Why is this weapon so hated?

Why is this weapon so hated?

Attached: moonveil[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F76tnpk.mp3].jpg (581x508, 23.53K)

because gay kids dont know how to roll

Rivers of Blood is hated

Moonveil is mocked

It's boring as a regular weapon and it's special doesn't even work in mid game

I wanna go back

At least Rivers of Blood is found end game. It makes no fucking sense for Moonveil to be accessible so early, it should be locked away next to Lusat or something, so at least you would have had to reach Azur in Volcano manor.

eh, not the first time an endgame weapon was in the beginning of a Souls game
>crescent falchion

it's good

It's just the "drake sword" of Elden Ring.

Attached: drake-sword[1].png (512x512, 32.85K)

I really like this song

Fast draw, long range, High as fuck damage.
Very spammable.
These have made it an overly meta weapon and there's no real reason why a dex/int user would use anything different.
Literally hundreds of other weapons to choose from but it's an obvious best in slot for a good chunk of the pvp sphere.
The only change I'd make is if they made it into a finisher style move/Iai strike kind of thing with a much longer recovery to punish spamming it but still make for a cool way to end a fight

Anti Asian bigots

People can have their friends drop them one right at the start of the game.

Now the REAL question is why the fuck are we allowed to drop weapons, armor and ashes of war for anyone?

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Damn, having friends really is easy mode...

No. It's substantially better. Drake Sword falls off and sucks cock in pvp. Moonveil never falls off ever and is really good in pvp (mainly ganks not great in duels.)

You can also just make a trade on Reddit or something. I know...
But Patches Emporeum sub is useful for muling characters for easy build crafting, or for fags who want to cheese the game and ruin their firs tplaythrough

Gank squads are first class citizens.

STRchuds are mad whenever we get anything cool. Moonveil isn't even *that* good ever since they nerfed the poise damage.

STRfriends get the blasphemous blade, the golden order greatsword, the grafted sword, Godfrey's axe, Maliketh's blade and all sorts of cool shit

lmao even
learn 2 dodge transcient moonlight shitter

I was annoyed on my dex run way before people knew what RoB was that I found this amazing sword at the end of the game.

But then I got moonveil early in my INT run and then proceeded to get bored before I was halfway through the game. But it traps you because it's so much more powerful than your spells and other weapons, so swapping out is to literally handicap yourself, like you just removed a dozen levels.

So you can't swap. You have to keep using it with spells as secondary. Forever.

So yeah maybe put it somewhere late like with RoB.

>INT and FTH weapons that just require high STR.

You think to wield it to be a side arm to your spellcasting.
What happened is that your spellcasting ends up being your side arm to Moonveil.

>>But then I got moonveil early in my INT run and then proceeded to get bored before I was halfway through the game. But it traps you because it's so much more powerful than your spells and other weapons, so swapping out is to literally handicap yourself, like you just removed a dozen levels.
>So you can't swap. You have to keep using it with spells as secondary. Forever.
Fucking this. on my first run i made an Int/dex build because I hadn't done that on a from game. Turns out the moonveil has such retarded damage scaling that even better weapons like the bastard's stars and the wing of astel fall behind it, so you're just trapped into a endless cycle of using the same weapon, not to mention pre patch this shit could stance break bosses in 2 hits.

Fuck off, as a mage I'm very grateful moonveil exists and is accessible as soon as it is.

the only people bothered by it are PVPfags.

Damn OP, it has been YEARS without hearing this song.

>cool way to end a fight
Best way to use Ia R2. Use it like a regular weapon then catch someone off guard. If everyone in PVP is using quick kill bleed and frostbite or cheeze insta hit lightning then I'm gonna use Moonveil

I'm a pvpfag and im not bothered by Moonveil.

t. I use Rivers of Blood.
Why would I be bothered by inferior INT fags? they have never dominated the pvp even once in any game. DEX is always king.

dont know dont care shut the fuck up nigger

>not great in duels
It's fantastic in duels so long as you don't blow your load to early

What's wrong with pvp? And good luck dodging 2 or more moonveils at once consistently, stupid kike. It's a pain in the ass. You're also dogshit if you can't make it work in duels, it's just not OP there.

