Is it because you're bad at them? Don't worry, everyone is bad to begin with. Getting good is part of the fun!
Why don't you play fighting games?
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I have old man fingers.
yea i totally believe an iroha poster plays fighting games
I also have old man fingers.
>enjoy playing fightan casually even if I suck shit
>move out to the boonies
>internet's too shit for playing online and no locals anywhere
SamSho 7 deserved so much fucking better.
Why didn't SNK figure out rollback just a little earlier? SamSho Team DLC in XV is a bandaid at best, I prefer SamSho gameplay to KOF and always have.
I could have sworn this thread already existed
>pre-Sharia dress code
Let's fix that.
Jokes on you, women with curves so large that conservative clothing can't hide the silhouette gets me harder than nudity or lingerie.
Soul Calibur VI suffered a similar fate. Best entry since II completely sabotaged by awful online.
>he thinks the guy who goes to comiket every year is going to force retard shit upon snk.
If anything he's going to make snk the only nip company not fall victim to both american bull shit or chinese bull shit.
Why must I love sexy girls so much?
Im not black.
Nobody to play them with.
lol no.
SNK is Spicsville though
the better you get the more you realize how bad they are
My execution skills are not good enough. I have hundreds of hours in fighting games and have not reached basic competency in any of them.
Don't like to get bodied by people that treat the game as an academic project.
I don't have the dedication, will or desire to get passed the button mashing stage and normally get bored and stop playing before I amount to learning the most basic of combos
they're boring
people who git gud at fighting games seem to only play fighting games or almost exclusively play fighting games
i think fighting games are cool but i don't want to practice them every day
i dont like pvp in general
I love fighting games but haven't been playing them recently because they demand I be at my best to do even remotely well and I've been sleeping like shit lately. If I'm not sleepy then I can go fry my neurons on ranked for a bit just to not drop off gold in SFV, if I'm even slightly tired that'll be at least 500 lp down the drain.
Do you mean you have arthritis, or that you have those huge tree trunk fingers old men get? My gramps was a carpenter and he could probably plug a gatorade bottle with his thumb.
I play fighting games but the moment I get off +R I realize I have essentially no fundamentals, and I tend to fall into a flowchart of decision-making instead of thinking about things more analytically.
Maybe that's why I'm hooked on League rn, cause in that game you can do the same shit every match, but just do the same shit better than your opponents. And you'll win because of it. Lol.
Also I guess memorizing what every character does in that game is easier for me because it doesn't involve frame data -- I'm fucking awful at remembering that kind of thing for fighting games.
I'm so in the mood to play SamSho again but not until I get the rest of the DLC characters and it's expensive as fuck buying them all
Literally every game has flowchart characters. You never have to learn fundamentals if you don't want to.
Also getting motivated to play fighting games when none of my friends want to learn the games with me is hard. With League, it feels better for some reason learning it solo.
>Is it because you're bad at them?
>Getting good is part of the fun!
they've got nothing appealing enough to them to be worth getting good at
>he can't flowchart people to death in a fucking airdasher kusoge
yeah user I think it's time you gave up
I think he means he can't play any game besides +R
>people play fighting games but never enjoy the actual fight of going 1v1
why is this so common, the entire deal is that the rush you get through the duel is better than any other game adrenaline wise, its really simple
if you just like to win then you don't like the rush, but don't ever complain that winning in a shitty easy game feels unsatisfying, you need the rush for that
nonono user I'm saying I CAN flowchart people to death in an airdasher kusoge
I can't in other games
cause I'm shit
Are online fighting games finally fucking ending? It's been 2 years I'm so fucking sick of it I just want to watch tournaments that mean something again ahhhhh
Because most fighters have clown controls, and those that don't have clown mechanics or 0 playerbase.
It's okay user. I love fighting games and I almost always gravitate towards the "big slow buttons that shit damage if I catch you doing shit you shouldn't" character and making some hard-ass reads. Live or die, I have fun.
Because fighting games fucking suck now and nobody wants to play old ones unless they're Street Fighter.
The FGC is also nothing but hypebeasts and Twitch faggots.
too expensive
no game with enough players
still shit netcode
I dont like tranime fighting
tekken 8 better have good netcode
other genres suck far more than fighting games if you take them in comparison to their old shit
If it were for me I would be still playing RTS and FPS but every single one that comes out these days is shit, and the only RPGs worthwhile to play nowadays are old roguelikes
I finally realized that I can never get into fighting games because the core mechanics are just copied from rythym games. yeah there's mind games and footsies and shit but at the end of the day if you want to do any damage you have to play fucking elite beat agents with your joystick. if I wanted to push buttons in order with precise timing I wouldn't have quit piano lessons when I was 12.
spending hours just to get past the skill floor is not fun
People are playing the old ones though. I always get stomped whenever I play AC+R and early KOFs.
