillful and the buildup feels like nothing in history because of the delayed nature of it

you are assuming it's bad, because it's genshin impact, it has to be bad! But genshin impact, right now, is the best jrpg ever made. things aren't quite so simple

Lol it isn't. Asmongold admitted he likes it and dropped FFXIV for it so the trannies are trying to doompost it everywhere

here are the reasons I've seen people say they stopped playing, in order of commonness:
>lack of updates/not enough content
>became too hard to progress
>too grindy/repetitive
>too P2W
>lack of customization
>too much timegating
>friends stopped playing

I'd say the biggest reasons for me personally are the boring grind and the timegates

>the lost ark reddit is still in its honeymoon phase where they defend the fucking story, questing and item level system
Those people aren't human.

You expected the people that fucked up their first MMO within a month to spin a fucking Korean grindfest into something better? For fuck's sake Amazon still wants to release a competitor to Google's stillborn streaming notconsole despite global latency making such a thing currently impossible and enough common sense still existing thankfully, so I wouldn't put much faith in them and move on already.

Then again if you're the kind of retard (or child predator in FFXIV's case) that actually plays MMO's, then you need a different kind of advice in life anyways.

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It's been a while since I've seen a more obvious paid and paid for streamer marketing campaign.

this is your brain on gacha

go play through the game and when you get to the chasm area pretend like getting to the end of it doesnt feel like old golden age final fantasy

oh wait you wouldn't know :^)

>350k Split amongst 4 regions, EU taking the lions share.
Accounting for bots, sub 100k NA players and its only going down.
Absolute dogshit for a "MMO".
Keep coping.

do koreans really like this excessive amount of grind

It's not dead, but the giant amazon shill campaign makes it look pretty bad hemorrhaging a million concurrent players in 2 months. Maybe it's leveling off now since it's like the first week of it not losing another 10% of the playerbase but I doubt it

No Elin race on launch

>mh rise
what the fuck user

Gacha grind > Korean MMO grind
With gachas, you can take it at your own pace and relax. In an MMO, it's a fucking race to the finish and that sucks major balls especially when you have so much shitty grind in the way. The peak enjoyment I've gotten from MMOs came from two places: Vanilla/Wrath World of Warcraft and Everquest. My worst experience with an MMO has been Black Desert Online because it's just a cashgrab all the way through.

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This. The game is legitimately amazing. The only problem with the story stuff is that it's not all voice acted and it's boring to read books, they should fix that UI.

>The only problem with the story stuff is that it's not all voice acted and it's boring to read books, they should fix that UI.

I mean the game overall has more voice acted content than most games out so...

all main story/character story/archon quests are 100% VA'd and many events and stuff are too

ok grandpa, stop giving your credit card info to people on the phone how many times do i have to tell you its a scam

That guy is polish not russian

I just want people to play it because I care about people playing soulful video games

it's the diametric opposite of what people want to think so people are missing out-- it's literally the most soulful game out

>In an MMO, it's a fucking race to the finish

none of this is real grandpa, your standing in the middle of the road

I never understood it myself but since looking into it from GW1 a bit it is because they game in cafes still since too poor to have their own computer, living space, internet. So they gang up on this shit in groups. You can have 10x grindy design when "better with friends" factor is always present I guess is the bottom line and they're having fun talking shit to each other around the tables more than they actually play.

I'm a little jealous desu versus our isolated world.

I'm not interested in xue hua piao piao bei feng xiao xiao's story or the 1426 xing zhong de taiyang shi mao ze dong massacre

koreans like paying to skip the excessive amount of grind so they can feel superior to those who play. asians in general fucking LOOOOOOOVE to pay to get ahead.

user im going to the store but i leave you with an image i have never posted on Yea Forums in 16 years

my friend who worked at a nursing home snapped this out of his employee handbook in like, 2002

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You think this attitude is not common in western players?

the story isn't "chinese" at all, it appears to be squarely sci-fi at this point in time.

note that the MAIN QUEST writing is great. sidequest and event writing is a different team. however the main quest is like 100 hours prob at this point

Not him but because you're competing with others. If you take it slow it feels bad if you have that kind of nature.
I personally like to grind but I can see where he's coming from. Genshin is much more stress free and some/many people would prefer that to a NEET like me stomping them and making fun of them. And they don't have to feel envious of people grouping up to party and doing well.

