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is this loss?

yes, actually

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I miss the good old days.

You guys don't actually have autism, right?

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aaargh i wanna hug that feral flooferino

I do. I'm considered "high functioning," but it's definitely not high enough to live on my own.
Its pretty depressing to be able to recognize my shortcomings and not be able to overcome my own broken nature to fix them.

wheres the amogus

New toss dropped?

Shut up, Jordan


something is wrong with this one

im an aspie, and due to years and years of therapy and learning how to hide it, i managed to keep it under control

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>read up on signs of autism
>some of these apply to me
>i must be autistic
is this not how it works?

not diagnosed


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>video games: "I don't need to eat, it's just a trivial temporary buff"
>real life: "oh yeah a significant percentage of my earnings are required to be put to the use of me not dying in a week"

Go back to /poll/ C.H.U.D

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You have to ask the doctor...

This except I didn't have the money to spend in the first place.

What is this suppose to mean?

I dont get it

doctor just said your probably dont have it if you werent diagnosed as a child

Oh man, i can TOTALLY relate to this. Adulting is so hard right fellow adults, haha imagine having a CAR PAYMENT and having to go to the STORE. jahalaughlmgorlf

the original just ends with a "well, shit".
This is an edit.

I eat and sleep in video games even if I don't care about the buffs, I don't even go off questing if it's later in the afternoon
Does anyone else do this kinda sympathetic role playing with their characters?

like any disease or disorder, reading the symptoms on the internet and self-diagnosing is a bad idea
right now, the first joint of my left index finger hurts, if i ask google why it will tell me i could have arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer or tore a ligament; or perhaps i just slightly sprained the joint from typing too much or slept on it weird and it'll be gone in a day
just like not everything physically wrong with you is cancer, not every personality trait is a mental disorder you should seek to "fix"

video games?

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You're tired when you come home from the twelve hour day. You may have a few minutes to play a video game but do you really want to?

Yes but it's aspergers so I got lucky I guess.

bad satire, it's about childing (aka playing vidyer)

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I've been staring at my game libraries for years, sometimes I install a game, and sometimes I even launch them before closing and Uninstalling.

>I don't even go off questing if it's later in the afternoon
damn that sounds comfy, I wish more games could be build around this concept. skyrim/etc are always too casual, i wish they'd make nighttime travel a serious danger and require you to set up camp and such

What the fuck is this actually supposed to mean. This feels left-leaning but I can't fucking tell. Can someone explain this god damned fucking bullshit image to me it makes me so mad for no fucking reason. I'm, 58 montana

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>Kyung comics are first posted on Yea Forums
>Constantly get threads because anons fantasize about petite mistreated Korean girl they can "fix"
>Turns out she's a mutt hambeast
>People quietly stop posting Kyung comics on Yea Forums
That's the only time she got a laugh out of me

Congrats. You fell for the chud edit

Yes you can faggot. You need to put in actual effort to overcome your handicaps. This isn't like being crippled so you can't run in a marathon, you actually can fix it.

>twelve hour day

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I really, really dont get it, isnt that asian food to begin with? I feel like there's some message of cultural appropiation like if the white girl is freely eating black people's food, consuming the good things they make like she owns it without caring for that race, like that one dumb AC controversy where the "if you are not white you cant use this hairstyle" happened ... but it's asian food, I can see the chopsticks right there.

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NEETs are parasites

Aspie here. IMO it's pretty rad. Once you actually learn how to deal with normalfags and understand how to fit in, it's an unfair advantage. My ability to focus and absorb information would make any college kid ripe with envy. Although I do admit I have to sincerely care about the subject in question.


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And your tears won't change a thing. Your tax money continues going to them and there's nothing you can do about it.

it's an edit, retard

a edit*

This is the typical problem with aspies, they think they "fit in", because they don't understand the emotional cues that reveal everyone is looking at them like they're aliens.

Aspies, you will never fit in. Everything you do is fucking weird. It is literally one of the symptoms of your disease that you are incapable of comprehending just how wrong you get everything.

>frog poster
There's still time to fix your life user, don't give up hope.

Nawww I've been tested for it a bunch times. Doctors are always like:
>you sure you're not autistic
>go to psychiatrist to get tested
>nope all clear
I've been through this a bunch of different times all throughout my life.
Turns out I'm just an asshole with poor social skills I guess

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tumblr hasn't been relevant in years
ergo, an user still posting using tumblr images has probably been here longer than you
you're just an nth generation who mistakes the jokes and shitposts of the past for the religion he must virtue signal towards to climb the group hierarchy

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>Turns out I'm just an asshole with poor social skills
Finally, a term for my condition

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That's right, she's got he munchies for a California Cheeseburger

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Brains can be crippled too you know? It can be fixed with drugs to a certain degree but it doesnt fix everything

I admit that it took me several years to finally "get it" but it is 100% possible. I've made multiple friends, including women and emotional cues are easy to understand. Hyper empathy isn't uncommon at all with aspies, not sure about people with autism, so picking up on how people are feeling isn't an issue the majority of the time. Facial expressions also aren't hard, again, aspie not autist. In my opinion the biggest hurdle when learning to deal with normalfags is understanding WHY people feel certain ways about things. Even if you don't get why they feel a way, you can still easily bullshit your way through a conversation. It all gets easier in time. I've reached a point where no one knows I'm an aspie unless I tell them. I admit it took multiple years, but it can be done.

it's an edit
the original showed the black woman taking a picture of her baby, and the white woman taking a picture of her lunch. it was meant to highlight the differences between what black and white people find "important"
fairly on point 2bqh. when are you gonna give your momma grandkids, user?

>Even if you don't get why they feel a way, you can still easily bullshit your way through a conversation.
No you totally can't my spergie dude. Every time in your life you think you did, you actually didn't. People were just nice enough to humor you, then when you walked away they shook their head towards each other and said "What the fuck was THAT about?"

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I'm sorry you believe that having a different neurotype condemns you to social failure. Just because you put this mental cage on yourself doesn't mean that others follow in your footsteps.


user I'm just telling you everyone finds you weird because you talk like an alien and don't understand social cues.
That's just the reality of the situation, it's up to you how you cope with it

kek what do you have against autists


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>he thinks that everyone on the spectrum acts like Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory

why the fuck did I find this funny. No fucking shit people with borderline personality disorder have completely the wrong impression of themselves
>inb4 dont explain the joke
fuck you it's not clever

Correct, thanks for paying for my copy of Elden Ring, wagie!

I'm just trying to tell him he's not getting away with it, that's all.
He needs to know he's being weird, so that will hopefully encourage him to stop sending me text messages about irc protocol rfcs every 5 minutes from 2 in the morning until noon the next day. You have to be firm with these aspies, they don't get it.

Go back

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I've never watched the Big Bang Theory a day in my life so I don't give a shit about your consoomer entertainment. I've had to deal with aspies though and they're a constant burden.


T-they don't?

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>nth generation trying to fit in
>"have i said the ritual words correctly? did I make the right propitiations?"

more like go back to reddlt lmfao you jsut got #shrekt


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His problem is thinking you need to be in the mindset of a child to enjoy games.
You don't.