I meant it's not OP in duels like it is when you're getting ganked. Even then, RoB is worse in ganks.

It's always so surprising to hear sound even though I know I have the extension lmao

Carian Retaliation with a +20 shield.
Won an invasion a few hours back against a 3v1 because the mage supplied me with the tools to kill his host.

desu I think the main issue pvp has is that there are two few viable options making each encounter pretty damn stale.
Keep the PVE values if people want it but gear like the moonveil, RoB, Fingerprint shield, aswell as status effects in general need to be brought in line with the rest of the games arsenal.
I farmed 10 mill souls solo vs invaders with a pure fire/lightning rapier build and you just get tired of seeing the same cookie cutter builds over and over.
You can figure out counters to them and make less mistakes, but seeing your opponent spam L2 at you over and over doesn't make for a fun or interesting fight

>I farmed 10 mill souls solo vs invaders with a pure fire/lightning rapier build
That's Quality with extra steps.

wing of astel has better damage against large enemies if you can consistently hit all of the hits on it's WA

By fire/lightning I meant as a caster/spellsword build. Stat wise it's pure faith

>want to do INT build
>Find Moonveil early on
>literally all spells are invalidated by it
This shit has a lot of range, does 1000+ damage per weapon art swing, has almost no recovery, stance breaks constantly and takes very little FP. Why the fuck would I use any magic spell when it's more efficient to press L2 and kill everything before they can react?

What are some comfy level ranges for low level pvp/coop?

Pretty much, I spent all last night playing PVP and it was pretty much slightly different variations of
>Heavy rapier
>Long Katana
>Lightning strike
>Rivers of Blood
>Quick bleed
There were a few psychos with some magnificent gank builds like an asshole that spammed a bunch of screen obscuring spells . also a few fags that used the end multiplayer item the moment you don't play the way they want you to

>moonveil for short range
>glintstone pebble from beginning to end for mid-long range
>azur comet for when you want to skip a boss
yep, it's INT time

Adula's Moonblade if you learn how to sweetspot it is stronger
Comet Azur is stronger with the infinite mana tear
Bow spell snipes enemies from massive range with no danger

>Rivers of Blood
I beat the game when this weapon was still dogshit, a damn shame.

I don't get it either tc. The weapon felt incredibly underwhelming after everyone bitched about it. Ended up dropping the piece of mediocrity for something more fun.

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After playing like 80% of the game before switching to Moonviel it's good but is weak against long range attackers and people who know what they're doing. I like that it's strong but not complete horse shit like RoB is

Fun fact for asshole builds

Nightmaiden Mist consistently tanks the FPS of anything but the highest end PC's when used
it's annoying to go from 60fps to 40fps for example

however for people who have shitty pc's you can actively tank their FPS sub-30 by spamming it

End multiplayer item? You can just simply send phantoms away if you don't want to pvp invaders?

Dual bleed twinblades with seppuku on each one and the appropriate talismans is absolutely broken. I can solo Malenia in a 3 person coop with my build

Just the regular twinblades? Anyway I might try that just for fun, though I'll obviously have to wait until ng+. Or would one of the other ones work fine as a sub in?

>TFW I have a higher end PC
I might keep this in my back pocket for some REAL faggots

kek, amazing, nothing like killing their FPS than them

I like madness sniper
stay hidden, learn the terrain and just blast the host from range
if you get 1 hit in they're dead unless their butt buddies close the distance to you before their HP runs out

remember to combine it with other spells that cause particle effects like the breath weapons

The Finger Sever. I've had at least three dudes challenge me then use it the moment I don't fight them how they want me to fight them. I had another one jump off the side of the Academy gates too

Ah my first character is a Flame Godskin Rapier nerd, shreds people with the right incantation buff combo.
I am 165 hours in, I need to finish it still

>tfw RoB has taken all the attention from Moonveil to the point where it's guaranteed to be nerfed while Moonveil remains as OP as ever
Feels good that Bleedkeks will bend the knee to INTchads soon.