I know but I wish 100% of it was. It would make the game so much better for me. I don't like reading too much in vidya.

no, it isn't. westerns like paying for cosmetics, but not for power.

>westerns like paying for cosmetics, but not for power.

lol you are out of your mind

People still do it though but yeah it's not nearly as bad. We generally have more sense than that but Asia is different. Maybe not more sense, just different values.

I don't know if you know how common it is for people to just want to get ahead of everyone by any means necessary
Elden ring runes selling was extremely popular on launch in the west
Boosting and rmting is a huge problem for every game that has online components that allow trading.
I was so fucking surprised by the sheer amount of people admitting to buyibg clears and gil in ffxiv raiding, when I started raiding myself

>I don't know if you know how common it is for people to just want to get ahead of everyone by any means necessary

it feels so sad that video gaming was by and large taken over by these people who objectively don't get it.

If you could pay $10 to skip all the story content up until Tier 1 (where you can actually start playing the game) it would be a much better experience

The only reason it's a remote success in korea is because of an intense and almost nationalist pride in fucking HATING the chinks. That and top notch security and chink prevention from entering their games means very few bots.
There have been 10,000 or more bots just running since day 1, never banned, collecting resources and gold and selling it.
Why should I care when one of the largest companies on earth doesn't? western games are fucked until we set up harsher restrictions on making accounts for stuff.

it's fucking chinese, you dumbass. choke on chink shit

People who follow the rules of the game are always a minority
It's the same reason it feels like in life you will never get ahead of everyone else and seem to be held to different standards than others
The vast majority of people just take shortcuts

Western market is pretty much dominated by FPS games and whatever is the flavor of the month new game. It wasn't like a new mmo grind game was suddenly going to change the entire market space. Like I played Lost Arc for a chunk of time on steam release. I really like the story line in general but got bored doing mini missions by the time I hit the content after the first ice one that needed the ice-breaker ship.
Then I just went back to my fav PvP fps

Everything you just listed is done outside the game and people would flip their shit if there was a button in-game that said "Buy Ultimate Totem" or "Swipe For 1 Million Runes"

You have it backwards. If you're playing a gacha game as any of the following:
>for story
>for free
>something to waste time with friends
then you're playing the wrong game. If you're not at least ranking as top 10% of the active population, you should try a different game.

He is correct though. Yes westerners with that mindset exists but it isnt nearly as bad as in East Asia.

it's a jrpg. j doesn't designate country of origin never did

that's my point, gaming used to be pretty squarely not those people.

there were special things available in the 80s and 90s to niche groups of people and now there's nothing like that. the world is so bad and shitty now.

Yea Forums is utterly ruined by doomposting, shazamfags, unapologetic shilling, discussion and nuances is entirely ruined by thinly veiled political and coomer threads, I have no idea why I still come here other than addiction and habit.

doesn't apply to genshin impact, which is extremely a real game, whereas every other gacha game are all not real games.

people realized it's just diablo 3 with phone game mechanics

As a Korean who has been top of the ranking for Maplestory, Elsword, Mabinogi, DnF, Swordgirls, Gunbound, Survival Project, and Lunia, yes. It's something Koreans, and other asians do for fun. It often contains lots of repetition of tasks, tons of RNG, and slow progression of self in a virtual scene. It's quite opposite to people in the west where their definition of fun involves not only getting strong, but requires quick and into-the-fray action that always involve overcoming competition.

Yea Forums is the only place on the internet that allows for contrarianism, politics in videogames discussion that is not leftist censored, and liking female characters that are feminine and not gigantically tall/super muscular/trannified only.
I have plenty enough reason to come to Yea Forums

it's nowhere near in the same universe as diablo 3 in terms of gameplay.

I like this game
I will get bored of it once i get all the collectible shit and get timegated out of new content by it not even being fucking released yet but other than that im enjoying it.