How did one man predict the future of gaming?

How did one man predict the future of gaming?

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what year was this comment made on?

damn, that's the From Shit gaymes takeover in a nutshell. I kneel

Hold on to your butts.

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I got so many bans during the time that post was mad.

You think you want to gatekeep but you really don't. 10 years ago, so many online communities that were in prominence were basically wiped out and most of them left are shells. It's zoomers keeping this site from dying a slow death.

PC is still alive and the only platform that gets real games still while consoles push Marvel Cinematic slop that autoplays itself on journalist mode.
To be fair the phone & tablet market is only f2p gacha

That's a bad thing

>good graphics = bad
>playing video games for a challenge and not just casual fun
You guys do know that media entertainment is disposable entertainment right?

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Sometimes its better that things die than to be artificially kept alive.

>one of the few newsgroups that is sure to be around in 10 years

You know that "game" infers a victory/loss dichotomy, right?
Single Player games weren't "Achievement Unlocked" in the 1980's. They were "Conquered". You "Conquered" Super Mario Bros. You "Conquered" Double Dragon.

it is fucking scary how accurate this guy is

Kill yourself.

You have never played, and could never beat, any Fromsoft Game.

>Sooner or later the feminists will invade gaming look at what they're trying to do to comic books, but it won't work.
That's the one thing he got wrong. It was the first nerd hobby to fall. Soon after, it's games, cards, D&D, and they're already at Warhammer's doorstep.

please leave

wasnt hard if one was paying attention to the gamesphere

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>Single Player games weren't "Achievement Unlocked" in the 1980's. They were "Conquered". You "Conquered" Super Mario Bros. You "Conquered" Double Dragon.
Conquered and Achievement unlocked are the same thing. You're just being a fucking retard because anlogs are something you're too comprehension immature to process.

It genuinely pains me to see how fucking bad videogames have become, and how proud everyone involved is to have ruined it. If i had a time machine, i would go back and kill a few people to save vidya, fuck stopping wars

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>you save vidya
>this means you no longer have incentive to go back in time to save vidya, as it needs no saving
>thus you never go back in time and vidya is not saved
>universe collapses into a paradox
Use your head, smartass.

>beating a game for the sake of having fun is the same as beating a game for cheevos so your "friends" know how awesomesauce you are
Kill yourself.

>there is only one timeline, and we're living in the right(best) one

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If this board died most of us would be a lot happier I imagine.

>You "Conquered" Super Mario Bros. You "Conquered" Double Dragon.
Thats pretty cringe.

Actually we're living in the most ludicrous one because logical timelines already killed themselves. Every time there's a world ending event we all just jump to another timeline instead but because it has to get increasingly insane to avoid these deaths we just keep going madder and madder.

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>its better to have a hundred retards to hang out with than fond memories of hanging out with 10 friends

>good graphics = bad
AI > level design > game balance > music > story >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> graphics
>playing video games for a challenge and not just casual fun
If I wanted "just casual fun" I'd play checkers, or you know, have sex.
Games are supposed to challenge you physically and mentally.

ya i kno right, imagine feeling a sense of accomplishment. fuckin boomers bruh, fr fr no cap

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just wait until youre still here in 10 or 15 years, and everyone posting is way younger than you and you hate everything about all the things they say and do.
remember this post, and then kill yourself.

The neckbearded idiots that still hang around after they kick everyone out aren't your friends, in fact, they're some of the most unpleasant people in the world. I'd much rather talk to thousands of normal people than have to deal with being labeled autistic and far-right and have to be stuck with faggots on here.


>PS3 will be on top
He really knew everything. Been meaning to buy a fat ps3

No, I definitely want to gatekeep and I'd be much happier posting here with 20 other anons that aren't retarded underaged shitstains reposting twitter screencaps and defending modern bullshit like microtransactions and gachashit.

By then hopefully I will have gotten a life unlike shitlennials for whom the baby boomers were right about all along.

>feeling a sense of accomplishment from a video game

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I'm the same age as moot and I've been here since 2006.

Your crusty vagina is not an "accomplishment". Beating Ninja Gaiden is.

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or he could just stay in the timeline he saved

Im glad nintendo makes the only real games nowadays.
>well designed
>High skill ceiling and a low skill floor enough for little timmy to beat
>Non pretentious and just gives you a good time
>Great music
>Non ugly characters like Crash
>Focus on level design first and foremost
Anyone with an educated brain knows how well they make games while the west shits out over the shoulder story games. Even Reddit Ring fails in comparison to Kirby and the Forgotten Land. Nintendo is in another tier (the do still make stinkers like mario golf however)

>feeling a sense of accomplishment from atoms

>aCtUaL aI!!!!!!!
Ah yes, the midwits of yesteryear truly thought this would be the next frontier of gaming.

>look at what they're trying to do to comic books, but it won't work.

I'd rather it die than have it overrun by faggots that don't know what they're doing.

>top cut off image
>reply post number censored with "XXX"
what is this steaming trash
kill yourself you faggot

the XXX was to stop dubs/trips posting you fucking newfag

Fucking newfag

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He was wrong though...

I've been on Yea Forums for 20 years you stupid faggot

Leave and never come back.