I know Strive is extremely scrubby and for shit casuals but it's easily the most fun I've ever had in a fighting game. Gatling system is way, WAY better than linking in SF (even ez-mode SFV) because labbing and manipulating combos feels easier and more intuitive. Roman cancels are a lot of fun, and again, intuitive. Haven't improved at fighting games at such a dramatic pace before; Not really sure what the differences are between Strive and other FGs but spacing, meter management, damage conversions, etc. are all drastically better than when I played SFV and SS7. Also helps that Strive has kept characters and systems simple; I don't need to memorize every character's 6-button moveset, 2 v-skills, and 2 v-triggers.
Presentation is also top notch. Sound design, soundtrack are both excellent. COUNTER can be obtrusive but is great for hit confirming especially with the massive text, slow-down, and slowing the music. Add to the fact then if you finish a round with a special move, the voice line changes to match the dramatic finish. It's great. Makes me glad I got into fighting games.
just mash, combos come out anyway, I literally mash special into super everytime and it comes everytime flawlessly
its some sort of.. controlled mashing
There are characters and entire games that don't rely on long combos or any combos at all, and you can easily win with unoptimal Day 1 combos if you have better fundamentals than your opponent since you'll hit him more than he hits you.
>Gatling system is way, WAY better than linking in SF (even ez-mode SFV) because labbing and manipulating combos feels easier and more intuitive
SF is basically the only game that focuses on links as its primary combo system, and it's clear from later seasons and Luke's overall design that they're putting much larger emphasis on cancels, target combos, and juggles in terms of combos in 6.
My biggest improvement was when I played KoF2002um and DBFZ, I still think SFV is the most solid time-skill ratio, I literally mash in guilty but there are so many newfriends in it that I feel comfortable playing it
I played SFV and Strive with friends today.
because Granblue is dead and DNF isn't out yet
Dawg just play Dhalsim
They stopped being fun when stopped having unlockable characters.
DNF will be dead in a month after it's release.
It's gonna be a really fucking fun month, and the netcode in the beta was really damn good so the larger Asian playerbase will be playable from the States.
I realy want to like and play KoF15. But Im having trouble with doing quartcircle-halfcircle-halfcirclemotions. And every combo thats not just standing still and pressing LP-LP-LP-LP seems to need it.
Atleast in Tekken/SoulCalibur/DoA I can do other inputs for combos.
I should check out the final patch some. Abigail didn't get much but Alex looks like he's buffed to fuck, and Gill looks so fun I might actually pay for him.
because I want to play a game with my friends, not against them.
I do play fighting games, I'm bad at them but going to locals is fun. I do not play that specific fighting game because it took forever to come to Steam and they have the audacity to charge an arm and a leg for a game that is dead and runs like shit online. It's cheaper and more satisfying to jerk off to Samsho SFM than to actually play it.
my hands are retarded and I can't do motion inputs. I don't even know what the fuck most of them are, what the fuck is a pretzel motion. I'll sit in training for hours and I won't be able to figure out why my stick spin spam sometimes throws out a move and sometimes makes my character crouch over and over again like they're a practicing contender for this year's twerk olympics. I don't care if its a dumb babby game I'd rather just play smash and spam charge attacks at least I'm not going to sit there jumping up and down repeatedly as if I've got a jackhammer in my ass because I can't do the fucking circular motions for shit
You can buffer those cquarter circle to half-circle moves by getting the command normal and then using the button trick for KOFXV.
You know she poops from there, right?
KoF 15 has weird buffering, shit that i usually pulled out in 02 doesn't come out consistently, not sure if it's better in a joystick.
What I hate about SFV is that it rewards so little execution, if you feel a little tired you can drop a lot in skills in SFV compared to other fighting games, the combo scaling drop off is such a bad thing in SFV, its really bad, the throw damage... I feel the game that rewards execution the most is KoF followed by DBFZ in setplay characters
I've only really played Blazblue and GGST. I kind of want to try SFV and Samurai Shodown cause some of the characters make me hard
Every now and then I get the urge to git gud at fighting games and practise my combos for a few days before just losing interest later once I realize I don't have the reaction time to actually do any of it in a real game
I started playing fighting games with SF4 as a kid, to this day I cannot play charge characters well. I get how they function, i get what i'm meant to do, but I can never do it. I try the counting to 3 trick, i've tried holding down back as guile or walking forward but no matter what I cannot play charge characters. It drives me insane, It's like 20% of every fighting game is locked to me.
>Outside of the KoF series, the only other snk fighter people play is mark of the wolves on fightcade
you don't need reaction time, you need experience to instinctively know that some shit is going to happen every time