Dual Godskin peelers, any twinblades will work really, just slight range difference between them I think and fashion.
I'm rocking the Godskin Peelers because it requires more strength, and I love using the Lion Greatbow during Malenia coops and chain stunning her the entire fight.

>Magic sword made of glintstone with an ability tied to moonlight magic, a rare and exceptional type of sorcery with its own conspectus in Raya Lucaria, a dexterity and intelligence based katana
>Found underground away from all moonlight
>On the other side of the continent to Raya Lucaria
>In a mine containing no glintstone
>Carried by a mindless brutish dragon
>Who wields a completely different sword

Yeah, I remember I had one guy try that on me but it didn't do squat

While it's funny to use on gankers, for fucks sake stop doing doing it while i'm mid *casual greeting* expecting a duel. I'll just fucking dc

There is 0 chance bleed stays the way it is right now.
Every souls game starts with bleed being OP only for it to get nerfed to the ground later.

they can only use that if you're summoned through a duelist sign, if they use that on an invader it does nothing other than send their friends home

So the finger sever doesn't work for invaders right? Just for summon duels?
Thought I'd ask in case there was some weird scaling thing I didn't know about.

Probably a nod to the orochi myth. A moon katana slayed a dragon.

Everyone I've invaded ever has it.

>It's a challenger spends your entire greeting chugging buffs episode
>It's a challenger just bum rushes you episode
>It's a challenger hides in the bushes episode
>It's a challenger stands reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeal close to your spawn episode
>It's a challenger tries in vain to gank episode
I'm half convinced to stop greeting people and just go at them

look if I'm being summoned through finger invasion I'm breaking out the sniper ASAP
9 out of 10 times someone bowing is just luring you into a trap or else a faggot who uses a rune, uses up all his flasks to heal and expects you to play fair when at a severe disadvantage

you want a fair fight? summon me through a duelist sign

It's basically what all the oldfags wish MLGS was.
It's perfectly viable, if not outright pretty powerful. MLGS is usually pretty dogshit.

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>they can only use that if you're summoned through a duelist sign
Which they did which is some massive faggotry especially since they summoned ME

>It's a challenger spends your entire greeting chugging buffs episode

don't forget the

>disconnects when you law of regression their buffs

>Drake Sword falls off
Ill never get this meme? Do people count NG+ as something that relates to this? Alot of stuff "falls off" then. I beat the game with the starting battle axe my first time and it wasn't an issue at all. Drake Sword does better damage then that. Nothing in DaS1 is hard enough to say anything "falls off" on NG.

How high of a damage output would a Night and Flame sword give with 40 FTH 40 INT? I like the idea of doing FTH INT build but I would also like to do decent damage.

As long as arcane builds are still usable it doesn't matter.

It really shouldn't be at this point, post-nerf it's predictable, not excessively punishing and if you get hit it's your fault.

Also, tell me your ranking for seals, shields, spells, incantations and ashes of war because I'm gonna add them to this soon.

Attached: updated tier list.png (9359x2014, 1.59M)

Personally I never liked the heavy rapiers, I'm using the Cleanrot Knight sword. I believe it's the longest of the normal thrusting swords besides the estoc but has a normal rapier move set.
Naturally with flaming strike

There is nothing as satisfying as invading some people trying to trade items and stealing their trade while they're staring at menus

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Moonveil falls off hardcore in mid to late game.

It's the ultimate noob weapon. All the clickbait articles and videos called it the best weapon in the game early on, but they came out before ARC was buffed, so now people still think Moonveil is the best weapon early game, when bleed katanas completely shit on it early game and Rivers of Blood makes it look like a low tier weapon late game.

your starting battle axe at max upgrade is better than the drake sword at max upgrade
not to mention that getting dragon scales to upgrade the sword is a bitch

Does it? It's got B scaling in both Dex and Int. Sure at 50/50 it mogs a lot of weapons.

>Invade outside Eldentree
>Somehow spawn inside the Radagon arena and kill the three players in the middle of their boss battle


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