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There's still time to delete your post.

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hello newfags

>I-I was merely pretending XD

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good fucking bait. 10 out of fucking 10

oh yeah I forgot this shitty board did something like that
I wouldn't know cause I'm not a filthy CROSSBOARDER

hello newfag, fitting in yet?

On the one hand, e3 has been cancelled, so theres gonna be a lot less corporate garbage this year surrounding games. On the other, there will be no e3 collage, or week of shitposting here.
I'm not sure if i'm happy or not about this turn of events - i probably should be, because the chances of there being actual good games was almost nonexistent

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>Beating Ninja Gaiden is.
No its not. Its a cheap dopamine fix from disposable entertainment. You didn't do anything, you didn't accomplish anything. You played a video game.

Games have always been like that. Mode 7 in Snes games was very impressive at the time and felt like 3d.

>all that seethe, and it turns out to be someone mad that people made fun of the PS3

What is this even trying to imply

>it won't work on comic books

if you really feel this way about the medium, why the fuck are you arguing about the worthlessness of playing on a video games board, you stupid faggot?

Wrong. I accomplished something that maybe 50 other humans on the entire planet have done without cheating. Anyone can sleep with a cheap whore. Anyone can impregnate and abandon a kid. But the latter is somehow more "impressive"? More "fulfilling"? Give me a break.

holy shit this loser autist actually fucking thinks this

I'm arguing about the worthlessness of seeing the medium for anything other than what it is

if no one on the planet considers what you "accomplished" important, it isn't important.
sorry, you were born into a social species, not a robot. your pathetic aversion to life and fear of eye contact has won you no acclaim

>I accomplished something that maybe 50 other humans on the entire planet have done without cheating
And what do you have to show for it? What did you earn, what did you gain? You sat in front of a television for hours on end. The reason so few people accomplished this is because they realized that would be retarded.
>Anyone can impregnate and abandon a kid. But the latter is somehow more "impressive"? More "fulfilling"? Give me a break.
What the fuck are talking about, who said any of this?

>if no one sees it or validates me, it doesnt matter what i do!
this is your brain on social media. i hope you livestream your suicide, i'm sure it'll get a lot of likes and shares, you fucking automaton

Those aren't humans those are sheep. Why should I care what sheep think?

>anyone can have sex
anyone but you apparently

this is your brain as a human being, you sad little autist. has nothing to do with "social media". it's always been this way. you're an abortion of your genetic heritage. you chose to do something stupid, trivial, and meaningless with your life, and now your line ends.

>having to strawman this hard to convince yourself wasting hours and hours playing a retarded video game is an accomplishment
Wew lad

Like I said, anyone. I could call up any random cheap whore tomorrow. Sex really isn't the holy grail you faggots (women) prop it up to be.

why do people paint pictures they never intend to sell or show to anyone?

user, you're the sheep. you literally dedicated your life to an entertainment challenge created by another human to earn money. and you think this is somehow worthy or admirable. you're a failed human. i'm sorry your ego wants to try and shield itself from this reality but you basically chose the laziest, shittiest, most childish path available to you in life. the fact that you think you should be lauded for never growing up is particularly depressing.

>you chose to do something stupid, trivial, and meaningless with your life, and now your line ends.
like argue about how pointless video games are ON A FUCKING VIDEO GAME BOARD?

nothing ever changes really

>at Warhammer's doorstep
The hour is later than you think...

Well, he's wrong about comic as they completely taken over the market and already crash it with no survivor, he's not wrong about the rest, good one.

I am grown up. That's why I'm not obsessed with sex like you fucking forever teenage faggots.

nobody said what you were allowed to do with your free time. don't spaz out with another strawman because you're trying to reduce every argument to the absurd to cope.
what you DID just admit to doing was choosing winning ninja gaiden over marrying and having children, though. that makes you a failed human whether you can tolerate it or not.

I'm 40 and have 3 grandkids user. Your genetic line ends with you. The funerary service that buries you in your state-supplied grave will not remember your ninja gaiden trophy.

He was able to predict it because gamers have been "graphics whores" since the 80s. Why do you think we immediately stopped playing games that looked like Asteroids once other options were available?

He said the dev prioritize graphic instead of game play is bad which is very spot on, user.

yeah for shitty mediums like movies and books.

No, I chose Ninja Gaiden over going to bars and sleeping with a billion whores like ipeople seem to claim is the "chad" thing to do. Maybe someday I will get married to the right person. But it won't be you and your crusty ass neovagina.
>Yea Forums
Hahaha doubt.

>read any 1980s computer magazine
>review of c64 game
>"the graphics are amazing and light years beyond the zx spectrum"

nigga, i've never even played ninja gaiden. you're talking to more than one person, this is an image board full of people from around the world. i'm done here, enjoy your pointless shit flinging with the rest of the thread - i have work in the morning.

>hurr durr u no reply right person
then don't fucking inject yourself into my conversation you simpleton. i was clearly replying to the idiot whining about his ninja gaiden trophy, if you chose to take up his cause and defend him with a (You) then you don't get to piss and shit yourself that you were rolled up together in his failings.

He's completely correct.