Last game that legitimately scared you?
Last game that legitimately scared you?
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Elden Ring scares me shitless with how bad it is.
What is this, OP?
Probably stepping into my own trap in Darkwood.
The Closing Shift, you're a cute Japanese girl working at Star Bucks having to fill orders while a stalker stalks you. Creepiest game I've ever experienced, actually scared me like a little Brad from twice.
Resident evil 2 ps1 when it came out.
That's the only time I remember being scared at a video game.
been a while. Tormented Souls and RE8 were good games but not very scary. FNaF:SB wasn't scary either. I guess I should play some more indie horror. Any kino VR horror?
Horror games don't scare me anymore, but the last game that did make me shit my pants was Outer Wilds
the only horror game I've played is eternal darkness on gamecube and I barely played any of it. thinking of playing fatal frame 2. any better options?
Thief Gold.
SCP containment breach
you faggots really can't stop talking about it
For jumpscare tier reactions, Phasmophobia after they added the light shattering event. For an actual spooby scare, probably the PT demo. For some reason I was a little bitchboy when playing that.
Kirby and the Forgotten Lands, literally everything that's dumped on you in the last area
There's a part where a fish just randomly falls form the sky that's feels so damn unwholesome.
The one game i downloaded that had a RAT scared the shit out of me
Chilla's Art never disappoints me when they make that kind of game
I was never really scared of the original games, but the VR versions really got to me
The original games were decent for jumpscares for a little bit until the effect wears off as jumpscares tend to do, VR had some spooby to it for me because of how fucking gigantic the animatronics are, as for whatever reason their sheer scale didn't really jump out at me until the VR game. Sadly SB wasn't even remotely scary, the closest part was the endos in the tunnels but even the jumpscares were shit in it.
I actually really like the sound that thing makes when it appears on screen. the like Sadako gutteral throat rattle noises as the BGM crescendo's. I wanna find it on a OST so I can put it in a playlikst
There was this one game that I believe was an SCP game but it was 1st person game where you just walk down a dark staircase. There weren't any jumpscares but you'd see some flashes of something in the dark ahead of you. I think the length was random but eventually, a face would come at you and the game would close.
That's the last time I remember playing a game and feeling Nope'd out.
I know the exact game and SCP you are talking about lol. yeah the SCP gimmick is that once you go like halfway down the stairs "it" appears behind you and chases you to the bottom but nobody knows how far down the "bottom" is. othertimes "it" will appear in front of you and chase you back to the top.
fan theory is that it chases guilty people hell or something and scares away those that dont deserve it. thats a classic SCP from before it all went downhill.
It was probably either SCP-087 or SCP-087-B, I think both were made by the same dude and were really popular about a decade or so ago.
demo for they are here. 100% a by the numbers indie horror game but ayys scare the fucking shit out of me anyways.
Is there any point where you're in a house and the ayys are just staring at you through the windows?
Holy shit, is that what the Ayys look like? I want some classic Lmaos rather than tryhard shit every once in awhile.
It's SCP-087
classic greys arent scary though. scrawny little fucks with beady eyes.also abductions are unscary
That was my constant fear in the house part but I'm not 100% sure if it actually happens. Could have missed it. I'd be surprised if it doesn't happen in the full game at least.
Yeah, only reason I gave it a shot.
Fire in the Sky scared the living fuck out of 6 year old me, so classic Ayys have a tender place in my retarded soul.
your mom
Corpse Party, the first game. The music and voice acting really did a good job at increasing the creepy factor.
ehhh. I knew you were gonna bring that up. Fire in the Sky is the ONLY "zomg Im le scared of abduction now" movie ever talk about when it comes to alien movies. A much scarier alien scene for me is of course THAT scene from "Signs" but normal greys just arent scary. I remember I went to the movie theater to see this abduction horror movie with my family something about like Fourth yadda (it had lots of owls) and I remember being bored out of my mind and rolling my eyes through the whole movie.
also does that mean you couldnt play Destroy all Humans without shitting yourself?
bought, this better not suck ass user
normally I would pirate but it's only 6 dollars and the devs are actually upfront and literally describe it as a "walking simulator" in the steam store page description
I recommend taking a screenshot of the recipe whiteboard and keeping it open in a second window to make things easier.
I played Cry of Fear recently. Spooky but too much of a pain in the ass to finish.
Cry of Fear unironically, there's cheap jumpscares and it's not the most well made game in the world but the atmosphere is Silent Hill tier. My biggest gripe is easily the voice acting, it's like Silent Hill if everyone was european and they only started learning english last month.
Maybe Outlast years ago, legitimately had trouble playing it sometimes, even while drinking. Nothing really spooks me like that lately though, jump scares don't even phase me anymore for some reason. Like I don't even startle or get surprised when they happen, it's weird.
u must elaborate
Fire in the Sky was more scary comfy for little me because I grew up about 30 or so miles from where the little groot nigga supposedly raped the dude. Communion and to a lesser extent Intruders also spoobed me, but they were too deep for me overall whereas Fire in the Sky was understandable enough to a retarded child such as myself. As for Destroy all Humans, nah, fun game though.
I like your style, user
>so what's this game about?
>well, you're a cute japanese girl working at starbu-
Isn't Cry of Fear that game that starts off in the cliff-side hospital/asylum, and the dev can join any player's game to fuck with them live?
horror games in general dont get me anymore, but holy fuck any horror game in vr turns me into a crying little bitch, i played the scp vr game and i cowered to the floor when i turned around the gay baby statue was there
not even close, CoF is just an old goldsrc mod
Good rec thread.
Visage was my last game OP
Afraid of Monsters, from the same dev, starts with a hospital/asylum but I don't remember it being on a cliffside.
>and the dev can join any player's game to fuck with them live?
what game is this?
>I think the length was random but eventually, a face would come at you and the game would close.
for some reason this kinda reminds me of that one picture with the jap dev or whatever a donut. IIRC the meme was if you opened the picture it secretly downloaded a virus that was just a stealth screamer that'd pop up randomly, sometimes days or weeks later. Tho I only ever saw someone explain that once years ago and every other time the picture gets posted people just freak out cuz they're supposed to, so I donno if it's true or people are just memeing whenever it gets posted.
It's not Afraid of Monsters
I remember the tutorial has you following a line in a black space as "over here" is repeatedly whispered at you, then you die behind some city buildings trying to fend off zombies with a shutgun, waking up in the empty hospital.
I enjoy the horror genre because of its themes and aesthetics but I don't understand getting scared by it, do you people not differentiate between reality and fiction?
It's a sign of schizophrenia/sociopathy when you are unable to immerse yourself in a book, show, movie, or game. Take meds, psycho.
What perspective was the game played in?
That's definitely Afraid of Monsters.
Yeah, seems a little off but thats almost word-for-word the intro to Afraid of Monsters. you just don't fight zombies until you're already in the empty hospital.
First, like all of these source indy horror games...
Shit you right
He's remembering that bit from the tutorial.
Which part got you?
Maybe I'll become the horror, haha
Ah. Didn't play that bit.